Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon April 20, 2022 COCC Salmon Bake at Madras Campus The Central Oregon Commu- nity College First Nations Student Union will host the 2022 Salmon Bake in May at the COCC Ma- dras Campus. This is part of the Ten Year Anniversary of the cam- pus opening. The salmon back will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 14 at the Madras Campus, free and open to the public. For more infor mation contact Michelle Cary at mcary@cocc.edu Or call her at 541-318-3782. Michelle is the director of the COCC Native American Pro- gram. The salmon bake is tradition- ally prepared, co-presented with the tribes by the First Nations Stu- dent Union. There will also be a silent auction to benefit the First Nations Scholarship Fund, to- gether with dancing, drumming and vendors. The doors to COCC’s Madras campus opened in fall term of 2011, with construction supported by a voter-backed bond, together Courtesy COCC The Salmon Bake will be at the COCC Madras Campus with generous land donations from the Madras-based Bean Founda- tion. The Prineville Campus opened at the same time as the Madras COCC Campus. They have grown into essential learning hubs in the region, pro- viding access, enrichment and a range of offerings and resources, with hometown class options, com- puter labs, meeting spaces and an adult basic skills program. In advance of college events, persons needing accommodation or transportation because of a physical or mobility disability should contact Caitlyn Gardner at 541- 383-7237. For accommodation because of other disability, such as hearing impairment, contact dis- ability services at 541-383-7583. Page 5