Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 20, 2022, Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo April 20, 2022
Letters to the editor
Warm Springs 1910 Shaker Church update
Welcome Day
The Warm Springs Acad-
emy is hosting the Kinder-
garten Welcome Day on
Wednesday, May 18. Fami-
lies will need to bring birth
certificates and immuniza-
tion records.
For information contact
Heilan Gonzalez at
Or call 541 553-1128
ext. 6001.
April at Council
Monday, April 25
9 a.m.: Water treatment
plant update.
11: Covid-19 update with
the Team.
Tuesday and Wednes-
day, April 26-27: Open
Draft resolutions and or-
dinances, including attach-
ments or exhibits, are due
by the first Friday of each
month by 5 p.m. Email
For youth
Applications are open for
2022 Heart of Oregon
Corps. This is for youth 16-
to 24-year-olds in Warm
Springs and Central Oregon.
After two years of re-
duced capacity in their pro-
grams due to Covid-19,
Heart of Oregon Corps is
resuming operating at full,
offering 200 job opportuni-
ties for local teens and young
adults this summer.
Opportunities are offered
in the following locations
throughout Central Oregon:
Warm Springs, Madras,
Bend, Sisters, Redmond,
Prineville, and Crescent.
Youth in all programs will
gain work experience, lead-
ership skills, and guided pro-
fessional development, all
while earning money and
making friends.
Heart of Corpss six pro-
grams include Central Or-
egon Youth Conservation
Corps, AmeriCorps, Stew-
ardship, Camp Lead, the
Heart of Oregon Thrift
Store, and YouthBuild.
Collectively, these pro-
grams are hiring for 150
positions, and the Corps cur-
rently has 50 program par-
ticipants who will continue
in their current roles
throughout the summer.
Job opportunities and
national service experience
includes the following:
Working on public lands
conservation projects, re-
ducing wildfire fuels, build-
ing affordable housing, serv-
ing in childcare and youth
programs, litter and recy-
cling crew, and running a
thrift store.
See the website:
And if you are not sure
what program is best suited
for you give the Corps a call
at 541-633-7834.
Senior lunches
The following are the
menu items for the Senior
Lunches for the rest of April.
This Friday, April 22:
Creamy vegetable soup and
a dinner role.
April 25: Bacon jack
chicken sandwich, vegetable
chips and canned fruit.
Wednesday, April 27:
Salisbury steaks, mashed po-
tatoes and mixed vegetables.
Friday, April 29: Grilled
chicken, pasta salad, cauli-
flower and broccoli.
Power Lunch
The Fitness Class for this
Thursday, April 21 is the
Power Lunch Hour. It’s
strength training, high-inten-
sity interval training and
cardio. Class is at the old el-
ementary school gym. Power
lunch is also offered on
Scheduling at
the IHS clinic
At the Warm Springs In-
dian Health Service clinic
there are two ways to sched-
ule a medical visit.
You can call first thing in
the morning for a same day
Or you can schedule a fu-
ture appointment up to two
weeks in advance. Call 541-
553-2610 to schedule. Both
telephone and in-person vis-
its are available.
Rezfest 2022
Rezfest 2022 is coming
up in Warm Springs on Sat-
urday, May 7. The show will
feature Damage Overdose,
of Warm Springs; Guard-
ians from Arizona; and Bad
Omen of Seattle.
More performances will
be by Blue Flamez of Warm
Springs; and Eagle Thunder,
also of Warm Springs. More
will be announced.
Damage Overdose is cel-
ebrating its Twenty-Fifth
All ages are welcome. The
doors open at 6 p.m. Tick-
ets are $10, available
Or through Damage
Overdose, or Chuck
Spilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our of-
fices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521
E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00
To the Communtiy,
I am the Minister of
the Warm Springs 1910
Shaker Church. I am
here to inform the com-
munity of the Shaker
One. The 1910
Church is not a con-
demned building, or
Two. Like many other
buildings, the 1910 has
asbestos on the ceiling.
Three. Also like other
buildings, there is lead in
the paint.
Four. Back in 2019
the Shaker Church had
no electricity.
In 2020, tribal Utili-
ties, certified electri-
cians and Pacific Power
all came together and
restored all the wiring
and all electrical circuits,
the power transformer
outside, and power
Then in 2020-21,
Emergency Manage-
ment and Utilities said we
Hudson. Concessions will
be available, and donations
are welcome. Come celebrate
with meal, hip hop and pow-
wow drum.
Name Givings will be
at 9 a.m. on Saturday,
May 7 at the Simnasho
The mor ning begins
with one Seven of
Washut, Name Givings
t o f o l l o w. R e c e i v i n g
Joletta Begay.
Atcitty Begay.
Rowena Begay, daugh-
ter of Atcitty.
Lunch to follow. All
are welcome. More infor-
mation contact the Fam-
ily at 541-460-0512.
You can get a Covid-19
home test kit, if needed, at
Emergency Management on
workdays, and at Fire Safety
on campus and at Simnasho
at the fire hall, after hours
and on the weekend.
The Warm Springs 1910 Shaker Church, awaiting repairs.
have asbestos on the ceil-
ings in the kitchen, pantry
room, and in the main
church area; and we closed
the church.
Now everyone knows
why the 1910 Shaker
Church is closed. I was at a
business meeting with the
1910 State Board and the
They wanted to know
what was happening with the
Warm Springs 1910 Shaker
The 1910 State Board
said to go and close up the
Shaker Church until we
could find the funding and
programs to fix and remodel
all of the 1910 Shaker
Now, I will share
when I get more infor-
mation on when the re-
pairs start, and we will
need help with prayers
for our church. I thank
you all for your time and
Sincerely, The Warm
Springs 1910 Minis-
ter Josie Williams.
Madras High
ning of the second semes-
ter, once the official tran-
scripts of the first semester
are submitted to the board
secretary. It is the winner’s
responsibility to notify 509-
J when second semester fees
are due.
The Jefferson County
School Disrtict board of di-
rectors will award a scholar-
ship, or a variety of schol-
arships, up to the total of
$3,000 for Madras High
School graduates of the
Class of 2022.
Two board members
were appointed to the Prom-
ise Scholarship Committee
to review applications, select
the top candidates, and
award the finalists on behalf
of the collective board of
directors. A report of the
application process and the
scholarship winners will be
presented at a future board
Applications are open to
509-J students graduating
with the Class of 2022. The
deadline is May 13.
The awards will be an-
nounced in June at the high
school scholarship ceremony.
The scholarships are paid
directly to the institution of
higher learning at the begin-
From VOCS during Awareness Month
April 2022 is Sexual
Assault Awareness Month.
In honor and recognition,
Tanya and Michele at Warm
Springs Victims of Crime
Services would like to share
these statistics regaridng the
crime and incidence of
sexual assault.
One in five women in
the U.S. experienced com-
pleted or attempted rape
during their lifetime.
Nationwide, 81 percent
of women and 43 percent
of men reported experienc-
ing some form of sexual ha-
rassment or assault in their
About one in four male
victims of completed or
attempted rape first experi-
enced it between the ages
of 11 and 17.
Forty percent of rapes
and sexual assaults were re-
ported to police in a recent
year for which statistics are
available. However, only
about 25 percent were re-
ported to police.
Almost one in four un-
dergraduate women experi-
enced sexual assault or mis-
conduct at 33 of the
nation’s major universities.
Over half—52.4 per-
cent—of male victims re-
port being raped by an ac-
quaintance and 15.1 per-
cent by a stranger.
Nearly a quarter—
24.8—percent of men in
the U.S. experienced some
form of contact sexual vio-
lence in their lifetime.
One in three female vic-
tims of completed or at-
tempted rape experienced it
for the first time between
the ages of 11 and 17.
The prevalence of false
reporting for sexual assault
crimes is low—between 2
percent and 10 percent.
About half—51.1 per-
cent—of female victims of
rape reported being raped
by an intimate partner and
40.8 percent by an acquain-
Incidence in Indian
. The average annual
rate of rape and sexual as-
sault among American In-
dians is 3.5 times higher
than for all races.
At least 70 percent of
the violent victimization
experienced by American
Indians is committed by
persons not of the same
If you or anyone you
know has or is experiencing
any type of sexual assault or
abuse— whether it be on line
or in person—please call the
Warm Springs Police De-
partment at 541-553-1171,
and make a report or ask
for them to call the on call
You can reach the Warm
Sprinbs Victims of Crime
Office at 541-553-2293.