Page 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs All proceedings are held at the CTWS Tribal Court. WILLIAM MOODY, Peti- tioner, vs ELICIA HICKS, Re- spondent; Case No. DO138-21. TO: WILLIAM MOODY, ELICIA HICKS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 3 RD day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:30 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs OLEA YAHTIN, Respondent; Case No. JV24-19. TO: OLEA YAHTIN, TEVOR TEWEE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 1 ST day of MARCH 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs RANDY ZARATE, Respondent; Case No. JV59,60-17. TO: RANDY ZARATE, LATONNA SMITH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 1 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CYNTHIA ISADORE, Respon- dent; Case No. JV80,81-09. TO: CYNTHIA ISADORE, CARL IYAKITAN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 3 RD day of MARCH 2022 @ 9:00 AM CHEYENNE WAHNETAH, Petitioner, vs MORRIS JOHNSON, Respondent; Case No. DO100-21. TO: CHEYENNE WAHNETAH, MORRIS JOHNSON: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 3 RD day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MICAH DAVID, Respondent; Case No. JV140-05. TO: MICAH DAVID, ORRAH DAVID, ELBROSIA EGUIZABAL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs VIR- GINIA McKINLEY, Respondent; Case No. JV80,81-09. TO: VIR- GINIA McKINLEY, ANDREW SMITH SR, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW / PROBATION REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of MARCH 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MARISSA KALAMA, Respon- dent; Case No. JV243-03. TO: MARISSA KALAMA, KEITH CHARLEY JR: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CHARLENE CHEE, Respon- dent; Case No. JV129-07, DO110- 09. TO: CHARLENE CHEE, REX ROBINSON ANGELES: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 9 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LUCILLE POLK, Respondent; Case No. JV15,16,17,18,19,20-21. TO: LUCILLE POLK, GLEN WHIZ JR, JV PROS, CPS, P&P: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW / PROBATION REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CASSIE MITCHELL-ALVARADO, Re- spondent; Case No. DO57-20. TO: QUENTIN JACKSON, MERCEDES MITCHELL- ALVARADO, CASSIE MITCHELL-ALVARADO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 15 TH day of MARCH 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ESTER LAWRENCE, Respondent; Case No. JV40-21. TO: ESTER LAWRENCE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 17 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ELLEN JACKSON, Respondent; Case No. JV3-19. TO: ELLEN JACKSON, ROBERT LUCEI: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP / SHOW CAUSE has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 17 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs FELICITY VANPELT, Respondent; Case No. JV35-21. TO: FELICITY VANPELT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 17 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MARILYN SUPPAH, Respondent; Case No. JV46-19, JV95-19. TO: MARILYN SUPPAH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 17 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JENNY VANPELT, Respondent; Case No. JV56-10. TO: JENNY VANPELT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a ASSISTANT GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 21 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM ASHLYN JOHNSON, Peti- tioner, vs TYRONE MEDRANO, Respondent; Case No.RO15-20. TO: ASHLYN JOHNSON, TYRONE MEDRANO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a RESTRAINING ORDER EX- TENSION has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 ND day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:30 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs BROOK WARNER, Respondent; Case No. JV59-10. TO: BROOK WARNER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs AM- ETHYST MAKI, Respondent; Case No. JV82-10. TO: AMETHYST MAKI, TIMOTHY MAXEY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a ASSISTANT GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 23 RD day of MARCH, 2022 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs EDITH WYENA, Respondent; Case No. JV77-17. TO: EDITH WYENA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CARI ANN TENORIO, Respondent; Case No. JV28-20. TO: CARI ANN TENORIO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 4 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CARI ANN TENORIO, Respondent; Case No. JV13-05, JV85-15. TO: CARI ANN TENORIO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 4 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 9:00A AM February 23, 2022 Covid-19 case demographics The incidence of Covid-19 among the tribal community has gone down significantly over the past weeks. There were 30 active cases in the community as of February 16, according to the latest data compiled by the Indian Health Service, Community Health and the Covid-19 Response Team. Of the 30 cases, 15 were among people who are unvaccinated; nine among the vaccinated, and six among those who have had the booster shot. Since the pandemic began a year ago, and since testing began in 2020, there have been 2,073 confirmed covid cases among the community, as of February 16. There have been 31 covid deaths since that date. JOHNNIE SMITH, Petitioner, vs MICHAEL L. BERRY, Respon- dent; Case No. DO7-22. TO: JOHNNE SMITH, MICHAEL L. BERRY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs EDITH WYENA, Respondent; Case No. DO102-08. TO: EDITH WYENA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs WILMA BAZA, Respondent; Case No. DO13-11. TO: WILMA BAZA, CALVIN WILLIAMS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CLARA GLEASON, Petitioner, vs OLIVIA GLEASON, Respon- dent; Case No.DO5-22. TO: CLARA GLEASON, OLIVIA GLEASON, SHADRACK MARTINEZ: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JAMESON MITCHELL, RESPONDENT; Case No. DO1-21. TO: MARY E. YOUNG, JAMESON MITCHELL, EMILY BROOKHY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 22 ND day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ANTIONETTE TALLBULL, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO101;102- 20. TO: ANTIONETTE TALLBULL, CIGANY SCOTT, CPS, JV PROSECUTION: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a JURISDICTIONAL HEAR- ING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 24 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM TRINA LUCEI, Petitioner, vs WAYLON WINISHUT, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO14-17. TO: WAYLON WINISHUT, TRINA LUCEI, ADRIEL PINEDA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a TERMINATION OF PAREN- TAL RIGHTS has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 30 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MALLORY GILBERT, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO88-19. TO: MALLORY GILBERT, EDNA WINISHUT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 24 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM ARLENE DAVID, Petitioner, vs STARLA GREENE, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO130-12. TO: ARLENE DAVID, STARLA GREENE, JAKE SCOTT, ROMA CARTNEY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 28 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM SHALEA ELLIS, Petitioner, vs JANAIYA ROWE, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO135-06. TO: JANAIYA ROWE, LANELLE ROWE, SHALEA & JESSE ELLIS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a GUARDIANSHIP MODIFI- CATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 ND day of MARCH, 2022 @ 4:00 PM FIDEL MENA CASTILLO, Pe- titioner, vs CANDICE SAHME, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV85;86- 10. TO: FIDEL MENA CASTILLO, CANDICE SAHME: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a MODIFICATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 28 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JENNY BIRD, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV08-09. TO: JENNY BIRD, ELIJAH CUNNINGHAM: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 30 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs NELLIA TANEWASHA, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV12-10; JV34-09.TO: NELLIE TANEWASHA, EDNA MCKINLEY, KURTIS BOISE SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 30 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM LESLEE HENDERSON, Peti- tioner, vs DONOVAN DAHL, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO162;163- 21. TO: LESLEE HENDERSON, DONOVAN DAHL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a NAME CHANGE HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 nd day of MARCH, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MANDY SWITZLER, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV25-13. TO: MARIA MACHIC-HOLLIDAY, MANDY SWITZLER, BENJAMIN HOLLIDAY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 28 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ANTONIA WAHSISE, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV59-09. TO: ANOTNIA WAHSISE, CASEY GRAHAM, STEPHANIE & JACOB MAY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 21 ST day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ROBIN WARNER, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV17-18. TO: ROBIN WARNER, TYRONE LAWRENCE, MALLORY & TOMMY GILBERT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 16 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LUTAH WALLULATUM, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV25-13. TO: RONNIE & BONNIE THOMAS, LUTAH WALLULATUM, EU- GENE WEWA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ASSISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 28 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CHARLYNNE SUPPAH, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV116;117;118-14, JV154-08. TO: CHARLYNNE SUPPAH, ULYSSES SUPPAH SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW & BENCH PROBATION REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 16 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 10:00 AM TIFFANY HUNT, Petitioner, vs EDWARD WEASELHEAD, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. RO36-21. TO: TIFFANY HUNT, EDWARD WEASELHEAD: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a RESTRAINING ORDER has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 15 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ASHLYNN SOHAPPY, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV176-08. TO: ASHLYNN SOHAPPY, GLORIA OROZCO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 30 TH day of MARCH, 2022 @ 4:00 PM LATISHA WAHENEKA, Peti- tioner, vs JESUS VAZQUEZ, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO115;116-20. TO: LATISHA WAHENEKA, JESUS VAZQUEZ: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a MODIFICATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of APRIL, 2022 @ 10:00 AM