Spilyay Tymoo Coyote News, est. 1976 Community update Warm Springs Indian Health Ser- vice is hosting a Covid-19 vaccine clinic—Protect Yourself. Protect Your Family. Protect Your Elders. This will be an after-hours covid vaccine event, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16 at the clinic. Everyone over the age of 5 is welcome. All three vaccines are available. You can receive your first dose, or second dose. The booster is available for those 12 and up. Please call 541-553-2131 to schedule. Remember to bring your vaccine card. Covid incidence The Warm Springs Covid-19 Re- sponse Team updated the covid in- cidence among the tribal commu- nity, as of February 4. On that date there were 92 people with active Covid-19; and 47 close contacts re- ceiving daily monitoring. On that date there were five com- munity members hospitalized with covid. Vaccinations IHS reminds the communtiy: If you have received two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines, or one dose of the J&J vaccine; and it has been at least five months since your last dose of Pfizer or Moderna, or two months since your last dose of J&J, you are eligible for a booster dose. If you are not boosted, or within six months of your vaccination se- ries, you will be asked to quaran- tine if you are exposed to someone with Covid-19. If you only received one dose of Moderna or Pfizer, please return to complete the vaccine series. You require the two doses to complete the series and for fuller protection. Call to make your vaccine ap- pointment at 541-553-2131. Ap- pointments are available Monday- Friday in the Community Health Clinic. For anyone currently in isolation due to covid, or are in quarantine, you need to wait until you are out of isolation or quarantine to make your vaccine appointment Being fully vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your family, and your community from covid illness. Data show that boosters help broaden and strengthen protection against the virus variants, including pervasive Omicron. Precautions If you have covid symptoms, please stay home. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have Covid-19: Fever or chills. Cough, and short- ness of breath or difficulty breath- ing. Fatigue, muscle or body aches, and a headache. Another sign is the loss of taste or smell. Sore throat, congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting. If you have any of these symp- toms, please stay home. February 9, 2022 - Vol. 47, No. 3 Wiyak’ik’ila – Winter - Anm PO Box 489 Warm Springs, OR 97761 ECR WSS Postal Patron U.S. Postage PRSRT STD Warm Springs, OR 97761 Council nominations in for spring vote The three districts of the Confederated Tribes hosted the Council nomination meetings in early February. There were 17 nominees for the Agency Distict; eight for the Simnasho District; and six for Seekseequa. Background checks are re- quired for all nominees, fol- lowed by certification of Tribal Council. As stated in the By- Laws of the Confederated Tribes: Article II—Qualifica- tions of Office: No person shall represent the Confederated Tribes on the Council unless the person is a duly enrolled mem- ber of the community who has attainted the age of 21 years, and who has never been con- victed of a major crime. After the background checks, the nominees’ eligibility will be certified by Tribal Council. Council has scheduled April for the election. The new Council— the Twenty-Ninth of the Confed- erated Tribes—would then take office in May. Those accepting nomination for the Simnasho District are: Carlos Calica, TJ Foltz, Raymond Moody, Emerson Squiemphen, Jaylyn Suppah, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Ronnie Suppah, and Levi Van Pelt. Accepting nomination for the Seekseequa District are: Rosa Graybael, Ruben Henry, Vesta Johnson, Brigette McConville, Wil- son Wewa, and Martha Winishut. Accepting nomination for Agency are: Reina Estimo, Eugene Greene Sr., Danni Katchia, Cyrille Mitchell, Alvis Smith III, Johnathan W. Smith, Ryan Smith Jr., and Valerie Switzler. Agency nominations by written form are in for: Rain Circle, Michael Clements, Anita Jackson, Uren Leonard Jr., James Manion, Daniel Martinez, Glendon Smith, Jason Wesley Smith, and Dennis White III. So there are eight nominees for Simnasho; six for Seekseequa; and 17 for Agency. Again, this is the preliminary list, to be finalized by Tribal Council certification. Longest-serving Council mem- ber and current Council Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. received a nomination for the Simnasho Dis- trict, though Chairman Tsumpti declined. Agency and Simnasho each have three Council representatives, and Seekseequa has two. Including the three Chiefs, who serve for life, the Council includes a total of 11 mem- bers. Each elected member serves a term of three years. The Vital Statistics Department maintains the voter lists for the three districts. The lists show the district in which each voter has voted in the past to the best ability of Vital Stats. The department also maintains a current voter list that may be made available for inspection, considering the covid protocols now in place within the organization. Any person may change voting districts by filling out the district change for m. However, any registration change must be filed more than 60 days prior to any election in order to be effective for that particular election. For the Commissary business project O ne of the most interest- ing business projects for the tribes will be the Commissary incubator enterprise. The Warm Springs Community Ac- tion Team has been working on the business incubator idea for a few years now. Like many other things, the project met with delay caused by the 2020 arrival of the pan- demic. The business incubator en- visions moving the Commis- sary—quite likely the oldest his- toric structure on the reserva- tion—from its current location by the Post Office and Police Station. The move will be to a site by Highway 26. This area was cleared in preparation for the move, just before covid arrived in March of 2020. Recently, a crew with Alpine Abatement Associates did some health and safety work on the Commissary. This involved re- moving lead paint from the Dave McMechan/Spilyay A team with Alpine Abatement Associates safely removes lead-based paint chips from the outside of the Commissary. Architects’ conceptual renderings of how the incubator building may look once in operation. building; so the eventual move would not disturb the paint. Once ready, a contracting firm will trans- port the building most carefully to the new location. In time the plan calls for the art- ists group Tananáwit to have a spot at one end of the building. There will also be a café, an outdoor food court; and other busi- nesses that may wish to join the wholly renovated structure. On the Tribal Council agenda for February Monday, February 14 9 a.m.: Covid-19 update with the Response Team. view minutes with the S-T. 10: Draft resolutions with the S- T. 1:30 p.m.: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson of Vital Stats. 2: Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) update with Wendell Jim. 2:30: Gaming Commission/ Surveillance update with Josephine Johnson. Tuesday, February 15 9 a.m.: Secretary-Treasurer update with Glendon Smith. 9:30: March agenda and re- Wednesday, February 16 9 a.m.: Human Resources up- date acting Carol Funk. 9:30: Finance update Isaac The following are some of the items coming up on the Tribal Council agenda for the rest of Februar y (subject to change at Council discretion): Wednesday, Februar y 9: Open agenda. George. 10: Procurement update with Libby Chase. 10:30: Governmental Affairs update with Louie Pitt. 11: Managed Care program up- date Michael Collins. 1:30 p.m.: Administrative Ser- vices update with Glendon Smith. 2: Tribal Court update with Lisa Lomas. 2:30: Veterans Office update with Frankie Williams. 3: Health and Human Services update with Caroline Cruz. 3:30: Education update with Valerie Switzler. Thursday, February 17 9 a.m.: Public Utilities update with Chico Holliday. 9:30: Public Safety update with Nancy Seyler, acting GM. 10: Natural Resources update with Robert Brunoe. Monday, February 21: Orga- nization closed in observation of Presidents Day. Note: All draft resolutions and ordinances, including any attach- ments or exhibits, are due by the first Friday of each month by 5 p.m. Send by email: gsmith@wstribes.org