Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 29, 2021, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Summaries of Tribal Council
November 29, 2021
The meeting was called to or-
der at 9:20 a.m. by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call:
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Raymond
‘Captain’ Moody, Glendon Smith,
Anita Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Forest management deduc-
tion resolution discussion with
Vernon Wolf, Forestry:
Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,885, that the
amount of $350,000 is approved
for the funding of the Warm
Springs Intensive Forest Manage-
ment Program, as shown on at-
tached Exhibit A. That such funds
shall be reimbursed from timber
sales no later than quarterly to the
Confederated Tribes from Forest
Management Deduction account.
That expenditures for intensive
forest management activities pur-
suant to Exhibit A shall:
Be consistent with the Tribe’s
Intensive Forest Management
Fund Policy; Be in compliance
with Public Law 1C1-630, the Na-
tional Indian Forest Resources
Management Act; Not exceed 7
percent of gross timber sale in-
come or revenue. Second by Cap-
tain. Discussion; Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/
yes, 7/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Finalize the 2022 Budget dis-
cussion with Glendon Smith, Sec-
retary-Treasurer, and Isaac
George, Finance:
Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,886, that an
amount not to exceed $2,144,100
is hereby authorized for expendi-
ture from the Senior Distribution
Fund for calendar year 2022. Sec-
ond by Wilson. Question,
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/
yes, jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/
yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/no, 7/1/0,
Chairman not voting. Motion car-
Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,887, pursuant
to Article V, Section 1(t), as
amended, of the Tribal Constitu-
tion and By-Laws and Ordinance
67, that the foregoing budget is
approved with an effective date of
January 1, 2022. That the sum of
$16,627,983 is hereby appropri-
ated for expenditure pursuant to
the foregoing annual budget for the
twelve-month period January 1,
2022 through December 31, 2022
and the Secretary of Interior of
his/her authorized representative
is hereby requested to approve
such budget. That the Tribal Coun-
cil will pay close attention to the
areas of Forest Management De-
duction, Public Safety, Public Utili-
ties, Health and Human Services,
Housing and Infrastructure, and
Salary Administration, enterprise
dividend amounts, safe drinking
water, revenue, economic devel-
opment, wastewater treatment and
sanitation facilities, ARPA spend-
ing; that total Tribal Budget expen-
ditures for 2022 shall not exceed
the amount authorized by this
Provided further that the Sec-
retary-Treasurer/CEO shall
promptly secure concurrence of
the Tribal Council prior to such
withdrawal; Provided further that
the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO
shall, upon making a determina-
tion that adequate funds are avail-
able to meet all other Tribal obli-
gations, notify the Tribal Council
and take steps to reimburse into
the “Revenue Reser ve Fund”
funds in the same amount as were
withdrawn pursuant to this author-
ity. That the Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO of the Confederated Tribes
of the Warm Springs Reservation
of Oregon is hereby authorized to
proceed with the expenditure of
funds for the purposes and
amounts indicated in the Budget.
Provided that all constitutional pro-
visions are met; Provided further
that the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO
is authorized, upon making a de-
termination that sufficient rev-
enues will not be available to fund
all expenditures authorized in this
Budget Resolution, to take all nec-
essary action to ensure that actual
expenditures do not exceed the
amount of available funds. Second
by Joe; Discussion; Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/
yes, Anita/no, 7/1/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Wilson to adjourn at
11:55 a.m.
December 6, 2021
The meeting was called to or-
der at 9:20 a.m. by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll call: Lin-
coln Jay Suppah, Raymond ‘Cap-
tain’ Moody, Anita Jackson,
Glendon Smith, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Health Services Fund Collec-
tions discussion with Caroline Cruz
and Michael Collins:
Motion by Anita adopting Reso-
December 29, 2021
lution No. 12,888, that the Secre-
tary-Treasurer is hereby autho-
rized and directed to take such
actions as are necessary to provide
for the allocation of Health Ser-
vices Fund Collections (‘Third
Party Billings’) for the Calendar
Year 2022, as indicated in Exhibit
A; and to program such savings as
are expected at the end of Calen-
dar Year 2021 for the one-year
budget plan for the year 2022.
Second by Joe. Discussion. Anita/
yes, Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/yes, Wilson/yes, Joe/yes, 6/
0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion
· 2022 Scholarship Fund Bud-
get discussion with Isaac George,
SUMMARIES continue on page 5