Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 17, 2021, Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo Novemeber 17, 2021
Letters to the editor
The Confederated Tribes
are offering open enrollment
through November 30. If
you missed your opportunity
for coverage, this is your
chance to sign up for health
coverage, supplemental in-
surance coverage, flexible
spending account, and 401k.
HealthComp is the tribes
plan administrator for health
insurance. Sun Life is the
tribes’ supplemental insur-
ance carrier. Allegiance, a
Cigna company, administers
the Flexible Spending Ac-
count for childcare and medi-
RV Kuhns is the tribes’
investor of the 401k. And
Bank of Oklahoma is the
401k plan administrator.
Enrollment for ms for
HealthComp, Alegiance flex-
ible spending accounts, and
401k must be returned to the
tribal Compensation and Ben-
efits department in order to
Human Resources can be
reached at 541-553-3262.
The acting Human Re-
sources director is Carol
Funk. Office coordinator is
Steven Bradley, and the
Comp and Benefits coordi-
nator is Janaiya Rowe.
CARES Act—Coron-
avirus Aid, Relief and Eco-
nomic Security Act—fund-
ing is available to members
of the Confederated Tribes
who have been directly im-
pacted by Covid-19.
Available funding is avail-
able through the Covid-19
Emergency Education Assis-
tance Program.
The purpose of the pro-
gram is to provide emer-
gency education-related as-
sistance to members directly
impacted due to the covid
public health emergency. See
the website for the applica-
The deadline is this Fri-
day, November 19. Appli-
cations will not be accepted
after that date. Only com-
pleted applications will be
Checks will be made pay-
able to the parent or guard-
ian, unless student is 18
years or older.
If student is 18 years or
older, they will need to fill
out their own application.
This benefit is tax-ex-
empt pursuant to the Warm
Springs Tribal Code Chap-
ter 550, Tribal General Wel-
fare Ordinance.
A W-9 form may be re-
quested if you are not in the
tribal accounting system.
Eligible Expenses:
Acquiring computers and
similar digital devices.
Incurring additional
transportation costs; or
Expanding broadband
capacity. Funds are available
as follows:
Pre-k (ages 3 and 4) -
$100. Grades k-5, $150.
Grades 6-8, $200. And
grades 9-12 and GED,
Higher education (full
and part-time); and voca-
tional: $500. For more in-
formation you can contact
Ardis at:
Wilson Wewa, Northern
Paiute, is featured on the
Confluence Project website
with storytelling, this Wednes-
day, November 17. The talk
will be from 3:30-5 p.m. Mr.
Wewa is regularly called
upon as an orator, story-
teller, and ceremony leader.
He lectures on health,
spirituality, the environment,
treaty rights, history, and eth-
nobotany. See the website:
To tribal
In the spirit of the Holi-
days, full-time tribal employ-
ees who are present and
normally scheduled for a full
day of work on Wednesday,
November 24; Thursday,
December 23; and Thurs-
day, December 30 are au-
thorized for early release
starting at 12 p.m.
The tribe will be off
work for the Thanksgiving
holiday on Thursday and
Friday, November 25-26.
The Christmas holiday on
Friday, December 24, and
the 2022 New Years Day
holiday on Friday, Decem-
ber 31.
Employees with kids at
the Early Childhood Educa-
tion Center are required to
pick up kids no later than
12:30 p.m. on each of the
early shutdown dates listed
Early shutdown does not
apply to the following de-
partments and programs:
Tribal police, Corrections,
Police dispatch, Fire and
Safety Emergency medical
Spilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our of-
fices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521
E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00
technicians, tribal group
home and Public Utilities per-
Please have a safe and
happy holiday season, and
thank you for the services
you provide to our commu-
nity in spite of the very chal-
lenging times our organiza-
tion and community have ex-
Glendon Smith, Secre-
tary-Treasurer-Chief Execu-
tive Officer.
Please help me find
my dog Pepper. I miss
him dearly. Please con-
tact me if you see or
find him. Call 541-
Veterans cards
I would like to thank Mrs.
Rodin’s kindergarten class
for all of the wonderful Vet-
erans Day cards and poems
that were given to me.
It was very thoughtful of
your class to honor our Vet-
erans on this special day.
Frankie Williams, Con-
federated Tribes of Warm
Springs, Tribal Veterans Ser-
vice Officer.
Living Well
workshops online
The tribal community is
invited to enjoy these free,
online Living Well with
Chronic Conditions work-
The workshops are on
Tuesday afternoons, 2:30-
4:30 p.m., through Decem-
ber 16.
To join, call 541-322-
7746. Or visit:
It’s hard to function when
you’re not feeling well…and
when you’re feeling bad most
of the time, it’s devastating.
If a chronic condiiton is
making it hard to live your
life and spend time with the
people you love, there is hope.
Flu season
during covid
The Warm Springs
Health and Wellness Cen-
ter offers the testing that
is needed to tell the dif-
ference between Covid-
19 and influenza, or the
Covid-19 testing is
available at the clinic out-
side testing area—the
Orange Tent—Monday
through Friday, 8:30 a.m.
to 12 noon, and 1 to 4
Covid and the flu
share many of the same
symptoms, and people
can be infected with both
the flu and covid at the
same time, and show
symptoms of both.
The clinic reminds
you that the best way to
prevent the flu and
Covid-19 is to get vacci-
nated, wash and sanitize
your hands frequently,
wear a mask and social
The vaccines
Getting vaccinated is
the safest way to prevent
yourself, your family,
and your community
from serious illness
caused by either the flu
or covid. The clinic has
the vaccines you and your
family need. The include:
The 2021-22 influ-
enza vaccine. All of the
available Covid-19 vac-
cinations for ages 5
through adults. And the
www.critfc.org Careers. In-
complete applications will
not be accepted.
Happy Thanksgiv-
ing to ALL My Fam-
ily—Hugs—Love Ya.
Donna and Bubba.
CET bus driver
Cascades East Transit is
seeking a bus driver for a
shuttle bus between Warm
Springs and Mt. Hood this
Free CDL training services
are available.
To apply visit:
Jobs with CRITFC
B&G Club hiring
The Columbia River Inter-
Tribal Fish Commission seeks
to fire for the following posi-
SCHISM modeler/ocean-
ographer. Salary $75,799-
$80,854. Closing date is De-
cember 15.
Accounting technician. Sal-
ary: $42,731 - $55,546.
Staff accountant/Ac-
counts payable. Salary:
$44,155 - $67,946.
Fishing site maintenance
worker. Salary: $34,496 -
CRITPD-Police Officer.
Salary: $51,516 - $56,261.
CRITPD-Dispatcher. Sal-
ary: $39,937 - $43,661.
All positions are permanent
full-time unless otherwise
The complete job descrip-
tion, minimum skills, applica-
tion requirements, deadlines,
and pay information are avail-
able on the CRITFC website
Just a reminder: The Boys
and Girls Club of War m
Springs is closed on Fridays
because off a staff shortage.
They are advertising for
part-time, year-round staff
for three to five hours a day.
You must be vaccinated
and at least 16 years old.
Contact club director June
Smith if you are interested:
clinic is providing covid
booster shots following the
guidelines of the Centers
for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
The CDC now recom-
mends that children be-
tween the ages of 5 and 11
years receive the Pfizer-
BioNTech pediatric Covid-
19 Vaccine.
Call the clinic vaccine line
to get your influenze and
covid vaccinations, 541-
Patient Advocate
You can follows the clinic
on Facebook at War m
Springs Indian Health Ser-
vice for the latest on clinic
closures and other impor-
tant clinic events.
cination, get on the list for a
booster shot and get your
child 5-11 years old on the
list for vaccination.
Call 541-553-2131.
Spirit Week
It’s Native Spirit Week at
the Warm Springs Academy.
This Wednesday, Novem-
ber 17, is Bead Day: Students
are showing off their
beadwork, a beaded barrettes,
medallions and necklaces
made from beads.
For hundreds of years
Native artists have decorated
clothing and accessories with
This Thursday, Novem
ber 18, is Rock Your Mocs
Whether you’re in your
shoes, boots, sneakers or
moccasins, Rock Your Mocs
in your own special way.
Moccasins are traditional
footwear for Native Ameri-
cans. Their style and decora-
tion vary but they all keep
your feet warm!
Monday through Wednes-
day of Thanksgiving Week,
the Possibilities Thrift Store
in Madras is inviting folks to
stop by to see what they have
to offer for the holidays.
For our health Orientation at
The tribes remind every-
one: Please continue to take
Covid-19 precautions by
wearing a face mask and
maintaining distance from
Vaccinations are the key
to bringing an end to the
Covid-19 pandemic. At the
Warm Springs Health and
Wellness Center, you can call
to schedule a Covid-19 vac-
Behavioral Health
Warm Springs Behavioral
Health has group orientation
for tntakes daily from 11 a.m.
until noon.
Group size is limited to
five people due to Covid-19
Following the completion
of the intake paperwork and
orientation, an appointment
If you would like to
speak with the War m
Springs Clinic Patient
Advocate, Shawnetta
Yahtin, you can email at:
Shawnetta can assist
with navigating the clinic
and its services including
getting appointments, re-
ferrals to outside health
service, and connection
to resources. She can
help you understand your
rights and responsibili-
ties; and hear and resolve
written or verbal con-
cerns you may have
about your experience at
the clinc. She can help
serve as the vital bridge
between patients and
staff. Call 541-553-2487.
can be made to follow up
with a Behavioral Health
Pet food bank
The Warm Springs Com-
munity Pet Food Bank will
provide free pet food on the
second Saturday of each
The next opening is on
December 11 between 10
a.m. and noon at 2334 High
Lookee Street, across from
the senior center.
You can reserve your pet
food by calling or texting 503-
319-9838 or email Pet Food
Senior lunch
Senior Lunch this Wednes-
day, November 17 is for pick-
up or delivery at the Greeley
Heights Community Center.
On the menu: Asian pork ribs
with pineapple slaw and fruit.
Member show
at Museum
The Tribal Mem-
ber Art Show is now
on display at the Mu-
seum at War m
Springs in their
Changing Exhibits Gal-
The Museum is
open to the public 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., Tues-
day thr u Saturday.
They are closed on
Sunday and Monday.