Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 3, 2021 Page 9 In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs All proceedings are held at the CTWS Tribal Court. (from page 6) Exclusion Order: The Con- federated Tribes of War m Springs Reservation of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Corey Lange, dob 06- 28-1973, defendant. Case no. CV19-21 – 2101135. It is hereby or- dered and adjudged that the defen- dant is excluded from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation perma- nently. Compliance with this exclu- sion order may be enforced by the contempt power of the Tribal Court. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Justin Laliberte, Defendant; Case No. CR325-17; CV19-17. TO: Justin Laliberte, and Parole & Proba- tion: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a SHOW CAUSE HEARING and WELLBRIETY REVIEW have been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for DECEMBER 6, 2021, at 8:30 A.M. CTWS, Petitioner, vs BOBBI GILBERT, Respondent; Case No. DO89-07, DO12-10 Case No. DO89-07, DO12-10. TO: BOBBI GILBERT, ANDREW WAINANWIT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of NOVEMBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs RANDY ZARATE, Respondent; Case No. JV59,60-17. TO: RANDY ZARATE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs BOBBI GILBERT, Respondent; Case No. DO37-20. TO: BOBBI GIL- BERT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of NOVEMBER, 2021 @ 3:30 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LOREEN STORMBRINGER, Respondent; Case No. JV90-17. TO: LOREEN STORMBRINGER, GINA & MICHAEL GISH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 13 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs KAITE SMITH, RESPONDENT; Case No. DO98-09. TO: KATIE SMITH, MELLISSA & HARLEN WAHENEKA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of DE- CEMBER, 2021 @ 4:00 PM PEGGY WILLIAMS, Peti- tioner, vs VERA SMITH, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV81-10. TO: PEGGY WILLIAMS, VERA SMITH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of DE- CEMBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CIGANY SCOTT, Petitioner, vs ANTOINETTE TALLBULL, RESPONDENT; Case No. DO101;102-20. TO: CIGANY SCOTT, ANTOINETTE TALLBULL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 8 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM ARLENE DAVID, Petitioner, vs JOSEPH STEVENS, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO125;126-21. TO: ARLENE DAVID, RAPHAEL CALDERA JR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a PETITION FOR SUP- PORT has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM ARLENE DAVID, Petitioner, vs RAPHAEL CALDERA JR. , RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO124-21. TO: ARLENE DAVID, RAPHAEL CALDERA JR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a PETITION FOR SUP- PORT has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM ARLENE DAVID, Petitioner, vs STARLA GREENE, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO130-12. TO: ARLENE DAVID, STARLA GREENE, JAKE SCOTT, ROMA CARTNEY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a MODIFICATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 16 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM JAMIE SMITH SR, Petitioner, vs GINA GISH, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV50-13. TO: JAMIE SMITH SR., SHANDA CULPS, GINA & MICHAEL GISH: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a MODIFICATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs FALENA KENTURA , RESPONDENT; Case No. JV56-12. TO: FALENA KENTURA, SAMUEL & MARJORIE KENTURA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 10:30 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs FELIC- ITY VANPELT, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV35-21. TO: FELICITY VANPELT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 13 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs TERA WALLULATUM, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV61-07. TO: TERA WALLULATUM, WAYLON WEASELEAD: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 8 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Public Notice: Potable Water Supplies Public notice: Pertaining to the Con- federated Tribes of War m Springs Reservation of Oregon—Potable wa- ter supplies. Pursuant to Water System ID# 104101247 Administrative Compliance Order on Consent issued by EPA May 2019, authorized by Section 1414(g) of the Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA), 42 USC 300g-3(g) find the following list of items associated with the water supply to be out of compliance with the regulation. The Warm Springs Public Works Depart- ment is actively working to resolve the issue through several existing and ongo- ing projects. Table 1 (below) is a summary of the re- quirements of the Consent Order and the status of those requirements. This notice is signed under the authority vested in the Op- erations General Manager by the Tribal Council. Chico Holliday, General Manager, Pub- lic Utilities—Water/Wastewater manager. 541-460-2707(c); 541-615-0962 (w). Petitioner, vs CHARLYNNE SUPPAH, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. JV116;117;118-14, JV154-08. TO: CHARLYNNE SUPPAH, ULYSSES SUPPAH SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 16 TH day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 10:00 AM ALETHA GOVENOR, Peti- tioner, vs VIOLA GOVENOR, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DOJV73-10. TO: ALETHA GOVENOR, VIOLA GOVENOR, JULIENE GOVENOR, DELANO THOMAS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP HEARINGhas been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 2 ND day of DECEMBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Delbert Goudy, Defendant; Case No. CR74-20. TO: Delbert Goudy: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for November 16, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Lillian Blueback, Defendant; Case No. CR37-20. TO: Lillian Blueback: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a SHOW CAUSE has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for NOVEMBER 23, 2021 @ 8:00AM Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Justin Laliberte, Defendant; Case No. CR325-17; CV19-17. TO: Justin Laliberte, and Parole & Probation: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a SHOW CAUSE HEAR- ING and WELLBRIETY REVIEW have been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for DECEMBER 6, 2021, at 8:30 A.M. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Marion Graybael Jr., Defendant; Case No. CR88-20. TO: Marion Graybael Jr.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Status & Show Cause Hearings have been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for November 23, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Public notice: Pertaining to the Confederated Tribes of War m Springs Reservation of Oregon—Po- table water supplies. Pursuant to Water System ID# 104101247 Administrative Compliance Or- der on Consent issued by EPA May 2019, authorized by Section 1414(g) of the Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA), 42 USC 300g- 3(g) find the following list of items associ- ated with the water supply to be out of com- pliance with the regulation. The Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Howard Crawford, Defendant; Case No. CR189-19. TO: Howard Crawford, and Parole & Probation: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a SHOW CAUSE HEARING has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for DECEMBER 7, 2021, at 8:00 A.M. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Michael Meanus, Defendant; Case No. CR198-21. TO: Michael Meanus, and Prosecution: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CRIMINAL ARRAIGNMENT has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for DECEM- BER 7, 2021, at 8:00 A.M. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Katie Smith, Defendant; Case No. CR160-20. TO: Katie Smith, Prosecution: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for NOVEMBER 16, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Leroy Smith, III, Defendant; Case No. CR149-20. TO: Leroy Smith, III, Prosecution: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for November 16, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Leroy Smith, III, Defendant; Case No. CR181-20. TO: Leroy Smith, III: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Criminal Arraignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for November 16, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Chanda Robinson, Defendant; Case No. CR65-20. TO: Chanda Robinson: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a SHOW CAUSE has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for NOVEMBER 23, 2021 at 8 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Plaintiff, vs Mario Smith, Defendant; Case No. CR265-21. TO: Mario Smith: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CRIMINAL ARRAIGNMENT has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for NO- VEMBER 16, 2021 @ 8:00AM Springs Public Works Department is actively working to resolve the issue through several existing and ongoing projects. Table 1 (below) is a summary of the re- quirements of the Emergency Order and the status of those requirements. This no- tice is signed under the authority vested in the Operations General Manager by the Tribal Council. Chico Holliday, General Manager, Public Utilities—Water/Wastewater manager. 541- 460-2707(c); 541-615-0962 (w).