Spilyay Tymoo November 3 Page 8 Heritage Month events at COCC (from page 5) · There will be a Na- tive American Flute Con- cert with award-winning musician James Greeley from the Confederated Tribes of Warm Spring. James will share his beau- tiful music with us on Wednesday, November 10 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Wille Hall, Coats Campus Center, Bend campus. · The Histor y of the Sen- eca-Cayuga Nation of Okla- homa will be with William Tarrant, Culture and Historic Preservation director for his tribes. William will share a brief history of how these bands of Seneca and Cayuga Indi- ans came to be in the Okla- homa territory from the up- per New York area. “I am proud to present this event about my tribe,” said Michelle Cary, COCC Native American Program coordinator. This virtual event will be on Tuesday, November 16 from noon to 1 p.m. See the site: cocc.zoom.us/j/ 93016294700