Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Needed power work September 22, 2021 Page 7 ~ Member Art Show in October ~ A look back at the winners from the 2019 Show: Curahee—Copper Juniper Tree: Mixed media, shells, beads, concrete base, fur. Winner, Judges Choice Award—Contemporary Category (left). Artist: Marlanea Wagner, Waunanuba. The Imulak—Cut beaded medallion. The artist is Clarissa Picard—Winner, Judges Choice Award Traditional Category (below). Dave McMechan/Spilyay Pacific Power and Light crews have installed new equipment at strategic locations on several existing power poles in the Warm Springs Agency Area. The work is to isolate specific areas in order to reduce the number of customers impacted by a power outage. The installations were in response to several long power outages earlier this year. These were due in part to damaged equipment. PP&L also intends to replace failed equipment next year. T he Tribal Member Art Show opens soon at the Museum at Warm Springs. Contact the museum at 541-553-3331 this week for information about submitting your artwork. The tribal firefighting exhibit—Into the Fray—will be wrapping up this Saturday, September 25, if you would like to see this show. The Member Art Show will open on October 8, a Friday. Masking and distancing are required at the museum, open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays. (See page 8 for details on submitting to the Member Art Show.) Covid 19 in Indian Country The Indian Health Service had conducted a total of 2,798,572 Covid-19 tests among IHS eligible individuals, as of earlier this week. Of the total: 226,953 have come back positive across Indian Coun- try, representing an increase of al- most 1.5 percent from the previ- ous week. Based on the cumulative percent positive, the highest rates have been seen in five IHS areas. Two of them include the state of Arizona. An- other measure is the seven-day roll- ing average for positivity. By this measure, showing the most recent trends, 11 areas of the total 12 IHS areas, are seeing higher covid rates. The Portland Area was fifth high- est. The results are: The Oklahoma City Area (15.6 percent). Bemidji Area (12.4). Nashville Area (11.9). Califor- nia Area (11.8). Portland Area (11.6). Great Plains Area (11.5). Phoenix Area (10.6). Navajo Area (6.0). Bill- ings Area (6.9). Alaska Area (5.5). Tucson Area (5.1). CTWS Covid-19 Response Team The chart above shows the Covid-19 cases among the tribal community by the week, as of September 15. Total covid cases among the community, including the 22 on September 15, was at 963 since the pandemic and testing began last year.