Page 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs All proceedings are held at the CTWS Tribal Court. TIFFANY HUNT, Petitioner, vs EDWARD WEASELHEAD, RESPONDENT; Case No. RO36- 21. TO: TIFFANY HUNT, ED- WARD WEASELHEAD: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a RESTRAINING OR- DER has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 12 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LEAH RAPPE, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV125-16. TO: LEAH RAPPE, HARRIMAN PALMER, JUSSTA MAYNER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a REVIEW HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 10 TH day of NOVEMBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM KATIE MAE FRAZIER, Peti- tioner, vs HOWARD CRAWFORD JR., RESPONDENT; Case No. DO143-20. TO: KATIE MAE FRAZIER, HOWARD CRAWFORD JR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION HEAR- ING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 5 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM In the matter of: GARCIA KIDS - CASE NO. JV5,6-13. CTWS, PE- TITIONER, vs CARMEL ANDREWS, RESPONDENT. TO: CARMEL ANDREWS, CARLOS GARCIA, SHELLY & MODESTA MINTHORN: This is notice that MODIFICA- TION has been scheduled with the Tribal Court. By this notice, you are summoned to appear in this matter at the hearing scheduled for 14 th day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs REX ROBINSON-ANGELES, Respon- dent; Case No. JV129-07, DO110-09. TO: REX ROBINSON-ANGE- LES: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 25 Th day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs BROOK WARNER, Respondent; Case No. JV59-10. TO: BROOK WARNER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 20 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CYNTHIA IKE, Respondent; Case No. JV178-08, JV72-11. TO: CYNTHIA IKE, JASON BARKER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTANT GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 20 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ANDREW SMITH SR, Respondent; Case No. JV110-16, JV105-15. TO: ANDREW SMITH SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 1 ST day of NOVEMBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs PATRICE SPINO, Respondent; Case No. JV4-21. TO: PATRICE SPINO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 15 TH day of NOVEMBER 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LYNITTA MILLER, Respondent. TO: LYNITTA MILLER, BRADLEY BRONCHEAU, FANCUDNO BALDERAMA; Case No. JV64,65- 19: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTANT GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 17 TH day of NOVEM- BER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LYNITTA MILLER, Respondent; Case No. JV63-19. TO: LYNITTA MILLER, BRADLEY BRONCHEAU, FANCUDNO BALDERAMA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTANT GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 17 TH day of NOVEM- BER, 2021 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs LYNITTA MILLER, Respondent. TO: LYNITTA MILLER, BRADLEY BRONCHEAU, FANCUDNO BALDERAMA; Case No. JV66-19: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTANT GUARD- IANSHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 17 TH day of NOVEM- BER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs OLEA YAHTIN, Respondent; Case No. JV24-19. TO: OLEA YAHTIN, TEVOR TEWEE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of NOVEMBER 2021 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs OLEA YAHTIN, Respondent; Case No. JV56-18. TO: OLEA YAHTIN, THERMAN SUPPAH SR: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of NOVEMBER 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JESSICA JIM, Respondent; Case No. JV1-21. TO: JESSICA JIM: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 1 ST day of NOVEMBER 2021 @ 10:00 AM No. JV8-18. TO: KELLI LANGNESE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an CUSTODY REVIEW / PROBATION REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 30 TH day of SEPTEMBER 2021 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MAURICA CORTEZ, Respon- dent; Case No. JV17,18-19. TO: MAURICA CORTEZ: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISTANT GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 14 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JANNA ONEIL, Respondent; Case No. JV42,43,44-20. TO: JANNA ONIEL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an PERMANENCY has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 23 rd day of NOVEMBER 2021 @ 2:00 PM SHAYLA SMITH, Petitioner, vs TERENCE HATATHLI, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO40;41- 21. TO: SHAYLA SMITH, TERENCE HATATHLI: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 21 ST day of SEPTEMBER, 2021 @ 2:30 PM KALI WALKER, Petitioner, vs LOUIS STEWART, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO107-21. TO: KALI WALKER, LOUIS STEWART: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 25 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs TERA WALLLULATUM, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO90-10, JV61-07. TO: TERA WALLULATUM, WAYLON WEASELHEAD, AN- DREA GRUNDSTROM: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 19 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM KYLE FRANK, Petitioner, vs CTWS, Respondent; Case No. DO96-09. TO: KYLE FRANK, JAMEY WESLEY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP has been sched- uled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of OCTOBER 2021 @ 2:00 PM LEANNA BOISE, Petitioner, vs MATTHEW MCGILL, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO89;90;91-21. TO: LEANNA BOISE, MAT- THEW MCGILL: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a MOTION FOR RE- CONSIDERATION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 2 ND day of NOVEM- BER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs KELLI LANGNESE, Respondent; Case TRISHA SMITH, Petitioner, vs RON SUPPAH SR., RESPON- September 8, 2021 DENT; Case No. DO109-21. TO: TRISHA SMITH, RON SUPPAH SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a FILIATION HEAR- ING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 11 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 10:30 AM IDELIA CLOUD, CHALLIS HEATH YAHTIN, JARROD YAHTIN-CLOUD: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARD- IANSHIP has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 13 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 4:00 PM JESUS VAZQUEZ, Petitioner, vs LATISHA WAHENEKA, RE- SPONDENT; Case No. DO115; 116-20. TO: JESUS VAZQUEZ, LATISHA WAHENEKA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a SHOW CAUSE has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 21 ST day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 10:00 AM PROBATE In the matter of the estate of Winona R. Tohet, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR21. Notice is hereby given that Winona R. Tohet, who at the time of her death last known residence was 2663 Bear Drive, Warm Springs, OR 97761, died on the 15 th day of April 2021, and the court appointed Valerie Squiemphen as pub- lic administrator. In the matter of the esttae of Cinda Lu Bobb, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR17. Notice is hereby given that Cinda Lu bobb, who at the time of her death last known residence was 2470 Kuckup St., Warm Springs, OR 97761, died on the 25 th day of March, 2021, and the court has appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public administrator. In the matter of the estate of Eric D. Frank, W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2021-PR27. Notice is hereby given that Eric D. Frank, who at the time of his death last known residence was 4116 Miller Heights, Warm Springs, OR 97761, died on the 4 th day of May, 2021, and the court appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public admin- istrator. In the matter of the estate of Ed- ward D. Manion, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR15. Notice is hereby given that Edward D. Manion, who at the time of his death last known residence was 2520 Looksh Street, Warm Springs, OR 97761, died on the 25 th day of February, 2021, and the court appointed Valerie Squiemhen as pub- lic administrator. In the matter of the estate of Kishon M. Graybael, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR20. To Marion B. Graybael Jr., Rosa Graybael, Ron Hager, Children’s Protective Services: You are hereby notified that an informal probate hear- ing is scheduled for October 4, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. In the matter of the estate of Janice Clements, W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2021-PR18. To Georgette Keo, Denise Clements, Kayleen Clements, Jennifer Clements, Justine Clements, Merle Kirk, Matthew Clements Jr., George D. Clements: You are hereby notified that an informal probate hear- ing is scheduled for October 11, 2021 at 10 a.m. In the matter of the estate of Delford Johnson, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR19. To Marita Johnson, Vesta Johnson, Shana Johnson, Jodel Johnson, Una Johnson and Cody Johnson: You are hereby no- tified that an informal probate hearing is scheduled for October 4, 2021 at 10:30 p.m. In the matter of the estate of Percy P. Jack Jr., W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2019-PR32. No- tice is hereby given that Percy P. Jack Jr., who at the time of his death last known residence was 1864 Poosh Street, Warm Springs OR 97761, died on the 25 th day of June, 2019 and the court appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public administrator. In the matter of the estate of Liandro Briseno, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR14. To Joannie Greeley: You are hereby notified that an informal probate hearing is scheduled for October 4, 2021 at 10 a.m. EDNA CAMPUZANO, Peti- tioner, vs IDA FRANK, RESPON- DENT; Case No. DO119;120-21. TO: EDNA CAMPUZANO, CELESTE WHITE, IDA FRANK: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CONSERVATOR GUARDIANSHIP has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of SEP- TEMBER, 2021 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs SONYA STORMBRINGER, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV08-03. TO: SONYA STORMBRINGER, ALROY ZACARIAS, DIANE KIRK: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 11 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs WILLIE DANZUKA, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV33-21. TO: WILLIE DANZUKA, ROMELLE SPEAKTHUNDER, CPS, JV PROSECUTION: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a PRELIMINARY HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 4 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 11:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JENNY BIRD, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV27-12. TO: JENNY BIRD, ELIJAH CUNNINGHAM: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a CUSTODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 10th day of NOVEMBER, 2021 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs KATIE SMITH, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV98-09. TO: KATIE SMITH, MELISSA & HARLEN WAHENEKA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an ASSISTED GUARD- IANSHIP REVIEW HEARING has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 13 TH day of OCTOBER, 2021 @ 10:00 AM Idelia Cloud, Petitioner, vs Challis Heath Yahtin, RESPON- DENT; Case No. JV100-17. TO: Oregon Veterans Affairs improves home loans program by Frankie Williams Warm Springs Tribal Veterans Representative The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs announced the creation of a new position aimed at improving service and business partnerships for the Oregon Vet- eran Home Loan Program. The new position of business development representative will work to build and support rela- tionships with mortgage loan op- erators throughout Oregon and southwest Washington to offer the Oregon Veteran Home Loan to qualified veteran borrowers pur- chasing real property in the state of Oregon. Charity Knight, an ODVA loan coordinator for the past three years, will serve as the agency’s new business development repre- sentative. The Home Loan Program is ODVA’s longest-running and signa- ture service. Established by the Legislature at the founding of ODVA in 1945 the program was created to provide home and farm loans to returning World War II veterans. “ODVA is excited to strengthen our signature Home Loan Program through the creation of this new position of business development representative,” said ODVA direc- tor Kelly Fitzpatrick. “Purchasing a house is one of the most impor- tant decisions someone can make. “At ODVA, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of Oregon veterans navigate this process, and our friendly and knowledgeable staff looks forward to continuing this good work for another 75 years—and more.” Knight said she has a strong de- sire to partner with lenders and brokers to grow their business — and a passion for helping veterans navigate the homeownership pro- cess. “I’m really looking forward to representing ODVA in the com- munities where everyone works and lives,” Ms. Knight said. “My experience and passion for mort- gage lending make me exceptional at building relationships and I’m ex- cited to expand our footprint to serve more veterans.” Mortgage loan originators in- terested in broadening their prod- uct offerings for veterans may contact Knight directly at 503- 373-2005 or: Oregon is one of only five states that offers a veteran home loan program—which is separate and distinct from the federal VA Home Loan Guaranty. ODVA has lent approximately $8 billion in low-interest home loans more than 334,000 veterans since 1945. Currently, ODVA’s Home Loan Program offers eligible veterans fixed-rate financing for the pur- chase of an owner-occupied, single-family residence up to the Fannie Mae limit, which has been set at $548,250 for 2021. The pro- gram does not offer refinancing options. The Oregon Veteran Home Loan Program is a lifetime benefit and may be used up to four times. For more information about the Oregon Veteran Home Loan Pro- gram, visit: or Or contact Frankie Will- iams, Confederated Tribes of War m Springs Tribal Veter- ans Service Officer, 541-460- 0605