Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 08, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Tribal Council:
(from page 1)
2:30: Tribal Employment
Rights Office (TERO) with
Wendell Jim, director.
3:30: TERO Commis-
sion with Jonathan Smith.
Monday, September 20:
Budget prentations.
9 a.m.: Warm Springs
Timber LLC with Cal
10: Warm Springs Hous-
ing with Danielle Wood.
11: War m Springs
Telecom with Tim York.
1:30 p.m.: Power and
Water Enterprises with Jim
2:30: Composite Prod-
ucts with Jacob Coochise,
September 8, 2021
On the agenda in September
general manager.
3:30: Indian Head Casino
and Plateau Travel Plaza with
Jeff Carstensen.
3: Tribal attorney update
with John Ogan.
4: Kah-Nee-Ta discussion
with Jim Souers.
Tuesday, September 21:
Budget presentations.
9 a.m.: Ventures with Jim
10: Credit Enterprise with
Lori Fuentes.
11: Federal lobbyist with
Matt Hill.
11:30: State lobbyist with
Michael Mason.
1:30 p.m.: Indian Health
Services design project with
Hyllis Dauphinais and Dr.
2:30: OSU Extension with
Rosanna Sanders.
Wednesday, September 22
Budget call backs.
Thursday, September 23
Budget call backs.
Friday, September 24
9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea-
surer update with Glendon.
10: October agenda and
review minutes with S-T.
11: Draft resolutions.
1:30 p.m.: Legislative up-
date calls.
2:30: Enrollments with
Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vi-
tal Statistics.
Summaries of Tribal Council
August 17, 2021
The meeting was called to
order at 9:02 by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Wilson Wewa Jr., Lin-
coln Jay Suppah, Glendon
Smith, Anita Jackson, Alfred
Smith Jr., Raymond (Captain)
Moody, Chief Delvis Heath,
Chief Joseph Moses.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
· Purchasing update with
Libby Chase.
· Human Resource up-
date with Cheryl Tom.
· Governmental Affairs
and Planning updates with
Louie Pitt.
· Finance Update – Isaac
· Administrative Services
update were not submitted
to the Secretary-Treasurer.
· Education update with
Valerie Switzler.
· Health and Human Ser-
vices update with Ron
Hagar, Andy Leonard and
Edmund Francis.
· Natural Resources up-
date with Bobby Brunoe.
· Public Safety update
with Nancy Seyler and Ron
· Executive session, 3:50-
5 p.m.
August 18
The meeting was called to
order at 9:18 by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll
call: Raymond (Captain)
Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Vice
Chair Brigette McConville,
Anita Jackson, Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
· Public Utilities update
with Chico Holliday, Tom
Heinizman, Derek Hancey,
Alex Dailey, Ben Chadwick,
and Xuehua Bai.
· Tribal Court update with
Lisa Lomas.
· Cannabis Commission
update with Ronald Roome
and Kent Robinson:
· The executive director
position will be advertised.
· Gaming Commission
update with Sandra Main.
· Tribal Employment
Rights Office update with
Jonathan W. Smith.
· Veterans Office update
with Frankie Williams.
Motion by Jay to adjourn
at 2:15 p.m.
September 1
The meeting was called
to order at 9:23 a.m. Roll
call: Glendon Smith, Lincoln
Jay Suppah, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Anita
Jackson, Lola Sohappy.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
Motion by Anita to allow
S e c r e t a r y - Tr e a s u r er
Glendon Smith, who is a
Tribal Council member and
officer of the Tribal Coun-
cil, to Chair today’s meeting
in the absence of the Chair-
man and Vice Chair. Sec-
ond by Wilson. Question:
Jay/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/
yes, Alfred/yes, Lola/yes,
5/0/0, Chairman not vot-
ing.; Motion carried.
· Opioid litigation and
settlement discussion with
Ellen Grover:
Motion by Wilson ac-
cepting the Mallinckrodt
bankruptcy plan. Second by
Anita. Jay/yes, Anita/yes,
Wilson/yes, Alfred/yes,
Lola/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting/ Motion carried.
· Motion by Anita autho-
rizing Skikos to file a law-
suit against McKinsey & Co.
on behalf of the Confeder-
ated Tribes. The draft com-
plaint will be sent to Tribal
Council for review and fi-
nal approval before filing.
Second by Wilson. Jay/yes,
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes,
Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/
0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· September agenda:
3:30: Natural Resources,
Public Safety and Range
Committee with Bobby,
Nancy, Terry, Flint and
4:30: Budget discussion
and October posting with
Glendon and Isaac.
M o n d a y - T h u r s d a y,
September 27-30: Affili-
ated Tribes of Northwest In-
Items for further dis-
cussion: National Congress
of American Indians confer-
ence in October. National
Tribal Health conference,
virtual in October. District
and General Council meet-
ings for October.
Motion by Anita adopt-
ing the September agenda,
subject to change. Second by
Wilson. Question: Jay/yes,
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes,
Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Akana resolution dis-
cussion with Said Amali,
Bruce Irwin, Louie Pitt and
Ellen Grover:
Motion by Anita adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,844,
the Tribal Council authorizes
the Tribal Council Chair,
Vice Chair or Secretary-
Treasurer to develop and
execute an agreement for a
period of one year to en-
gage Akana for the purposes
set forth in the Planning and
Grant Funding Assistance,
AKANA proposal 21-169,
attached as exhibit to the
resolution, in a manner that
is consistent with applicable
funding source require-
ments. That the Authorized
Representatives are autho-
rized to execute an extension
or extensions of such
agreement(s), in the judg-
ment of the Authorized
Representative, in the best
interest of the Tribe. That
the Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO will make reports to
the Tribal Council as directed
by Tribal Council on the
implementation of Akana
Proposal 21-169 and on the
progress related to infra-
structure upgrades. Second
by Wilson. Question: Jay/
no, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes,
Alfred/yes, Lola/abstain, 3/
1/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Museum resolution dis-
cussion with Elizabeth
· Motion by Wilson
adopting Resolution No.
12,845 reappointing the fol-
lowing persons to the Board
of Directors of The Mu-
seum At Warm Springs with
terms expiring January 1,
2024: Bill Nicholson, Non-
Page 3
Community notes...
Warm Springs Nation Little League is holding
its board elections on Tuesday, September 14 at 6 p.m.
in the Emergency Management office. Board mem-
bers must be able to pass background checks.
The positions are president, vice-president, secre-
tary, treasurer, player agents, umpire-in-chief, infor-
mation officer, equipment manager and fundraising
Warm Springs Economic Development reminds
community members that Mondays are drinking wa-
ter fill-up day at their solar water panel facility at the
industrial park. You can fill drinking water containers
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Warm Springs Department of Human Ser-
vices office is located next to Commodities in the
Warm Springs Industrial Park. Programs they can help
with include SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families, Employment Related Day Care, Temporary
Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors and the
Oregon Health Plan. Call 541-553-1626 to learn more.
Tribal Member, Olney Patt
Jr., and Garland Brunoe. And
appointing the Board of Re-
gents with terms expiring Sep-
tember 1, 2024: Beulah
Tsumpti and Ruth Beymer.
Second by Anita. Question:
Jay/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/
yes, Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Apollo contract exten-
sion discussion with Chico
Motion by Wilson autho-
1. Extension of contract
P-19442-20 with Apollo, Inc.,
effective immediately to com-
plete the Stage 1 scope of
2. Extension of the con-
tract P-19384 with Buchanan
and Associates, as deemed
necessary by the general man-
ager of Public Utilities or the
Secretary-Treasurer, to work
with Apollo and EPA to fi-
nalize the Stage 1 report and
Stage 2 work plan.
3. As deemed necessary by
the general manager of Pub-
lic Utilities or the Secretary-
Treasurer, extension of con-
tracts to complete projects in
process previously funded by
the Oregon Business Devel-
opment Department funds
and for which funds have
been reauthorized.
4. Delivering a final engi-
neering report under the
Emergency Order to EPA by
October 17 and any other
compliance reports as re-
quired by EPA under the
Consent Order.
5. Any other such actions
as deemed reasonable neces-
sary by the Secretary-Trea-
surer to deliver the final en-
gineering report under the
Emergency Order to EPA by
October 17; and to complete
the projects underway to ad-
dress significant deficiencies
in the System required by the
Consent Order and to pro-
vide a compliance report to
EPA regarding the Consent
Order projects, with added
language. Second by Anita.
Discussion: Jay/yes, Anita/
yes, Wilson/yes, Alfred/yes,
Lola/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Cares Act fund request
discussion with Chico
Holliday, Public Utilities:
Motion by Wilson tabling
this request pending a bud-
get to be presented to Tribal
Council for consideration.
Second by Anita. Question:
Jay/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/
yes, Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Bureau of Trust Funds
Administration (BFTA) reso-
lution discussion with Ellen
Motion by Anita adopting
Resolution No. 12,846, that
Tribal Council hereby autho-
rizes the Forest Manager,
Timber Sales Accountant,
Forestry TAAMS coordina-
tor, and Enrollment Officer
to request information re-
garding tribal accounts as
needed from time to time for
the conduct of routine busi-
ness; that Tribal Council
hereby directs authorized Fi-
nance staff annually to pro-
vide BTFA with an updated
list of authorized individuals
to account for personnel
changes with the Confeder-
ated Tribes; that Tribal Coun-
cil hereby instructs BTFA,
when requested by the Tribe
to distribute from the Tribes
PL7472704, PL7546708,
FM004FR12 to the Tribes
General Fund Account cur-
rently held at Columbia Bank
in Madras. Second by Wil-
son. Discussion: Jay/yes,
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes,
Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Motion
· National Congress of
American Indians Resolution-
Glendon Smith:
Motion by Wilson adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,847,
McConville as the Voting
Delegate at all meetings of
the National Congress of
American Indians; Anita Jack-
son, as the Alternate Del-
egate; By the Tribal Council
of the Confederated Tribes
of the Warm Springs Reser-
vation of Oregon to renew
its affiliation with NCAI
through remittance of the
2021-2022 annual dues of
$12,000 as appropriate. That
this resolution rescinds Reso-
lution No. 12,739 adopted
October 28, 2020. Second by
Jay; Question; Jay/yes, Anita/
yes, Wilson/yes, Alfred/yes,
Lola/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· American Rescue Plan
Act dispersement resolution
discussion with Glendon
Motion by Wilson tabling
this resolution pending the
Tribal Council discussion on
September 8. Second by
Anita. Question; Jay/yes,
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes,
Alfred/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/0,
Chairman not voting: Motion
· Contract Extension Re-
quest for the Accounting
Firm-Michele Stacona:
Michele will contact the
firm for a dollar amount to
carry on to end of 2021, and
prep for the 2022 audit to be
presented next week.
Motion by Anita to ad-
journ at 1:20 p.m.