Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 11, 2021 Page 7 Tribes approve 2021-2022 hunting seasons Tribal Council has approved the off-reservation hunting regulations, as recommended by the Branch of Natural Resources-Wildlife. Please login to tribal website: hunting.warmsprings-nsn.gov Or order by email: wildlife.tags@ctwsbnr.org Or phone 541-553-2001. For permits requested by phone, come by Natural Resources office to pick up your permits and regula- tions. Please take advantage of off- reservation hunting tags. These opportunities take hunting pressure off the reservation due to fire clo- sures, which help improve wildlife populations. Please make sure off reserva- tion hunting takes place on public (unclaimed) lands. It is the hunter’s responsibility to know where you are hunting, where you are allowed to hunt, what weapons are allowed to use, and what the bag limit is. For questions regarding hunt- ing please contact the Natural Re- sources Department at 541-553- 2001. Off reservation hunting is des- ignated for off-reservation (un- claimed) public lands. Illegally har- vesting wildlife on the reservation using off-reservation tags, or har- vesting the wrong sex, can have great long-term negative impacts to the tribes’ wildlife populations. Overharvesting wildlife and ille- gally harvesting females reduces wildlife population numbers for multiple generations. Please help protect the tribes’ wildlife resources by reporting poaching violations to 541-553-2033 or 541-553-1171. There is mandatory reporting of all hunter harvest. Failure to report harvest results for off-reservation and reservation hunts will result in a loss of hunting privileges for sub- sequent tags. Please be honst with your hunter reporting. If you are issued a tag, you have the right to hunt and harvest an animal. Har- vest and hunting information is important for the wildlife depart- ment in determining wildlife popu- lation sizes, herd compositions and hunting pressure. In addition, this information helps us determine where there are and are not animals, which helps focus our habitat restoration efforts on the reservation. Your continued support and participation with hunter reporting is greatly appreci- ated. Thank you for your participation! CTWS Branch of Natural Resources.