Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 11, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
August 11, 2021
On the Tribal Council August agenda
The following are some of
the items on the Tribal
Council agenda for the rest
of August (subject to change
at Council discretion):
Thursday-Friday, Au-
gust 12 and 13: U.S . vs.
Oregon meeting.
Monday, August 16
9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea-
surer update.
9:30: September agenda
and review minutes with the
10: AKANA funding as-
sistance proposal with Said
Amali, Bruce Irwin and
Louie Pitt.
11: Legislative update
calls, federal and state.
11: Covid-19 update.
1:30 p.m.: Enrollments
with Lucille Suppach-
Samson, Vital Statistics.
2:30: Reser ved treaty
rights land project update
with Brad Donahue and
Antone Moody.
3:30 Blue Stone strategy
proposal with John Mooers.
Tuesday, August 17
9 a.m.: Purchasing update
with Libby Chase.
9:30: Human Resources
update with Cheryl Tom.
10: Governmental Affairs
update with Louie Pitt.
10:30: Finance update
with the Secretary-Treasurer.
11: Administrative Ser-
vices update with the S-T.
1:30 p.m.: Education up-
date with Valerie Switzler.
2: Human Services up-
date with Caroline Cruz.
3: Natural Resources
update with Robert Brunoe.
4: Public Safety update
with Nancy Seyler.
Wednesday, August 18
9 a.m.: Public Utilities up-
date with Chico Holliday.
10: Tribal Court update
with Lisa Lomas.
10:30: Cannabis Commis-
sion update with Ronald
1:30 p.m.: Gaming Com-
mission update with Sandra
2: Tribal Employment
Rights Office (TERO) up-
Summaries of Tribal Council
July 20, 2021
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll
Call: Anita Jackson, Lincoln
Jay Suppah, Glendon Smith,
Wilson Wewa Jr., Chief
Alfred Smith Jr., Raymond
(Captain) Moody. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Human Resources up-
date with Cheryl Tom.
· Finance update with
Michele Stacona.
· Governmental Affairs
update with Louie Pitt.
· Managed Care update
with Michael Collins.
· Admin. Services update
with Michele Stacona.
· Tribal Court update
with Lisa Lomas.
· Public Safety update
with Nancy Seyler.
· Natural Resources up-
date with Bobby Brunoe and
Vernon Wolf of Forestry:
Motion by Anita approv-
ing the request to remove
already harvested logs on
the Lionshead Fire Salvage
to limit the loss of tribal rev-
This will include skidding
already felled trees and haul-
ing logs, plus any existing
decks to mills. These opera-
tions must occur under In-
dustrial Fire Precautions
level 3 restrictions (1 p.m.
shutdown and three-hour
fire watch).
Upon removal of logs
the general shutdown re-
quirements will remain in
effect. Second by Wilson.
Wilson/yes, Anita/yes, Jay/
yes, Captain/yes, Glendon/
yes, 5/0/0, Vice Chair not
voting. Motion carried.
· Veterans Service office
update with Frankie Williams.
· Health and Human Ser-
vices update with Caroline
· High Lookee Lodge up-
date with Michele Stacona.
Motion by Anita to ad-
journ at 4:55 p.m.
July 26
The meeting was called to
order at 9:20 by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll
call: Vice Chair Brigette
McConville, Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Raymond (Captain)
Moody, Glendon Smith-Sec-
retary-Treasurer, Anita Jack-
son, Chief Joseph Moses,
Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Resolutions with S-T
Glendon Smith:
Department of Justice
Tribal Access Program
Motion by Anita adopting
Resolution No. 12,836 that
the Tribe authorizes the
Warm Springs Police De-
partment to submit the at-
tached application to be con-
sidered for TAP; and adding
the citations from the Con-
stitution, Article 5 (g) and (I)
and signature for the Secre-
tary-Treasurer. Second by
Jay. Discussion. Anita/yes,
Jay/yes, Captain/yes, Joe/
yes, Glendon/yes, 5/0/0,
Vice Chair not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Tribal FishCo LLC:
Motion by Anita adopting
Resolution No. 12,837 that
Tribal Council recommend
Brigette McConville con-
tinue to serve and Jonathan
W. Smith is hereby appointed
to the Tribal FishCo Board
of Advisors. This resolution
rescinds Resolution No.
12,414 approved on Decem-
ber 18, 2017, and to serve
until replaced. Second by
Jay. Discussion. Wilson/ab-
stain, Anita/yes, Jay/yes,
Glendon/yes, 5/0/1, Vice
Chair not voting. Motion car-
· Grazing lease for Jo-
seph Martinez.
Tabled for more infor-
· Warm Springs Ventures
discussion with Jim Souers:
Executive Session 10:30-
12 noon.
· Covid-19 update with
Hyllis Dauphinais, Caroline
Cruz and Danny Martinez.
· Gas Tax legislation up-
date with Howard Arnett.
· American Rescue Plan
funding discussion.
· PDB Project update
with Chico Holliday and
Barry Buchanan.
· Motion by Captain to
adjourn at 5:15 p.m.
July 27
The meeting was called to
order at 9 a.m. by Chairman
Tsumpti. Roll call: Lincoln
Jay Suppah, Glendon Smith,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Anita Jackson, Vice Chair
Brigette McConville, Chief
Joseph Moses. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Warm Springs Power
date with Lupe Katchia.
2:30: Veterans Office
update with Frankie Will-
Thursday-Friday, Au-
gust 26-27: Columbia River
Inter-Tribal Fish Commis-
sion meeting.
Items for further con-
sideration: Affiliated Tribes
of Northwest Indians meet-
ing in September.
National Congress of
American Indians meeting in
October. National Tribal
Health Conference, virtual,
in October. District meetings
and General Council meet-
and Water Enterprise update
with Jim Manion.
· Warm Springs Credit
Enterprise update with Lori
Fuentes and Bridgette
· Warm Springs Commu-
nity Action Team update
with Chris Watson.
· Warm Springs Timber
Company update with Cal
· The Museum at Warm
Springs update with Eliza-
beth Woody.
· Indian Head Casino and
Plateau Travel Plaza updates
with Jeffrey Carstensen and
the board.
· Warm Springs Housing
Authority update with
Danielle Wood:
Motion by Captain ap-
proving Housing to apply for
the Indian Community De-
velopment Block Grant and
American Rescue Plan grant.
Second by Jay. Discussion.
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Motion by Brigette ap-
proving Housing’s request to
resume meth testing in hous-
ing units. Second by
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Telecom update with
Tim York.
· Warm Springs Compos-
ite update with Jacob
Cochise and Scot Lowe.
Motion by Brigette to ad-
journ at 4:30 p.m.
From the desk of the W.S. Vets Representative
If any tribal veterans
would like to obtain an Or-
egon State Wounded Warrior
permit, you need to submit
the following information
Oregon Department of
Transportation, or contact
the Warm Springs Tribal Vet-
erans Service Officer.
To obtain the permit for
the Oregon Wounded War-
rior permit:
Have a valid Oregon
Driver License or ID card.
Have a doctor’s signature
on the application.
Provide a letter from the
Veterans Administration in-
dicating 50 percent or greater
service connected disability.
And have a discharge sta-
tus other than dishonorable.
Frankie Williams ,
Confederated Tribes at
Warm Springs, Tribal Veter-
ans Service officer
Phone, 541-460-0605
Page 3
Board positions
Tribal Council is seeking to fill one position on
the tribal Telecommunications board of direc-
A letter of interest and resume should be sub-
mitted no later than August 27. You can drop off
the letter and resume at the tribal administration
building, addressed to Glendon Smith, Secretary-
Treasurer. Or you can mail to:
Glendon Smith, PO Box 455, Warm Springs OR
97761. Or email:
Please sign a criminal and credit background
check. These forms can be emailed or mailed to
you. If you mail in your letter of interest and re-
sume, the background check will be mailed to you.
Information is submitted confidentially to the S-T.
Composite Products
Council is also seeking to fill two positions on
the Warm Springs Composite Products board of
One of the positions is for a tribal members;
and the other is for a non-member.
The date by which you submit a letter of inter-
est and resume is Friday, August 27. The ways of
submitting the letter and resume are the same as
for the Telecom board above.
Power & Water
Council is seeking to fill two positions on the
Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprises board
of directors. Date to submit letter of interest and
resume is August 27; and means of submission are
the same as above.
Council seeks to fill three positions on the Warm
Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO)
Date to submit is August 27; and means of sub-
mission of letter of interest and resume is same as
Court of Appeals
Council seeks to fill three positions on the Con-
federated Tribes of Warm Springs Court of Ap-
The person should be at least 26 years of age,
and have a Juris Doctor form a law school accred-
ited under the American Bar Association. The per-
son should have the JD for at least 12 months.
The candidate can have no felony convictions,
and have a demonstrated high moral character.
The date to submit a letter of interest and re-
sume is Friday, August 27; and means of submis-
sion is same as above.
Notice of receipt of ballot title
Notice is hereby given that a ballot title for a mea-
sure referred by the Jefferson County School Dis-
trict 509-J was filed with the County Clerk of
Jefferson County on August 5, 2021. This measure
will be on the November 2, 2021 Regular Election
The ballot title caption is “Bond to Address Health
and Safety, Repair, Update Facilities.” The full text
of the ballot measure is available at the Jefferson
County Clerk’s Office, 66 SE D Street, Suite C,
Madras, OR 97741; or the Jefferson County website:
An elector may file a petition for review of this
ballot in the Jefferson County Circuit Court no later
than 5 p.m. on August 16, 2021.
Katherine Zemke, Jefferson County Clerk. Pub-
lished pursuant to ORS 250.195.