Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 28, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Summaries of Tribal Council
July 19, 2021
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll
cal: Raymond (Captain)
Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah,
Wilson Wewa Jr., Anita Jack-
Glendon Smith.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
Secretary-Treasurer up-
date with Michele Stacona.
August agenda with the S-T:
· Motion by Captain ap-
proving the August agenda,
subject to change. Second by
Jay. Discussion: 5/0/0, Vice
Chair not voting, Motion car-
· State and federal legisla-
tive update calls.
Draft resolutions with the
· Motion by Anita adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,827
appointing Glendon Smith as
Executive Officer of the
Tribal Council effective July
19, 2021. That Glendon will
continue to perform his du-
ties as Councilman. That the
Executive Officer shall be
authorized to execute con-
tracts, applications, agree-
ments and other documents
on behalf of the Confeder-
ated Tribes in accordance
with the approved and re-
stated Management Plan of
Operations. That the Secre-
tary-Treasurer/Chief Execu-
tive Officer shall be em-
ployed under the following
terms: The term shall run
concurrently with the term
of the Twenty-Eighth Tribal
Council, and may be ex-
tended to ensure an effective
transition and continuity of
effort. Second by Wilson.
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, Jay/
no, Captain/abstain, Anita/
yes, Glendon/abstain, 2/1/
2, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion Carried.
· West Hills Drive Re-
surfacing—Fiscal year
2021 Highway Infrastruc-
ture Program Covid Supple-
mental Funds:
Motion by Wilson adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,828
that the Tribal Council re-
quest a contract under au-
thority of PL. 93-638 to ac-
complish construction of the
following project at Warm
Springs: West Hills Drive Re-
surfacing. That the Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO of the
Tribes of their authorized
designee is hereby authorized
to make application for, ne-
gotiate and execute said con-
tract and any amendments
thereto, on behalf of the
Tribes. That this authoriza-
tion shall remain in full force
and effect until otherwise
amended or rescinded by
Tribal Council resolution.
Second by Glendon. Wilson/
Employment with the Tribes
The following are po-
sitions posted by the
Confederated Tribes Per-
sonnel Department. You
can reach the department
at 541-553-3262.
trative assistant. Home
visitor. Lead cook.
Public Safety gen-
eral manager. Tribal
daycare secretary IV.
Summer youth work-
Corrections officer
(three positions). Com-
munity Health Nurses
Childrens’ Protective
Services specialist.
Communications of-
ficer. Public administra-
tor. Health systems
Restoration field
crew member. Range-
land management spe-
Daycare teachers
(six positions). Medical
social workers (two po-
sitions). Youth program
Here is a recent list of
positions open at In-
dian Head Casino.
for information on apply-
Tule Grill cook. Black-
jack dealer. Players
Club host.
Custodian. Guest ser-
vices operator. Security
Lounge bartender.
Coffee stations atten-
Revenue auditor.
Restaurant manager.
Director of Finance.
The following are re-
cent positions adver-
tised at the Plateau
Travel Plaza:
Store Shift Supervi-
sor. Fuel attendant.
July 28, 2021
yes, Jay/yes, Captain/yes,
Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, 5/
0/0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· Quail Trail Pedes-
trian Pathway (Tenino to
Bear Drive):
Motion by Wilson adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,829
that the Tribal Council re-
quest a contract under au-
thority of PL. 93-638 to ac-
complish construction of the
following project at Warm
Quail Trail Pedestrian
Pathway (Tenino to Bear
Drive). That the Secretary-
Treasurer/CEO of the
Tribes or their authorized
designee is hereby authorized
to make application for, ne-
gotiate and execute said con-
tract and any amendments
thereto, on behalf of the
Tribes. That this authoriza-
tion shall remain in full force
and effect until otherwise
amended or rescinded by
Tribal Council resolution.
Second by Glendon. Wilson/
yes, Jay/yes, Captain/yes,
Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, 5/
0/0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· Kalama Lane Subdi-
Motion by Jay adopting
Resolution No. 12,830 that
the Tribal Council request a
contract under authority of
PL. 93-638 to accomplish
construction of the follow-
ing project at Warm Springs:
Kalama Lane Subdivi-
sion. That the Secretary-
Treasurer/CEO of the
Tribes or their authorized
designee is hereby authorized
to make application for, ne-
gotiate and execute said con-
tract and any amendments
thereto, on behalf of the
Tribes. That this authoriza-
tion shall remain in full force
and effect until otherwise
amended or rescinded by
Tribal Council resolution.
Second by Glendon. Wilson/
yes, Jay/yes, Captain/yes,
Glendon/yes, Anita/yes, 5/
0/0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· Park Place Court
(Kuckup Subdivision):
Motion by Captain adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,831
that the Tribal Council re-
quest a contract under au-
thority of PL. 93-638 to ac-
complish construction of the
following project at Warm
Springs: Park Place Court
(Kuckup Subdivision). That
the Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO of the Tribes or their
authorized designee is hereby
authorized to make applica-
tion for, negotiate and ex-
ecute said contract and any
amendments thereto, on be-
half of the Tribes. That this
authorization shall remain in
full force and effect until
otherwise amended or re-
scinded by Tribal Council
resolution. Second by
Glendon; Wilson/yes, Jay/
yes, Captain/yes, Glendon/
yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Vice
Chair not voting. Motion car-
· West Hills Drive Re-
surfacing (Tribal Transpor-
tation Program funds):
Motion by Glendon
adopting Resolution No.
12,832 that the Tribal Coun-
cil request a contract under
authority of PL. 93-638 to
accomplish construction of
the following project at
Warm Springs: West Hills
Drive Resurfacing.
That the Secretary-Trea-
surer/CEO of the Tribes or
their authorized designee is
hereby authorized to make
application for, negotiate and
execute said contract and
any amendments thereto, on
behalf of the Tribes. That
this authorization shall re-
main in full force and effect
Page 3
until otherwise amended or
rescinded by Tribal Council
resolution. Second by
Glendon. Wilson/yes, Jay/
yes, Captain/yes, Glendon/
yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Vice
Chair not voting. Motion car-
· REDW LLC (Account-
ing Services Support):
Motion by Wilson adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,833
that the Tribal Council hereby
approves the REDW En-
gagement Agreement, at-
tached hereto as Exhibit A,
including the limited waiver
of Tribal Sovereign Immu-
nity. That the Tribal Council
hereby authorizes the Tribal
Chair, Vice Chair, or Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO to sign
and execute the REDW En-
gagement Agreement on be-
half of the Tribe and autho-
rizes the Authorized Repre-
sentatives or their delegate
to take or cause to be taken
all acts on behalf of the Tribe
to perform and carry out the
REDW Engagement Agree-
ment. Second by Captain; 5/
0/0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· Brownsfield Redevelop-
ment Fund-
Motion by Captain adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,834
that the Tribal Council hereby
approves the Grant Agree-
ment, attached as Exhibit A,
and specifically approves of
the limited waiver of Tribal
Sovereign Immunity set out
in the Grant Agreement.
That the Tribal Council
hereby authorizes the Tribal
Chair, Vice Chair, or Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO to ex-
ecute, deliver and perform
the Grant Agreement, at-
tached as Exhibit A on be-
half of the Tribe with such
modifications to the forego-
ing as may be approved by
an Authorized Representa-
tive with such approval to be
conclusively established by
the signature of such Autho-
rized Representative on the
Grant Agreement and autho-
rizes the Authorized Repre-
sentatives or their delegate to
take or case to be taken all
acts on behalf of the Tribe
to perform and carry out the
agreement. Second by Jay. 5/
0/0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· July Enrollments with
Lucille Suppah-Sampson, Vi-
tal Statistics:
Motion by Captain adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,835
enrolling one individual. Sec-
ond by Jay. 5/0/0, Vice Chair
not voting. Motion carried.
· Fire Level with Brenda
Bremner, BIA Superinten-
· Tribal attorney update
with Josh Newton:
Executive Session, 2:58-
· Tribal attorney update
with John Ogan.
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 4:25 p.m.
July 21
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 by Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Roll
call: Chief Alfred Smith Jr.,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Glendon Smith. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Education update with
Valerie Switzler and Radine
· Gaming Commission
and Surveillance update with
Josephine Johnson.
· Engineering and funding
assistance proposal with
Akana: To be scheduled in
early August.
Motion by Wilson to ad-
journ at 11:35 a.m.
School board approves bond measure for November
The Jefferson County
509-J school district board
voted 5-0 this month to pro-
ceed with placing a $24 mil-
lion bond measure on the
November ballot.
The bond would fund the
expansion of vocational,
Career and Technical Edu-
cation, and early learning
programs with additional
classroom space at both
Warm Springs Academy and
the Westside Building, where
Bridges High School is cur-
rently located.
The proposed bond mea-
sure will address critical
health, safety and security
upgrades in all of the
district’s schools.
In addition, the bond
aims to make energy effi-
ciency updates; upgrade
Americans with Disabilities
Act accessibility; and repair
and upgrade existing build-
Bond proceeds would
also be used to conduct
lighting and facility upgrades
to improve soccer fields and
facilities at Madras High
The bond measure is es-
timated not to increase the
current tax rate if the mea-
sure passes. If the measure
passes, the district will re-
ceive a $4 million grant from
the Oregon School Capital
Improvement Matching
program to help fund capi-
tal bond projects.
“Through prudent plan-
ning, this measure is not es-
timated to increase taxes in
our community,” said board
chair Laurie Danzuka.
“We believe this bond will
protect our students and
staff and facilities while be-
ing good stewards of com-
munity resources. The board
and the district respect the
financial concerns of our
The school district has
been through a long process
to reach this step.
In October of 2020, the
district conducted a facilities
condition assessment, which
informed the district’s long-
range facility plan.
This plan assessed the
district’s facilities needs over
the next 10 years based on the
building condition assessments,
educational adequacy assess-
ments, and capacity analyses.
It also provides a capital
improvement plan for ad-
dressing building condition
deficiencies, as well as edu-
cational program changes,
and enrollment growth.
In the Spring of 2020, the
district partnered with citizens,
parents, students, and staff
members to form a bond de-
velopment committee to
gather public input on the
needs of school buildings and
the priorities of the bond