Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 14, 2021 Fire under investigation Page 5 Rescue Plan funding for W.S. Head Start The Head Start program of the Confederated Tribes has received $177,082 in funding through the Ameri- can Rescue Plan. U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley made the announcement this week. The funds to the tribes are part of an overall contribu- tion to Oregon Head Start programs totalling $5.4 mil- lion. The American Rescue Plan funding to the Warm Springs Head Start is the most of any D.McMechan/Spilyay Warm Springs Fire and Safety this week is investigating a suspicious fire that happened at an abandoned structure. The blaze was reported about 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning, July 13. Fire crews responded to the scene, located at the top of the grade along Highway 3. Anyone with information should call Warm Springs Dispatch, 541-553-1171. Job openings as marina business has new owners The company that runs Mt. Hood Ski Bowl Adventure Park is now also operating the Lake Simtustus Resort and the Marina and Restaurant at Pelton Park. They are seeking to fill about 60 positions across all those prop- erties. The company is working with the Tribes Work Experience Programs to offer trainee positions. Call WIOA for information, 541- 553-3324. Fire in the region brings smokey air quality The smokey air above the res- er vation and the region has mostly been from a fire burning in Jefferson and Deschutes counties. The Grandview fire broke out early this week south of Three Riv- ers, west of Crooked River Ranch, east of Black Butte and North Northeast of Sisters. The fire rap- idly spread through grass and juni- per. There was zero-percent con- tainment for a time early in the week, with evacuation standby or- ders going out to residents of the area. Numerous resources were mobilized including wildland en- gines, dozers, resources from structural agencies and contract crews. other tribe in the state. Funding to other Oregon tribes Head Start prorgams in- clude: The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reserva- tion, $47,860. The Coquille Indian Tribe, $23,930. The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Indians, $90,934. All of this funding is a part of Head Start Forward, help- ing Head Start programs nation- wide move safely towards in- person operations. Community notes... The Springer Kids Softball and Baseball Tournament is coming up Friday and Saturday, August 6 and 7 in Warm Springs. The tourney will take the first six teams in each division: 10 and under girls softball; 13 and under girls softball; and 8 and under co- ed baseball. Plus, they’re having a co-ed t-ball round robin. For en- try, vendors or questions call 541- 668-2599. The Warm Springs Academy will offer their Summer Accel- eration program August 2 through August 20. If you have not yet reg- istered your student for the pro- gram, the school office will be open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon so you can complete the required paperwork. Summer Acceleration will include bus transportation and meals. A new fitness challenge be- gins next week and will run through- out August. This will be a mileage challenge with the goal for each in- dividual who participates: To log 92 miles. Ninety-two miles is the dis- tance between Warm Springs to Celilo Village. Contact Jennifer Robbins at the Community Wellness program to sign up and learn more, 541-553-3243. Pelton-Round Butte fisheries 2021 workshop The Confederated Tribes and PGE, as the Pelton-Round Butte hydro operators, invite you to reg- ister for their 2021 Fisheries Work- shop. The workshop will be at 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 22, virtually via Zoom. This annual workshop is an opportunity to hear the latest updates directly from biologists, restoration project managers and other experts in the Deschutes River Basin. Presentations will cover the im- Tribal Council summaries (June 28 summary from page 3) Glendon/yes, Joe/that is up to the General Managers, not Tribal Council (us), Captain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/ yes, 5/1/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Captain accepting the recommendations by The Team. Second by Wilson. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/ yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12 noon due to the administration building closure. June 29, 2021 The meeting was called to or- der at 9:08 by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Wilson Wewa Jr., Raymond (Captain) Moody, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Glendon Smith, Chief Joseph Moses, Anita Jackson. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Enrollments/Relinquishment with Lucille Suppach-Sampson, Vi- tal Statistics: · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,819 for the June Enrollments. Second by Captain. Discussion; Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/ abstain, Wilson/yes, 5/0/1, Chair- man not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,820 approving the relinquishment for this indi- vidual. Second by Anita. Discus- sion; Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · June Agenda with Michele Stacona: Motion by Captain approving the July agenda. Second by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/ yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/ yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Enterprise Zone resolution with Jim Souers, Economic Devel- opment: Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,821, that the Tribal Council hereby designates the land depicted in Exhibit A an Oregon Reservation Enterprise Zone to be named the War m Springs Reservation Enterprise Zone to be named the War m Springs Reservation Enterprise Zone or “WSREZ” and requests that the Oregon Business Devel- opment Department review and ratify this designation of the WSREZ under ORS 285c.306(2)(a); By the Tribal Council that the Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO is authorized to rep- resent, including signatory author- ity, the Tribal Council in matters of designating the WSREZ and making any substantive or techni- cal changes to the designation ma- terials as necessary after adopting of this resolution; that the Tribal council appoints the CTWS Plan- ning Manager and in the event such position is vacant, the Warm Springs Economic Development Corporation Chief Executive Of- ficer is to function as the Local Zone Manager for the WSREZ and he/she shall make all neces- sary reports to the Tribal Council on an annual basis or as the Tribal portance of lamprey to the tribes, water quality study results, smolt acclimation, our new stress relief pond for juvenile fish and more. You can see the full agenda, and register at the website: portlandgeneralelectric.com Council requests and is authorized to represent the Tribe in the mat- ters of designating the WSREZ, finalizing Exhibits to this resolu- tion, otherwise seeing to it that the Oregon Business Development Department has information nec- essary for its determination and the proper administration of the Zone, and notifying the county assessor and Oregon Department of Rev- enue as needed; That the Tribal Council agrees that the Tribe will comply with the applicable statu- tory provisions and requirements for a Reservation Enterprise Zone, including those applicable require- ments that may be found in ORS 285C.105, 285C.050 to 285C.250, and 285C.300 to 285C.320; Sec- ond by Anita; Discussion, with ed- its; Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · BIRF Loan with Jim Souers: Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,822 that the Tribal Council hereby approves BIRF loan interest suspension and hereby authorizes the BIRF Com- mittee Chair or Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO to sign and execute any documents necessary to imple- ment the BIRF loan interest sus- pension and authorizes the Autho- rized Representatives or their del- egate to take or cause to be taken all acts on behalf of the Tribe to perform and carry out this resolu- tion. Second by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wil- son/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Tribal Backlog of Essential Maintenance, Alteration and Re- pair (BEMAR) funding with Chico Holliday, Utilities: Motion by Captain adopting Resolution No. 12,823 that the Tribal Council hereby authorizes the Tribal Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer/CEO or their designee to sign and execute the BEMAR Project Summary PO0WS712C6 by an Authorized Representative and authorizes the Authorized Representatives or their delegate to take or cause to be taken all acts on behalf of the Tribe to perform and carry out the BEMAR projects pursuant to the BEMAR Project Agreements; Sec- ond by Wilson; Discussion; Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wil- son/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Simnasho Wastewater and Treatment Facility with Chico Holliday, Utilities: Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,824 that the Tribal Council hereby accepts the Preliminary Engineering Report/ Simnasho Wastewater Treatment Facility; covering the water and sewer system, serving Simnasho (Contract No. 0-19599-21) as out- lined in this Preliminary Engineer- ing Report; That the Tribes would like to reserve 3 acres of tribal land to be used for the benefit and future development of the project. As described; That the Chairman or Vice Chair and Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO are hereby authorized to execute the necessary documents for and on behalf of the Tribes. Second by Wilson. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wil- son/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Culture and Heritage Depart- ment Grant with Michele Stacona: Motion by Wilson adopting Resolution No. 12,825 that the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO is autho- rized to apply for grant funding and authorized to negotiate and execute any application or award documents in connection herewith, including any modification thereto as re- quired. Second by Brigette. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Brigette/eyes, Anita/yes, Wilson/ yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · General manager/manager vacant position update and Secre- tary-Treasurer position discussion, Tribal Council and Michele Stacona: This will be discussed with a full quorum. · Motion by Anita to adjourn at 11:10 a.m.