Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 14, 2021 Page 3 On the Tribal Council agenda during July The following are some of the items on the Tribal Coun- cil agenda for the rest of July (subject to change at Tribal Council discretion): Monday, July 19 9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea- surer update with Michele Stacona. 9:30: August agenda and review minutes with the S- T. 10: Legislative update calls, federal and state. 11: Covid-19 update with the Response Team. 1:30 p.m.: Draft resolu- tions with the S-T. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vi- tal Statistics. Tuesday, July 20 9 a.m.: Human Resources update with Cheryl Tom. 9:30: Finance update. 10: Governmental Affairs update with Louie Pitt. 10:30: Managed Care pro- gram update with Michael Collins. 11: Administrative Ser- vices update with the Secre- tary-Treasurer. 11:30: Procurement up- date with Libby Chase. 1:30 p.m.: Tribal Court update with Chief Judge Lisa Lomas. 2: High Lookee Lodge update. 2:30: Public Safety up- date with Nancy Seyler. 3: Natural Resources up- date with Robert Brunoe. 3:30: Veterans Services Office update with Frankie Williams. 4: Health and Human Ser vices update with Caroline Cruz. date with Wendell Jim. 10:30: Gaming Commis- sion-Surveillance update with Josephine Johnson. Wednesday, July 21 9 a.m.: Education update with Valerie Switzler. 9:30: Public Utilities up- date with Chico Holliday. 10: Tribal Employment Rights Office, TERO up- Monday, July 26 10 a.m.: Cannabis pro- posal (executive session) with Jim Souers and the War m Springs Ventures board of directors. Wednesay, July 12: Lamprey Task Force meet- ing, 9 a.m. Thursday and Friday, July 22 and 23: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com- mission meeting. Great quality drinking water on Mondays The Warm Springs Eco- nomic Development-Source Global water center is open Mondays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stop by and pick up a jug of Source water, or get your refill, both are free of charge. The water comes from the solar panels located next to the water center building, located at the industrial park on Holliday Street, past the Warm Springs Ventures- Economic Development of- fices. Source Global is based in Arizona. It’s a public benefit corporation, creating sus- tainable drinking water infra- structure for communities in The four Columbia River tribes have set the fol- lowing fishery plan, and the Columbia River Com- pact concurred. The plan applies to the Zone 6 com- mercial gillnet fishery. The initial fishery is from the present through 6 p.m. this Thursday, July 15. The second fishery will be from 6 a.m. on Monday, July 19 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 22. The gear is set- and drift gillnets with no mini- mum mesh size restriction. Allowable sales are as follows: Salmon (any species), steelhead, shad, yellow perch, bass, walleye, catfish and carp may be sold or retained for subsistence. Fish landed during the open periods are allowed to be sold after the period con- cludes. Sturgeon may not be sold. Sturgeon from 38 to 54 inches fork length in the Bonneville pool, and sturgeon from 43 to 54 inches fork length in The Dalles and John Day pools may be kept for subsis- tence purposes. Closed areas: River mouth and closed areas ap- plicable to gillnets in effect. The Spring Creek hatch- ery closed area is not in effect in the summer man- agement period. Tributary fisheries and fisheries downstream of Bonneville dam: Consult the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Branch of Natural Resources Fish- eries for current regulations in these areas. If you have any fishing enforcement problems or need assistance or information, day or night, con- tact the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries En- forcement Office, 541-386-6363; or toll free 800- 487-FISH (34740. Carry your tribal identification. Summons: Jury Duty D.McMechan/Spilyay At the Ventures-Source station, Mitchell Lira fills a jug for the Media Center offices. the U.S. and around the world. Their technolog y in- volves the ‘Source field’ of solar hydropanels: The Summaries of Tribal Council July 6, 2021 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Raymond (Captain) Moody, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Lincoln Jay Suppah, Chief Joseph Moses, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Glendon Smith, Wilson Wewa Jr., Anita Jackson. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Bureau of Indian Af- fairs update with Brenda Bremner. · State and federal legis- lative update calls. Secretary-Treasurer posi- tion: · Chairman Tsumpti polled the members accept- ing Glendon as Secretary- Treasurer until the end of Tribes set zone 6 July fisheries April 2022. Joe/yes, Cap- tain/no, Jay/no, Brigette/ yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, Alfred/yes, 4/2/0. Chair- man not voting. · Glendon’s salary will be negotiated and he will start as soon as possible. Motion by Brigette to adjourn at 11:15 a.m. due to the building closure. June 28, 2021 Chair man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. called the meet- ing to order. Roll call: Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Raymond (Captain) Moody, Chief Joseph Moses, Glendon Smith, Wilson Wewa Jr., Anita Jackson. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Board appointments panels harness solar power to condense water from the air. Warm Springs Economic Development and Source offer the drinking water to the community, helping off- set some of the domestic water system issues facing the tribes. with Michele Stacona, Sec- retary-Treasurer: TERO Commissioners. · Motion by Captain to accept the only application filed. Call for a Second. Sec- ond call. Third call for a Sec- ond. Motion failed due to lack of a Second. This will be re-advertised for 30 days. Warm Springs Economic Development Corporation attached as exhibit A is hereby approved and adopted. Second by Brigette. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wil- son/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Union Pacific Settle- ment Agreement with Josh Newton, tribal attorney: Executive Session, 9:33- 10:50 a.m. · Construction articles update wtih Jim Souers and Charles Jackson, Ventures- Economic Development: Motion by Anita adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,818 that the Second Amended Plan of Operations of the Covid/School District 509-J updates and employee safety during the heat wave discussion with the Response Team: · Motion by Wilson to grant Admin Leave during the heat wave based on Gen- eral Managers, in coordina- tion with the Secretary-Trea- surer. Second by Glendon; Discussion. (The June 28 summar y continues on page 5.) Notification to serve as juror. To the following individuals listed below: You are hereby noti- fied to appear before the Tribal Court to serve as a Juror on each Thursday listed below during the months of July and Au- gust, 2021. Orientation will be at 8:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 10 a.m., 10:45 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. on Friday, July 30. Jury duty dates: Will be at 8:30 a.m. on the following dates: August 4 and 5; August 25 and 26: If you fail to appear on the dates and times listed above, you may be charged with Contempt of Court. This notice is to the following: Adams, Albert Dean Allen, Reynolds Andy, Nicole Marie Arthur, James Daniel Banda, Danielle Roselyn Boise, Jenessa Daisy Charley, Benjamin Earl Clements, Elaina Ann Culps Jr., Sammy Lloyd Danzuka Jr., Owen George David, Arlene Katelyn Eaglespeaker, Felix Ray Frank, Gerald Ray Fuentes, Anthony War- ren Heath, Jerrod Isaac Hellon, Lewis Frederick Hoptowit, Shirley Joy Jack, Vangelique Catherine Jim, Lyman Johnson, Deidra Katchia, Desmond Trey Tohet Keo, Luther Lucero, Leander Louis Medina, D’Covyn James Neil Melvin, Tricia Dena Miller, Paula Jo Moody, Huston J. Moses, Jered Oliver Palmer, Codi Ann Picard, Kiani Shawnai Polk, Judy Lee Renfro, Forest Avery Rubio Jr, Adam Gabriel Sam, Patricia Ashlee Scott, Charles Henry Shike, Lana Leanne Joy Smith, Desirae Nichole Smith, Mallory Aurel Smith, Triston Wade Sohappy, Jayden Michael Spino, Louis Andrew Strong, William Alexander Suppah, Angel Gomez Suppah, Janice Diane Suppah, Trevor Ryan Tias Sr., Gerald Lee Tom, Preston Ray Vanpelt, Patrina Itta Waheneka, Walter Kelly Williams, Roberta Water systems report The most recent Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Annual Consumer Confidence Report for the water treatment plant, and three tribal water sys- tems, is now available. This is the annual required report of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The reports are posted publicly at the Macy’s Mar- ket, the Post Office, and at the administration build- ing. Warm Springs Utilities reminds community members to please conserve water. Do not leave water running and limit lawn and garden watering to ensure adequate water levels are maintained in reservoirs. Water conservation is something we can all remain focused on throughout this summer, as something we can do to help the community.