Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Summary of Tribal Council May 17, 2021 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Anita Jackson, Wil- son Wewa Jr., Lola Sohappy, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Glendon Smith, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. Secretary-Treasurer up- date with Michele Stacona. June agenda/review minutes with the S-T: · Motion by Wilson ap- proving the June agenda. Second by Glendon. Dis- cussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/abstain; 5/0/1, Chairman not vot- ing. Motion carried. Federal and state legis- lative update calls. State Legislative Update Call – Michael Mason Covid-19 Response Team update with the Team: · Motion by Wilson ac- cepting the recommenda- tions. Call for a second. Third call. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Vehicle charging termi- nals/insurance claim dis- cussion with Jeffrey Carstensen, Indian Head Casino, and tribal attor- neys. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,804 that the Tribal Council approves and con- sents to the sublease of the property; That the Tribal Council hereby authorizes the Tribal Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO to sign and execute the consent for the sublease on behalf of the Tribe and au- thorizes the authorized rep- resentatives or their delegate to take or cause to be taken all acts on behalf of the Tribe to facilitate the sublease. Sec- ond by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/ yes, 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Executive session 1:55- 2:35 p.m. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,805 that the Tribal Coun- cil resolves that the Warm Springs Tribal Court may ex- ercise personal jurisdiction over the Tribe’s insurers in any action by WSCE to re- cover losses that it, either di- rectly or through Indian Head Casino or the Plateau Travel Plaza, has suffered as a result of the Covid-19 pan- demic. Second by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/ yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Sampson of Vital Statistics: · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,806 enrolling five indi- viduals. Second by Wilson. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/abstain, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/1, Chairman June 2, 2021 not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,807 approving the relin- quishment of an individual so they could enroll in the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Na- tion Reservation. Second by Wilson. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/abstain, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, 5/0/1, Chairman not voting; Mo- tion carried. Draft Resolutions with the S-T: · Executive Session 2:58- 3:15 p.m. · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,808 that the Tribal Coun- cil hereby declares that it is the decision of the Tribal Council that the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the U.S. Department of Interior shall be the owner of the new Warm Springs detention fa- cility. Second by Brigette. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/abstain, Anita/ab- stain, Lola/yes, 4/0/2, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,809 that Jabbar Davis be granted a fifty year home site lease in the Schoolie Flat area on tribal land described herein... Call for second; sec- ond call; Second by Glendon; Discussion; Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprise discussion: Additional one-sixth owner- ship option with Jim Manion and tribal attorneys. · Call for motion. Second call. Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,810 by the Twenty-Eighth Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Or- egon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1(e), (f), and (l) of the Tribal Constitution and By- Laws and the Bond Ordi- nance of the Tribe, as defined in Section 1-Section 18. Dis- cussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Cap- tain/no, Lola/yes, 6/1/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Page 7 Geographic Naming pro- posal discussion with tribal attorney Howard Arnett: · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,811 that the Tribal Coun- cil hereby bestows the offi- cial geographic name on the creek described in this Reso- lution, and as more fully set out in Exhibit A attached hereto, of ‘Toto Creek.’ And hereby bestows the official geographic name on the meadow described in this Resolution, and as more fully set out in Exhibit A attached, of ‘Toto’s Meadow’, by the Tribal Council that the tribal attorney and the General Manager of the Tribal Branch of Natural Resources are hereby directed to notify the United states Board on Geographic Names of this action of the Tribal Council formally naming these geo- graphic features so that the names will be entered into the Federal Government’s Geo- graphic Names Information System as the official geo- graphic names for federal map-making purposes and other federal use. Second by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/ yes, Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/ yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Other business – Tribal Council: · The Secretary-Treasurer will research older Resolu- tions regarding Tribal Coun- cil pay. Motion by Brigette to ad- journ at 5:40 p.m.