Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 19, 2021 Indian Head, Travel Plaza jobs fairs Employment with the Tribes There are great employ- ment opportunities at Indian Head Casino and the Pla- teau Travel Plaza. Toward making the most of these opportuni- ties, the casino and Travel Plaza this month will host two job fairs. The first fair is coming up from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26 at the Plateau Travel Plaza. This job fair is for Plateau Travel Plaza positions only. The next fair will be from 9 to 11 a.m., and 1 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 27 at the Indian Head Human Re- sources office, at the Plaza next to the casino. The May 27 job fair will be for all available positions at the casino and at the Pla- teau Travel Plaza. Some fea- tures of the job fairs: On-the-spot interviews will be available for most positions. Applications will be avail- able on-site, or you can com- plete the application online The following are positions posted by the Confederated Tribes Personnel De- pa r t m e n t . Yo u c a n reach the department at 541-553-3262. Community notes The Boys & Girls Club of Warm Springs is planning their summer program for youth 5 years and older. The sum- mer program will start June 11. The club will be open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The sum- mer fee is $25 per youth. Contact June Smith at 541-553-2323 or email prior to the job fair by visit- ing the ‘Careers’ tab at If you have a resume, please bring it with you. Oth- erwise, all other documents will be provided upon ar- rival. All Covid-19 protocols will be enforced and facemasks will be required at all times. Here are some examples of jobs that were advertised recently with Indian Head Casino: Cage cashier. Chief finan- cial officer. Coffee stations attendant. Custodian. Play- ers Club host. Players Club host—lead. Security officer. Server. Slot keyperson. Tule Grill atten- dant. Tule Grill cook. And here are some recent positions advertised with the The Healing from Grief conference is coming up June 9-10 in front of the Behavioral Health Center. There will also be a Walk for Heal- ing June 9 from 6-7 p.m. Social Distancing and facemasks will be re- quired. Learn more by con- tacting Rosanna Jack- son, Anita Davis or Judy Charley at War m Springs Prevention, 541-615-0036. Plateau Travel Plaza: Store cashier. Store shift supervisor. Fuel attendant. Host cashier/ser ver. Lead line cook. Line cook. Security officer. Fish tech II . Timber sale officer. Mainte- nance worker. Look- outs (four positions). WIC certifier/nutrition technician. Office ad- ministrator. CPS spe- cialist. Health coordina- tor. Rangeland manage- ment specialist. Construc- tion assistant - Level 1. Restoration field crew member. Budget contract and grant analyst. Associ- ate design project manager. Communications officer. Criminal justice planner. Recovery mentor. CPS su- pervisor. Conservation enforce- ment officer. Research and monitoring project leader. Hood River fisheries pro- gram supervisor. Surveil- lance observer. Protec- tive care provider (four positions). Fisheries technician I. Chief finan- cial officer. Community health nurse. Book- keeper. Administrative officer. Youth program em- ployment. Soil scien- tist/watershed planner. Director of Finance. De- velopment director. Cor- rections officer (5 posi- tions). Fisheries De- partment manager. U.S. Census field represen- tative. Treasury control- ler.