Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon In April at Tribal Council The following are some of the items coming this month on the Tribal Council agenda (subject to change at Council discretion): Monday, April 13 9 a.m.: High Lookee Lodge update. 9:30: Human Resources update with Cheryl Tom. 10: Finance update with Secretary-Treasurer-CEO Michele Stacona. 10:30: Governmental Affairs update with Louie Pitt. 11: Managed Care pro- gram update with Michael Collins. 1:30 p.m.: Administrative Services update with Michele. 2: Procurement update with Libby Chase. 2:30: Tribal Court update with Chief Judge Lisa Lomas. 3: Public Safety update with Carmen Smith. 3:30: Natural Resources update with Robert Brunoe. 4: Veterans Services Of- fice update with Frankie Wil- liams. Wednesday, April 14 9 a.m.: Health and Human Services update with Caroline Cruz. 10: Education update with Valerie Switzler. 10:30: School district 509- J memorandum of under- April 7, 2021 standing with Valerie. 11: Public Utilities update with Travis Wells. 1:30 p.m.: TERO program update with Wendell Jim. 2:30: Gaming Commis- sion/Sur veillance update with Sandra Main and Josephine Johnson. 3: Right-of-Way—Century Link update with Jim Manion and Ellen Grover. 3:30: Landfill update with Said Amali and Joie Simtustus. Monday, April 19: Me- diation: DSL permit with Judge Leavy, via Zoom, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea- Summaries of Tribal Council The following are Tribal Council proceeding summaries from March: March 22, 2021 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Raymond (Captain) Moody, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Lincoln Jay Suppah, Chief Joseph Moses, Glendon Smith, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Anita Jackson, Chief Delvis Heath. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Secretary-Treasurer up- date S-T/CEO Michele Stacona. · April agenda with Michele Stacona: Motion by Captain ap- proving the April agenda. Second by Brigette. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Alfred/yes, 7/0/0, chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Federal and state legis- lative update calls. · Coivid and 509-J School update with the Response Team and school superinten- dent Ken Parshall: · Does Tribal Council ap- prove utilizing Covid-19 re- lief dollars to cover costs for wells and septic tanks: Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Jay/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes. Passes 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. · Letter of Support for Judge Kasubhai: · Motion by Brigette ap- proving the Chairman to sign letters of support to Hon- orable Jeff Merkley and Honorable Ron Wyden. Sec- ond by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Jay/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, 7/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Cannabis Commission update with Starla Green. · Appeals Court update with Thor Hoyt. · Development update with Bruce Irwin. · Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission update with Shirley Allen, Ramona Cochran, Jonathan W. Smith and Councilman Glendon Smith. · Michele: Financial Strat- egies LLC vacancy will be advertised. · Motion by Delvis to ad- journ at 3:10 p.m. March 23 The meeting was called to order at 9 by Chair man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Anita Jackson, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Glendon Smith, Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses. · Human Resources up- date with director Cheryl Tom. · Finance update with di- rector Alfred Estimo Jr. · Governmental Affairs update with director Louie Pitt Jr. · Managed Care update with director Michael Collins. · Administrative Services update with Secretary-Trea- surer Michele Stacona. Other business – Brigette: · A $2,500 check was do- nated to the tribes to use as needed. · Procurement update di- rector Libby Chase. · Tribal Court update with Chief Judge Lisa Lomas. · Public Safety update with Chief William Elliot and tribal prosecutor Nancy Seyler. · Natural Resources up- date with Branch general manager Robert Brunoe. · Indian Head Casino Board appointment discus- sion with Michele: · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution no. 12,786A. That the following individual are appointed to the Board of Directors of Indian Head Casino, with ini- tial terms of office to end on the specified date: Mavis Shaw, tribal member, Class I Director, term ending De- cember 31, 2023. Second by Delvis. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, 5/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. Motion by Brigette to ad- journ at 3:31 p.m. March 24 The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Raymond (Captain) Moody, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Anita Jackson, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Glendon Smith, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Chief Joseph Moses, Wilson Wewa Jr., Chief Delvis Heath. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Health and Human Ser- vices update with branch general manager Caroline Cruz · Education update with branch general manager Valerie Switzler. · Public Utilities update with Chico Holliday · Tribal Employment Rights Office update with Wendell Jim. · Gaming Commission surer update with Michele. 9:30: May agenda, review minutes. 10: Legislative update calls. 10:30: Draft resolutions. 11: Covid and 509-J school district update. 1:30 p.m.: Ventures update (tentative hold) with Jim Souers. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson. 3: Indian Head Casino dis- cussion with Jeff Carstensen. 4: Commissary project update with Marissa Ahern- Crabb. Thursday and Friday, April 22-23: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission meeting via Zoom. and Surveillance update with director Josephine Johnson. · Gaming Commissioner appointments with Michele Stacona: Motion by Brigette accept- ing the names for the ap- pointments. Second by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Captain/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, 8/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting Resolution No. 12,794 appointing members of the Warm Springs Tribal Gaming Regulatory Author- ity effective immediately: Sandra Main, Chairwoman, Mariam Tias, Vice Chair. Jessie Fuentes, Secretary, ter ms ending June 30, 2022. Second by Anita. Dis- cussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/ yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, 8/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Cannabis/Kah-Nee-Ta updates with Wakinyan: Following the presentation Tribal Council members were polled: Do you accept or deny this proposal? Glendon/accept, Joe/deny, Captain/deny, Jay/deny, Brigette/deny, Anita/deny, Wilson/accept, Delvis/ac- cept, 3/5/0, Chairman not voting. The proposal is de- nied. · Due to action taken, the proposal for Kah-Nee-Ta is withdrawn. · Willamette Falls discus- sion with Governmental Af- fairs’ Louie Pitt. · Personal Time Off do- nation discussion with S-T Michele Stacona: Chairman Tsumpti: The Secretary-Treasurer has au- thority to approve or disap- prove PTO donations. Motion by Anita to ad- journ at 4:30 p.m. Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE: Clean Water Act certification Notice of proposed reissuance of Clean Wa- ter Act Section 401 certi- fication to discharge to waters of the Confeder- ated Tribes of War m Springs. 1. Applicant: Confed- erated Tribes of Warm Springs Warm Springs – Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mailing Address: PO Box C, War m Springs, OR 97761. This original 401 cer- tification issued to the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Wastewa- ter Treatment Plant in April 2000. The permit- tee has submitted an NPDES permit applica- tion for reissuance of the permit for a discharge from the Warm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant to Shitike Creek on the Warm Springs Reser- vation. The permit will autho- rize certain discharges of pollutants into Shitike Creek subject to limits and requirements designed to minimize pollution and protect water quality. A description of the basis for the conditions and requirements of the draft permit is given in the Fact Sheet. A draft permit and re- lated fact sheet are avail- able by contacting Mike McKay at 541-553-2020 or: mike.mckay@ctwsbnr.org 2. Tribal certification: This facility is located within the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs reser vation and dis- charges to waters under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the bound- ary with the State of Oregon’s jurisdiction. Pur- suant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs has the authority to grant or waive 401 certifica- tion. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs must either certify that the permit complies with Tribal water quality stan- dards or waive certifica- tion before the final per- mit is issued. 3. Public comments: Because of the Covid- 19 virus, access to the Tribal Environmental Office building is limited. Please contact Mike McKay via email: mike.mckay@ctwsbnr.org Or phone 541-553- 2020 to request copies of the draft 401 certification or to submit comments. Persons wishing to comment on the tentative determinations contained in the draft certification may do so in writing to the above e-mail address. Comments must be re- ceived within the 15-day period to be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding the application. All com- ments should include the name, address and tele- phone number of the commenter and a concise statement of the exact basis of any comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs – Wa- ter Control Board. PO Box C, Warm Springs, Oregon 97761. Phone 541-553-3257. Technical contact: Mike McKay, 541-553- 2020. mike.mckay@ctwsbnr.org Public Notice Issuance Date: March 31, 2021 Public Notice Expiration Date: April 15, 2021. The Senior Wellness Program is re- suming meal deliveries. All curbside meals can be picked up at the Agency Longhouse starting at 11 a.m. The tem- porary phone number for meals on Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday mornings is 541-553-0498. All Covid-19 safety protocols continue to be in place. Anyone 18 and older, or in some cases 16 and older, who lives in Warm Springs or works in Warm Springs, or who is IHS eligible, can get a Covid-19 vaccine. Just call 541-553-2131 for an appointment.