Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 24, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
March 24, 2021
Summaries of Tribal Council
March 10, 2021
The meeting was called to
order at 9:02 by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice
Chair Brigette McConville,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr.,
Glendon Smith, Anita Jack-
son, Wilson Wewa Jr., Chief
Joseph Moses. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Finance Department po-
sition discussion with Alfred
Estimo Jr., director:
· Following the discussion
a poll was taken: Continue
this proposal or end?
Glendon/end, Joe/end, Cap-
tain/pursue, Jay/pursue,
Brigette/end, Delvis/pursue,
Anita/pursue, Wilson/pur-
sue, 6/pursue, 3/end, Chair-
man not voting.
· Self-Governance Fi-
nance discussion with Rob-
ert Brunoe Vernon Wolf of
the Natural Resources
Branch, and Alfred Estimo
· CARES funding discus-
sion with Michele Stacona,
and Alfred:
· Motion by Jay to yes,
support the enterprises’ re-
quest to reimburse hazard
pay costs, or not; Glendon/
no, Captain/no, Jay/no,
Delvis/no, Alfred/no, Anita/
no, Wilson/no, 7/0/0, Vice
Chair not voting; Motion
carried. (Chairman stepped
out for a business call).
· Motion by Captain ap-
proving the transfer of
funds for rental port-a-pot-
ties: $10,000, due to
Simnasho/Schoolie water
outage of 03/09/21. Tribal
Court HVAC $8,919 (addi-
tional funds for repairs);
Agency Longhouse HVAC,
$135,000 (controls, AC Units
and electric heat units);
Simnasho Longhouse Main
Hall HVAC $74,736 (Air
Handler w/AC Unit);
Simnasho Longhouse kitchen
HVAC, $78,016 (Heat
Pumps, AC, Thermostats,
Swamp Cooler); Hamlet re-
model, $175,000. Second by
Jay. Discussion. Glendon/
yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Anita/yes, Wilson/yes, 7/0/
0, Vice Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
· Memorandum of Un-
derstanding with St. Charles
and Warm Springs Behav-
ioral Health, with Laurie
Dawkins and Darryl Scott.
· Masters research project
with Casandra Moses:
Motion by Brigette ap-
proving Casandra to conduct
Work Culture Research In-
terviews. Second by Wilson.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Wil-
son/yes, Captain/abstain, 6/
0/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Phone call with Judge
Kasubhai and Howard
Letter of Support for ap-
pointment to United States
Attorney for Oregon:
· Motion by Brigette ap-
proving the Chairman to sign
the Letter of Support for Mr.
Craig Gabriel, seeking ap-
pointment to the United
States Attorney of Oregon.
Second by Delvis. Discus-
sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/
yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 4:02 p.m.
March 15
The meeting was called to
order at 9:09 a.m. by Chair-
man Raymond Tsumpti Sr.
Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr.,
Glendon Smith, Vice Chair
Brigette McConville, Anita
Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Chief Delvis Heath. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Deschutes Basin Habi-
tat Conservation Plan, and
HUID Project discussion
with Josh Newton, Bobby
Brunoe, Matt Hill and Jim
· Executive Session 10:00-
· Treaty rights emerging
issues discussion with John
Ogan, Bobby Brunoe and
Matthew Hill.
Karnopp attorney contract
discussion with Ellen Grover
and Josh Newton:
· Motion by Anita adopt-
ing Resolution no. 12,793, that
the attached Attorney’s Con-
tract between the Confeder-
ated Tribes and the law firm
of Karnopp Petersen LLP is
approved, and the Chairman
and Secretary-Treasurer of
the Tribal Council are autho-
rized to execute such contract
on behalf of the Confeder-
ated Tribes. Second by
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/
yes, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes,
7;/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Integrated Resource
Management Plan update
with Bobby Brunoe, Austin
Smith Jr. and Michael Leecy.
· Covid update with Hyllis
Dauphinais, Danny Martinez,
William Elliot and Katie
· The draft safety proto-
cols for longhouse usage will
be presented again after the
Covid Response Team coor-
dinates with longhouse lead-
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 5:40 p.m.
March 16
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Chief Alfred Smith
Jr., Glendon Smith, Wilson
Wewa Jr., Vice Chair Brigette
McConville. Minnie Yahtin,
· Finance position discus-
sion with Michele Stacona
and Cheryl Tom:
Following the discussion
Chairman Tsumpti polled
the members: Should one or
both positions be funded?
Glendon/none, Captain/
fund them, Jay/one,
Brigette/none, Wilson/one,
Delvis/one, Alfred/one,
Anita/none, 4/3/0. Alfred,
Change my vote to “no”.
Vote: 4/4/0, Chairman vot-
ing no. 4/5/0.
· GeoVisions Honoring
Nations 2020 application
with Angelina Howell and Jim
Motion by Brigette autho-
rizing the Chairman to sign a
Letter of Support for Warm
With spring break this week—plus some
eased restrictions and increasing numbers
of people being vaccinated—please don’t
let your guard down; and please continue
to take all precautions to protect from the
spread of Covid-19.
Springs Geo Visions to
Megan Minoka Hill, direc-
tor of Honoring Nations.
Second by Glendon. Discus-
sion; Glendon/yes, Captain/
yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes,
Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/
0, Chair man not voting;
Motion carried.
· Viasat opposition letter
discussion with Tim York,
Warm Springs Telecom:
Motion by Brigette autho-
rizing the Chairman to sign
a letter to the Public Utility
Commission of Oregon:
Megan Decker, Chair, Letha
Tawney, Commissioner,
Mark Thompson, Commis-
sioner. Second by Wilson.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Brigette/yes, Wilson/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Anita/yes, 8/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Government-to Gov-
ernment meeting with
United States Department of
Interior regarding the Warm
Springs Detention Center.
· Other business: Con-
cerns regarding a fishing
guide service not following
Tribal Public Relations pro-
tocol, discussion with
· AT&T/Beaver Butte
negotiation discussion with
James Halliday and Michele
· Resolutions with
Michele Stacona:
· The Resolutions will be
sent to the Indian Head Ca-
sino Board and Composite
Board to review the leases.
Indian Head Casino board
· Brigette agreed to re-
consider the non-tribal mem-
ber appointment to the board
(Resolution 12,786) and re-
advertise. Captain was in
agreement. Does Tribal
Council members agree?
Glendon/yes, Jay/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Anita/abstain, 6/0/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Other business discus-
sion with Tribal Council and
Motion by Anita approv-
ing Council members to at-
tend the reburial of remains
in Wishram. Second by
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/abstain, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Anita/yes,
Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 6/
0/1, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· SINCO and Construc-
tion meeting on Friday,
March 19.
Motion by Brigette to ad-
journ at 3:25 p.m.
Page 3
Resolution of Tribal Council
Whereas the Confeder-
ated Tribes of Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon op-
erate programs pursuant to
the Indian Self-Determina-
tion Agreement with the In-
dian Health Service; and
Whereas savings under
the agreement may be utilized
to further the purpose of the
agreements; and
Whereas the Purchases/
Referred care program has
significant savings as a result
of improved funding and
implementation of Medicare
Like Rates for hospital costs
and Medicaid Expansion
through the Affordable Care
Act; and
Whereas the Tribal
Council desires to use Pur-
chase/Referred Care savings
to the ambulance operation
for purchasing a new ambu-
lance in 2021 not to exceed
$200,000 and $50,000 every
year starting in 2022 to be
placed in a revolving ambu-
lance replacement fund; now
Be it resolved by the
Twenty-Eighth Tribal Coun-
cil of the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs Res-
ervation, pursuant to Article
V, Sections (l)(a), (d), (l) and
(u) of the Tribal Constitution
and By-laws that the Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO is
hereby authorized and di-
rected to provide for the re-
allocation of up to $200,000
from Purchased/Referred
Care savings for the purchase
of an ambulance in 2021, and
$50,000 every year starting in
2022 from Purchased/Re-
ferred Care savings for an
ambulance replacement fund
as long as funding is available.
Resolution no. 12,779.
Little League registration through April 3
The deadline for Warm
Springs Nation Little
League registration for both
players and coaches has
The Tribal Employment
Rights Office—the Warm
Springs TERO—is accept-
ing new skills surveys for the
2021 construction season.
War m Springs TERO
serves Natives enrolled in a
federally recognized tribe,
seeking work on construc-
tion projects, on and off the
reservation. Warm Springs
TERO is now seeking:
Equipment operators,
truck drivers, flaggers, labor-
ers and specialized positions.
Skills surveys are available
online at wstero.com under
the employment tab; or at the
front door of the Warm
Springs tribal administration
Text a copy of your tribal
enrollment card and a valid
driver’s license, or call for an
appointment to provide a
For more information or
to make an appointment, text
or call 541-675-5439.
been extended to Saturday,
April 3.
You can find registration
forms and league informa-
tion online at wsnll.org
If you have any questions
call Edmund Francis at 541-
The Warm Springs Holis-
tic Health Center provides
physical therapy and acupunc-
ture care in Warm Springs
with a focus on compassion,
integrity, and full-body
wellness. You can contact
them at 541-777-2663.
For anyone struggling with
meth or opioid addiction,
there is a new Peer Support
Group that will be meeting on
Wednesdays and Fridays at 2
To learn more you can
contact Antonio Gentry at
541-615-0035 or email