Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 10, 2021 Free door-to-door accessible rides for veterans Cascades East Transit, the re- gional public transit provider, of- fers a free Veteran’s Healthcare Transportation Service in Central Oregon. Who can ride? Any veterans liv- ing in Crook, Jefferson, and Deschutes counties and the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Where can they ride? · Physical healthcare, or mental healthcare appointments. The Phar- macy or dentist. Hearing and vi- sion specialists, physical therapy, and more. How does a veteran schedule a ride? · Call 541-385-8680 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Choose 1 for En- glish and 2 for Spanish. Choose 2 for Dial-A-Ride. Let the Customer Service Representa- tive know that you are a veteran and provide the code “VET2020,” Give your name, date of birth, your pickup time and 60 minutes before your appointment time. Covid safety updates Frankie Williams, W.S. Veterans Representative home and destination address, ap- pointment time and time of your requested ride. Please call at least 24 hours in advance to ensure a ride is avail- able before your appointment. Be ready 30 minutes before Face coverings are required in- side Cascade East Transit vehicles and while on CET property. Please bring a clean mask or bandana. Maintain at least three feet of distance between riders and six feet away from the driver. Sit in assigned seats and respect maximum occupancy limits on each vehicle. To schedule a ride, please call 541-385-8680. Service hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you have any further ques- tions regarding CET’s Veteran’s Healthcare Transportation Service, call Frankie Williams, War m Springs Tribal Veterans Service Officer at 541-460-0605 or visit: cascadeseasttransit.com/VetRides. Page 7 Wreck on reservation takes 2 lives Two people were killed in a three-vehicle crash Sunday after- noon, March 7 on Highway 26 on the reservation. The crash was reported around 3:30 p.m. Sunday at milepost 81, ten miles east of the junction with state Highway 216. A 15-mile stretch of the highway was closed, between mileposts 81 and 96. Warm Springs Tribal Police responded to the scene, along with multiple air ambulances. Upon arrival, officers located a silver 1997 Chevrolet pickup truck and a black 1993 Dodge pickup truck, both with heavy front-end damage. A third vehicle, a green 2017 Chevrolet Silverado, was located approximately 100 feet away on its side with airbags deployed. Based on the information obtained during the investigation: The silver Chevrolet pickup was traveling eastbound on Highway 26 toward Warm Springs and crossed over the center line into oncoming traffic. The silver Chevrolet struck the green Silverado in the westbound lane, causing the Silverado to roll onto its side. The silver Chevrolet then crashed head-on into the black Dodge pickup. The driver of the silver Chevrolet died upon impact. The driver of the Dodge succumbed to his injuries after officers and emer- gency medical personnel arrived on scene. Three additional pas- sengers from the Dodge were transported to St. Charles Medical Center in Bend for treatment of their injuries. There is currently no updated information on their condition. The driver and passenger of the green Silverado were unin- jured and were provided transportation to Portland by Tribal Po- lice. Release of the names of the deceased is pending notification to next of kin. Resolutions of Tribal Council Ball fields renovation Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Res- ervation, through its Recreation Department, submitted a grant ap- plication for the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grant program; and Whereas the tribe was awarded a grant for $1,016,000 with a grantee match of $508,000 from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for the purpose of a major rehabilitation and renovation of the existing ball fields, including upgrading the public restroom fa- cilities in combination with a food concession stand and other ameni- ties; and Whereas the Warm Springs Tribal Organization has available local matching funds of $214,000 in the Challenge Fund and the project will need and additional $137,000 to fulfill its share of oblibation related to this grant; and Whereas, as of October 30, 2020, there was $2,449,120 in op- eration savings whereby $1.1 mil- lion is already earmarked for the 2021 budget, which leaves approxi- mately $1 million available for transfer; and Whereas budget ordinance (or- dinance 67), Article IV Section (6) Transfer of Authority to Expend Funds within the budgets, B. Trans- fer between categories, allows the transfer of funds between any of the five categories set forth in Ar- ticle IV, Section (2) of the Budget Ordinance only with the approval of Tribal Council; and Whereas Article IV, Section (2) defines the budget categories as fol- lows: Operations, Community As- sistance, Enterprises, Capitalized Items and Special Projects; and Whereas the Ball Fields project can be considered a special project; now therefore Be it resolved by the Twenty- Eighth Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs, pursuant to Article V, Section l (f), (t) of the Tribal Constitution and By-laws and the amended and re- stated Warm Springs Tribal Ordi- nance 67, Article IV Annual Bud- get, Section (6)(b)—Transfer be- tween categories of the annual bud- get, the following transfer of funds $137,000 be made within the 2020 operating budget to the Challenge Fund to support the park and ball field rehabilitation and develop- ment project; and Be it further resolved that the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO is hereby authorized to proceed with the budget transfer of the 2020 ap- propriated fund from the operation budge in accordance with the Warm Springs Tribal Ordinance 67 Ar- ticle IV Section (6)(b). Resolution 12,778. ried. Federal legislative update call with Matthew Hill: · Treating tribal revenue from Carbon Projects as trust revenue: · Motion by Captain authoriz- ing the Chairman to sign the letter to Mr. Robert Anderson, acting solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., with noted edit. Second by Jay. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 7/0/09, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. State legislative update call with Michael Mason. · Covid and School District 509-J update with Hyllis Dauphinais, Caroline Cruz, Jeffrey Carstensen, Danny Martinez, Ken Parshall, Louie Pitt and Carmen Smith: · The recommendation to keep the organization operating at 100 percent continues. Buildings will re- main closed and staff will be avail- able by appointment only. The afternoon session was can- celled because the administration building was shut down due to ex- posure to the virus. February 17 The meeting was called to or- der at 9:02 a.m. by Vice Chair WSPD Whereas the Tribal Council is the governing body of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon whose priorities include education of its tribal members; and Whereas Tribal Council has delegated to the Education Branch the oversight of programs that enhance the educational op- portunities for its tribal members; and Whereas the Education Branch supports the endeavors of the Workforce Education Devel- opment Departments and its pro- gramming; and Whereas the Education Branch applies for and received funding from the state of Or- egon—Department of Educa- tion, known as the Career Tech- nical Education Revitalization grant in the amount of $125,000 to provide training and educa- tional opportunities in the auto- motive field; and Whereas the partnership with the 509-J school district, Central Oregon Community College, the Public Utilities and the Education Administration have agreed that the former ‘vehicle pool’ build- ing is an appropriate site for this endeavor; and Whereas a lease agreement will be required for the site at an agreed price of $1,000 per month; and Whereas the grant agreement requires a Tribal Council resolu- tion in support for this grant and agrees that the Workforce Edu- cation Development Department can execute terms of this grant contract; now therefore Be it resolved by the Twenty- Eighth Tribal Council of the Con- feder ated Tribes of War m Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section (a), (f), (l) and (u) of the Tribal Con- stitution and By-laws authorizes the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO to sign on behalf of the Tribal Council in support of the promo- tion of the educational endeav- ors for its tribal members. Resolu- tion 12,774. Brigette McConville. Roll call: Raymond (Captain) Moody, Anita Jackson, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Lola Sohappy, Glendon Smith, Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Human Services update with Cheryl Tom. Development update with Bruce Irwin: · Special project resolution - · Motion by Anita adopting reso- lution no. 12,778, by the Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Sec- tion 1 (f), (t), of the Tribal Consti- tution and By-laws and the Amended and Restated War m Springs Tribal Ordinance No. 67 Article IV Annual Budget, Section (6) (b) Transfer between categories of the annual budget. The follow- ing transfer of funds $137,000 be made within the 2020 operating budget to the Challenge Fund to support the park and ball field re- habilitation and development project. That the Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO is hereby authorized to proceed with the budget trans- fer of the 2020 appropriated fund from the operating budget in ac- cordance with the Warm Springs Tribal Ordinance 67 Article IV Section (6) (b). Second by Wilson. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Wilson/yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, 7/0/0, Vice Chair not voting. Motion carried. · Reviewed ongoing projects. · Finance update with Alfred Estimo Jr. · Governmental Affairs update with Louie Pitt. · Managed Care update with Michael Collins: Ambulance replacement fund resolution: · Motion by Anita adopting resolution no. 12,779, pursuant to Article V, Sections (1) (a), (l) and (u) of the Tribal Constitution. That the Secretary-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to provide for the reallocation of up to $200,000 from Purchased/ Referred Care savings for the purchase of an ambulance in 2021, and $50,000 every year starting in 2022 from Purchased/ Referred care savings for an ambulance replacement fund as long as funding is available. Sec- ond by Captain. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Anita/yes, Lola/yes, Wilson/ yes, 6/0/0, Vice Chair not vot- ing. Motion carried. · Admin Services update with Michele Stacona. · Procurement update with Libby Chase. · Tribal Court update with Lisa Lomas and Eliah Sorrelhorse. · Veterans Office update with Frankie Williams. · Public Utilities update with Travis Wells. Tribal Council will meet on Feb- ruary 18 and the agenda will include: Public Safety, Natural Resources, Health and Human Services, and November 2020 Financials, state Gaming, and Finance positions. Enrollments are tentatively sched- uled. · Motion by Captain to adjourn at 3:15 p.m. Education project at Vehicle Pool Summaries of Tribal Council February 16, 2021 The meeting was called to or- der at 9:01 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Raymond (Captain) Moody, Lin- coln ay Suppah, Anita Jackson, Chief Delvis Heath, Glendon Smith, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. . Secretary-Treasurer update with Michele Stacona. . March agenda, minutes review with Michele Stacona: · Motion by Anita approving the March agenda. Second by Cap- tain. discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/ yes, 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Glendon approv- ing Anita’s participation in the rulemaking of self-governance. Second by Brigette. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/abstain, Cap- tain/abstain, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/2, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. · Motion by Brigette approv- ing the March travel delegations, subject to change. Second by Anita. Discussion; Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Brigette/yes, 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion car- Scene of the two-fatality highway accident. February 23, 2021 The meeting was called to order at 9:04am by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Anita Jack- son, Wilson Wewa Jr., Chief Delvis Heath, Glendon Smith, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Cannabis discussion with Wakinyan. Others present were Dan Ahern, Charles Jackson, Laurie Danzuka, Austin L. Smith Jr., Jim Souers and Sandra Danzuka: · Chairman Tsumpti polled the members: Should this venture come back in 30 days? Glendon/yes, Joe/abstain, Wilson/yes, Delvis/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes: 6/0/ 1. Kah-Nee-Ta update with Wakinyan: · Chairman Tsumpti polled the members: Does Tribal Council wish to continue the Letter of Intent? Glendon/yes, Joe/no, Wilson/yes, Delvis/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/ab- stain: 4/1/1.