Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 16, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Summaries of Tribal Council
with Caroline Cruz, Katie
Russell, Hyllis Dauphinais,
Danny Martinez and Sue
· Chair man Tsumpti
took a poll to approve the
recommendations as read
into record: Wilson/yes,
Anita/yes, Glendon/no re-
sponse, Joe/no, Captain/no,
Brigette/yes: 5/2/1, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
. Resolutions with
Michele Stacona and Alfred
Estimo Jr.:
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,748, pursuant to Ordi-
nance 26 and Article V, Sec-
tion 1 (f) of the Constitu-
tion and By-Laws as
amended, that an amount
not to exceed $650,000 is
hereby authorized for ex-
penditure from the Schol-
arship Fund for calendar
year 2021; Second by Anita;
Anita/yes, Glendon/yes,
Wilson/no, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Delvis/yes, 7/1/0,
Chairman not voting; Mo-
tion carried.
Per Capita:
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,749, in accordance with
authority contained in Ar-
ticle V, Section 1(t), as
amended, of the Tribal Con-
stitution and By-Laws and
Section 8 of the Corporate
Charter, that per capita dis-
tributions are authorized for
the calendar year 2021 at
$25 per month for each eli-
gible member of the Tribe,
subject to the following con-
December 7
The meeting was called to
order at 1 p.m. by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Chief Joseph Moses,
Glendon Smith, Vice Chair
Brigette McConville. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Bureau of Indian Af-
fairs update with Floy Lori
Anderson, Superintendent.
Office of Special
Trustee phone update with
Kevin Moore.
Indian Health Service
update with Dr. Locker and
Michelle Miller.
Covid Response Team
update Caroline Cruz,
Danny Martinez, Carmen
Smith, Dr. Locker and Louie
· Discussed enforcement
of Ordinance 101.
· The recommendation
made by the Team will be re-
viewed and discussed on
Wednesday, December 9,
and to give the Team time
to coordinate amongst each
Federal and State legisla-
tive update calls.
Tribal attorney update.
· Increase in CARES
funding budgeted items with
Michele Stacona, Secretary-
· Motion by Captain ap-
proving budget adjustments
from the CARES funds to
Warm Springs Community
Action Team for administer-
ing the Business Grants,
Temperature Reading annual
maintenance costs, and High
Lookee Lodge Electronic
Health implication fees with
Pharmacy requirements. Sec-
ond by Jay. Question: Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/yes,
Wilson/yes, Anita/ yes,
Brigette/yes, Glendon/yes,
7/0/0, Chairman not voting;
Motion carried.
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 4:02 p.m.
December 8
The meeting was called to
order at 1:07 p.m. by Chair-
man Raymond Tsumpti Sr.
Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Chief Joseph Moses, Lincoln
Jay Suppah, Raymond (Cap-
tain) Moody, Wilson Wewa,
Jr., Vice Chair Brigette
McConville, Glendon Smith,
and Anita Jackson. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Tribal attorney update
with John Ogan.
Family First Act discus-
sion with State of Oregon.
Children’s Protect Ser-
vices update with Cecelia
Motion made by Anita to
adjourn at 4:20 p.m.
December 9
The meeting was called to
order at 1: by Chair man
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Vice Chair Brigette
McConville, Glendon Smith,
chief Joseph Moses,
Glendon Smith. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Covid-19 Team update
1) Per Capita payments
are to be made to all persons
appearing on the official
Tribal roll as of January 1,
2021, and persons who are
subsequently enrolled.
2) All persons appearing
on the Tribal rolls as of
January 1, 2021 shall be
entitled to per capita pay-
ments at a rate of $25 per
month beginning January
25, 2021 and ending De-
cember 16, 2021.
3) All persons enrolled
January 1, 2021 shall be en-
titled to receive per capita
payments at a rate of $25 per
month from the date of en-
rollment through December
16, 2021 and further, all en-
rollees living as of 12 mid-
night on the 10 day of the
month shall be entitled to re-
ceive that month’s per capita,
and upon the person’s death,
it will be credited to his/her
Payments shall be pro-
cessed according to Attach-
ment “A”, Per Capita sched-
ule for 2021.
4) Enrollees who die dur-
ing the year shall receive no
further payments after death
and his/her estate shall not
be entitled to further per
capita payments except as
provided in Section 3.
SUMMARY continues on 8
December 16, 2020
Housing Improvement
grant applications
The Housing Improvement Program is a home re-
pair, renovation, replacement and housing grant pro-
gram administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs
and federally-recognized Indian tribes for American
Indians and families who have no immediate resource
for standard housing.
To be eligible for Housing Improvement Program
assistance you must be a member of a federally rec-
ognized American Indian tribe or an Alaska Native,
and live in an approved tribal service area. Additional
requirements: Have an income that does not exceed
150 percent of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Poverty Guidelines;
· Have present housing that is substandard, as de-
fined in the regulations 25 CFR, Part 256;
· Have no other resource for housing assistance;
· Have not previously received HIP assistance for
repairs, renovation, replacement or housing, or down
payment assistance;
· And have not acquired your present housing
through a federally sponsored housing program within
the previous 20 years.
Interested applicants should contact Sharon Jack-
son for an application package containing the applica-
tion, guidelines and required supporting documenta-
tion necessary in order to qualify for eligibility.
Complete applications and all supporting documen-
tation are due by December 31, 2020.
Sharon Jackson, Tribal Government Specialist, BIA
Northwest Region. email:
Phone: (425) 258-2651 ext. 252
Note: Regulations have changed; there is an addi-
tional Category D—Down Payment Assistance, for in-
formation contact the Warm Springs Housing Author-
ity for more information, 541-553-3250.
An early Christmas gift from Warm Springs artist Travis Bobb.
Casino temporary closure
The Confederated Tribes
of War m Springs Tribal
Council made the decision to
temporarily close Indian
Head Casino.
This is a safety measure
as Covid-19 cases have seen
an increase, especially since
The Cottonwood restau-
rant will remain open for
curbside pick-up with debit
and credit card transactions
only. No cash transactions.
Reopening date of the casino
is to be determined.