Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon New Gorge Commission vice chair The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area encompasses 292,500 acres in Washington and Oregon. Setting management policies for the Scenic Area is the Columbia River Gorge Com- mission. Their mission is to estab- lish and implement policies and programs that protect and enhance the scenic, natu- ral, recreational and cultural resources of the Columbia River Gorge; and to support the economy of the area by encouraging growth to occur in existing urban areas, and allowing economic develop- ment consistent with re- source protection. Carina Miller, economic researcher for the Warm Springs Community Action Carina Miller Team, joined the Gorge Commission last year. This fall she was elected to serve the commission vice chair- woman. She is the first Na- tive American to serve as an officer on the Gorge Com- mission, said Robert Libery, commission chair. Carina provides the im- portant Native perspective to the Gorge Commission, Mr. Liberty said, while bringing a younger perspective to the issues facing the Columbia and Scenic Area. “I’m very pleased to have her working with us as vice chair,” Liberty said. “She speaks as a member of a Co- lumbia treaty tribe and as a younger person. And this needs to be reflected in our work.” A big project the commis- sion has been working on is the ‘Gorge 2020’ Management Plan. The commission ap- proved the updated plan last month, following four years of work. This was a rewarding and far-ranging project, reflect- ing the size and diversity of the Scenic Area and the changing times, Carina said. November 18, 2020 2021 tribal budget comments The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs proposed General Fund Tribal Budget for 2021 was posted in October, and an infor mational mailing went out to the membership. The proposed budget has a projected decrease from the 2020 budget. The budget is posted at the tribal administration building, War m Springs Tribal Council November agenda The following are items on the November agenda of the Tribal Council of the Con- federated Tribes of War m Springs (subject to change at Council discretion): Wednesday, November 18 9 a.m.: School district memorandum of under- standing discussion with tribal Education Committee, and Ken Parshall, district su- perintendent. 10: Sign ordinance discus- sion with the Land Use Com- mittee. 11: Right-of-way ordi- nance discussion with Land Use. 1:30 p.m.: Warm Springs ballfields rehabilitation grant project with Bruce Irwin. 2:30: Family First Act with Cecelia Collins, Children’s Protective Ser- vices. 3: Wood cutting ord- nance with the Timber Com- mittee. 4: Fish Accords discus- sion with Robert Brunoe and John Ogan. Thursday-Friday, No- vember 19-20: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com- mission meeting by telecon- ference. Monday, November 23 9 a.m. Secretary-Trea- Tribal Council summary Mitchell Lire/KWSO photos Above and at bottom: The 2020 Warm Springs Veterans Day Parade. November 2, 2020 The meeting started at 8:55 a.m. with the invocation given by Carlos Calica. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr., Raymond (Captain) Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr., Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Glendon Smith. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Tribal Freezer Update with Travis Wells, Utilities. · Bureau of Indian Af- fairs update with Floy Lori Anderson. · Office of Special Trustee update with Kevin Moore. · Indian Health Service update with Dr. Locker, Diane Fuller and Hyllis Dauphinais. · Covid Team Update: · This week the team will meet with the longhouse lead- ers and talk about attendance per ser vices held at the longhouse, with recommen- dations for social distancing and so forth. · Federal legislative up- date call Matthew Hill. · State legislative update call with Michael Mason. · Tribal Attorney update with Ellen Grover. · Executive session, 2:10- 2:30. · Tribal Attorney update with John Ogan. Motion by Delvis to ad- journ at 3:20 p.m. November 4 The meeting was called to order at 9:01a.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, chief Joseph Moses, Raymond Captain Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Anita Jackson, Glendon Smith, Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Warm Springs Compos- It’s hunting season on and off the Warm Springs Reservation. Please remember your tags and ID when you are hunting. Be aware of area closures to hunting due to wildfire. If Mitchell Lire/KWSO photos At the 2020 Warm Springs Veterans Day Parade. Market, the Post Office and Three Warriors Mar- ket. Tribal Members can submit comments in writ- ing to the Tribal Council by this Friday, Novem- ber 20. surer update with Michele. 10: December agenda with Michele. 11: Draft resolutions with Michele. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative up- date calls. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vital Stats. Tuesday, November 24 9 a.m.: 2021 Budget ap- proval with Alfred Estimo and Michele Stacona. Wednesday, Novem- ber 25: Organization early shutdown at noon. Thursday and Fri- day: Organization clo- sure for Thanksgiving. ite Products update with Jacob Coochise and Scot Lowe. · Timber LLC update with Cal Mukumoto. · Warm Springs Housing Authority update with Danielle Wood, Joel Holliday and Eli Smith. · Kaskela Property Dis- cussion with Ellen Grover. · Resolutions with Secre- tary-Treasurer: · Consensus to table the Resolution for Tribal Land Assignment No. 234 for re- search on a Will or Written document. · Motion by Anita to table the Resolution renewing the United States Post Office Commercial Lease so the Land Services Administrator can gather all related docu- ments. Poll: Joe/no, Cap- tain/yes, Jay/yes, Delvis/ yes, Alfred/yes, Brigette/ yes, Glendon/abstain, 5/1/ 1; Carried. · Fish Hatchery lease with Secretary-Treasurer. Motion by Jay to adjourn at 11:15 a.m. you need assistance with getting your online tribal tag email Or call 541-553-2001 during business hours.