Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 04, 2020, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
November 4, 2020
November Tribal Council agenda
The following are items on the
November agenda of the Tribal
Council of the Confederated Tribes
o f Wa r m S p r i n g s ( s u b j e c t t o
change at Council discretion):
Wednesday, November 4
9 a.m.: Warm Springs Compos-
ite Products update with Jacob
Coochise, CEO.
10: Timber LLC update with
Cal Mukomoto.
11: Housing Authority update
with Danielle Wood, director.
1:30 p.m.: Review minutes and
resolutions with Michele Stacona,
2:30: Kaskela property discus-
sion with Ellen Grover, tribal
3:30: Fish hatchery lease discus-
sion with Michele.
Thursday, November 5: Or-
egon Legal Portal, Zoom meeting.
Friday, November 6: Cultural
Task Force, Zoom meeting.
Saturday, November 7: Four
Chairs meeting.
Sunday-Friday, November 8-
13: National Congress of the
American Indian, Seventy-Seventh
Annual Convention and Market-
place, virtual online attendance.
Tuesday, November 10: Co-
lumbia River Gorge Commission,
Zoom meeting.
Wednesday, November 11:
Tribal closure in Observance of
Veterans Day.
Monday, November 16
9 a.m.: Natural Resources update
with Robert Brunoe, Natural Re-
sources general manager.
9:30: Education update with
Valerie Switzler, branch general
Summaries of Tribal Council
Monday, October 19
The meeting started at 9:10
a.m. by Chair man Raymond
Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Raymond Captain
Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Glendon Smith, Vice chair
Brigette McConville, Wilson Wewa
Jr., Chief Delvis Heath. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Tribal freezer update with Rob-
ert Brunoe, general manager,
Branch of Natural Resources;
Mark Manion, Harvest manager;
Travis Wells, general manager, Pub-
lic Utilities; Raphael Queahpama,
Fish and Wildlife Committee On-
Reservation, and Ronald Suppah,
Fish and Wildlife On-Reservation
· Bobby, Travis, Ronald, Bruce
Jim, Fish and Wildlife Off-Reser-
vation Chairman, and Tim York
of the Warm Springs Telecom are
to work on a system to avoid any
future situations regarding the
tribal freezerk, and present the
plan to Tribal Council on Monday,
October 26.
· Draft Resolutions with
Michele Stacona, Secretary-Trea-
· Appeals Court Judge Appoint-
Motion by Anita adopting Reso-
lution No. 12,733 appointing
Patricia Davis as an Appeals Court
Judge for the Warm Springs Court
of Appeals: Tribal Council hereby
appoints the Appeals Court Judges
for the Warm Springs Court of
Appeals and are appointed for a
three year term by Tribal Council,
and that per 203.100(5) during the
first year from their initial appoint-
ment appeals court judges shall be
on a probationary status. During
the probationary period, appeals
court judges may be removed
from the bench at any time with-
out cause by Tribal Council. Fur-
ther, failure to pass the Tribal Bar
examination during the first six
months on the bench will result in
immediate disqualification from
hearing cases; and, if not corrected
within 90 days, automatic removal
from the bench; each of the Judges
shall be compensated at the rate
of $150 per hour for the time they
spend serving as judge. Second by
Glendon. Glendon/Yes, Captain/
Yes, Jay/Yes; Brigette/Yes; Delvis/
Yes, Alfred/yes; Wilson/Yes;
Anita/yes, 8/0/0, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Financial Strategies LLC Man-
agement Committee – to be ad-
vertised for a tribal member posi-
· November agenda with
· To be continued following rec-
ommendations from the Covid-19
Covid update with the Team.
State legislative update call.
· Proposed Vehicle Pool project
with Valerie Switzler, general man-
ager, Education Branch.
· Health and Welfare Commit-
tee letter of recommendation for
‘Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
on Pharmacy Operations at an In-
dian Health Service Ambulatory
Care Facility.’:
· Motion by Brigette approving
the Chairman to sign the letter to
Hyllis Dauphinais, IHS CEO. Sec-
ond by Jay; Captain/yes, Jay/Yes,
Brigette/Yes, Anita/Yes, Delvis/
Yes, Glendon/Yes; 6/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Brigette to adjourn
at 2:22 p.m.
Tuesday, October 20
The meeting was called to or-
der at 9 a.m. by Chair man
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call:
Chief Delvis Heath, Wilson Wewa
Jr., Vice Chair Brigette McConville,
Anita Jackson, chief Alfred Smith
Jr., Glendon Smith, Chief Joseph
· Updated draft Personnel
Manual with Cheryl Tom, Human
Resources director.
· Police Investigations (executive
session) with William Elliot, Chief
of Police.
· Tribal Council 401 (K) Pen-
sion Plan with Cheryl.
· Proposed land purchase wiith
James Halliday, Land Services:
Motion by Brigette adopting
Resolution No. 12,735 that Tribal
Council hereby indicates its right
and desire to purchase the interest
of the decedent in land subject to
the Act within the allowable
timeframe. The Tribal Council
Chairman send a Notice of Intent
to Purchase the interests to the Su-
10: Heatlh and Human Services
update with Caroline Cruz, branch
11: Covid-19 update with Re-
sponse Team.
1:30 p.m.: Public Safety with
Carmen Smith, branch manaer.
2:30: Public Utilities with Travis
Wells, branch manager.
3:30: High Lookee Lodge up-
date with Greg Tippett.
4: Museum at Warm Springs
update with director Liz Woody.
Tuesday, November 17
9 a.m.: Human Resources up-
date with Cheryl Tom.
9:30: Governmental Affairs up-
date with Louie Pitt.
10: Finance update with Alfred
10:30: Administrative Services
update with Michele.
11: Purchasing update with
perintendent on or before No-
vember 10, 2020, and the Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO and Bureau
of Indian Affairs are hereby au-
thorized and directed to prepare
and file all documents necessary
to complete this Inheritance Act
Purchase with funds from the real
estate acquisition fund as quickly
as possible. Second by Captain;
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, Wilson/
yes, Delvis/no, Alfred/yes
(phone), 8/1/0, Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
· Successor/mentorship discus-
sion with Cheryl.
· Fire salvage sale with Robert
Brunoe and Vernon Wolf, Natu-
ral Resources.
· Updated Draft Personnel
Manual discussion continued with
Motion by Jay to adjourn at
4:35 p.m.
Monday, October 26
The meeting was called to or-
der at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call:
Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Raymond
(Captain) Moody, Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette
McConville, Anita Jackson,
Glendon Smith, Chief Delvis
Heath. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
Tribal freezer update with
Bobby Brunoe, Natural Resources
general manager; Travis Wells,
Utilities general manager; Tim
York, Warm Springs Telecom;
Ronald Suppah, Fish and Wildlife
On-Reservation Chairman; and
Rafael Queahpama, Fish and
Wildlife On-Reservation:
· Motion by Captain approv-
ing funds get transferred from the
HVAC work to pay for the backup
generator for the tribal freezer re-
pairs. Second by Jay. Captain/yes,
Page 3
Libby Chase.
11:30: Development Office up-
date Bruce Irwin.
1:30 p.m.: Managed Care up-
date with Mike Collins
2:30: TERO update with
Wendell Jim.
3: Cares Act funding update.
Wednesday, November 18
9 a.m.: School district memo-
randum of understanding discus-
sion with tribal Education Com-
mittee, and Ken Parshall, district
10: Sign ordinance discussion
with the Land Use Committee.
11: Right-of-way ordinance dis-
cussion with Land Use.
1:30 p.m.: War m Springs
ballfields rehabilitation grant
project with Bruce Irwin.
2:30: Family First Act with
Cecelia Collins, Children’s Protec-
tive Services.
3: Wood cutting ordnance with
the Timber Committee.
4: Fish Accords discussion with
Jay/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Anita/yes, Brigette/yes; 6/0/1,
Glendon/no vote. Chairman not
voting. Motion carried.
Other Business – Delson Suppah
· On behalf of the Confeder-
ated Tribes of Warm Springs, Chair-
man Tsumpti accepted the Water Is
Life picture from Arlene Burns (by
Delson), District 59 candidate.
· Fish and Wildlife On-Reserva-
tion Committee update with Ronald
and Rafael.
Four Chair’s Meeting will be
hosted in Umatilla the first week of
· Covid-19 Team update:
· Tribal Council accepted the
Team’s recommendation to not have
public budget meetings due to the
Robert Brunoe and John Ogan.
Thursday-Friday, November 19-
20: Columbia River Inter-Tribal
Fish Commission meeting by tele-
Monday, November 23
9 a.m. Secretary-Treasurer up-
date with Michele.
10: December agenda with
11: Draft resolutions with
1:30 p.m.: Legislative update
2:30: Enrollments with L u c i l l e
Suppach-Samson, Vital Stats.
Tuesday, November 24
9 a.m.: 2021 Budget approval
with Alfred Estimo and Michele
Wednesday, November 25:
Organization early shutdown at
Thursday and Friday: Or-
ganization closure for Thanks-
uncertainty of the covid virus.
The Secretary-Treasurer will in-
clude as much budget information
as possible in the mail outs and on
the tribal portal.
· Health and Welfare Commit-
tee update with Janice Clements
and Eugene Greene Jr.
· Education Committee update
with Ardis Clark and TJ Foltz.
· Land Use Planning Commit-
tee update with Jonathan W. Smith.
· Enrollments and National
Congress of American Indians del-
egations will be scheduled for
tomorrow’s meeting agenda.
· Motion by Captain to adjourn
at 4 p.m.
Summaries continue on page 5