E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo October 21, 2020 Letters to the editor Tribal Cares Act applications available until Oct. 30 W.S. 4-H meeting The Warm Springs 4-H program is hosting a virtual informational meeting on Wednesday, October 28. We will be discussing 4-H programming and opportu- nities; and will have time for a live question and answer session. This virtual meeting will focus on showing livestock for the 2021 Jefferson County Fair. We are offering two dif- ferent meeting times on Oc- tober 28: At 12 noon, and at 5:30 p.m. Please attend whichever time fits your schedule. Meeting information is on the OSU Warm Springs Extension website: extension.oregonstate.edu/ warmsprings And the Warm Springs Extension Facebook page: facebook.com/wsextension Or for the link you can email Ellise David: ellise.david@oregonstate.edu for the link. If you cannot make either of these times, please con- tact Ellise David. Birth Rhylie Elizabeth Young Jesse and Evangeline Young of Madras are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Rhylie Elizabeth Young. Rhylie was born at 8:24 a.m. on September 10, 2020 at St. Charles Madras. At birth Rhylie weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20.5 inches in length. Rhylie joins sisters, Leilani, 8, and Oaklynn, 1. The grandparents are Shawn and Sue Young of Metolius; Brad and Dora Hood of Culver; and Darlene Trimble of Warm Springs. Home grants for veterans NeighborImpact’s lending program is now offering $15,000 grants to veterans purchasing their first home on the Warm Springs Reser- vation, in Jefferson, Crook or Deschutes counties. In order to qualify, applicants must: Provide proof of eligibil- ity with a certificate of re- lease or discharge from ac- tive duty (DD 214) Have a household in- come below 100 percent area median income. Com- plete a Home Buyer Educa- tion course, available through NeighborImpact. There are ten grants cur- rently available. To learn more or to apply for a grant, visit: neighborimpact.org/get- help/help-with-finances/ lending/ YouthBuild Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild in October is ac- cepting applications from young people in the region. Interested youth must at- tend the information session at YouthBuild in Sisters: Tuesday, October 27 at 5 p.m. If that date does not work for your schedule, please call the YouthBuild number and individual ses- sions can be accommo- dated. YouthBuild is a 12- month, full-time program designed to engage young people ages 16-24 who wish to complete their high school education and learn leaderships and construction skills through building af- fordable housing in Central Oregon. The number is 541- 526-1380. For Miller Are you ready to vote for a dynamic, smart, articulate Native American woman who has ser ved on the Tribal Council of the Warm Springs Reservation? Are you ready to elect a candidate who has the lived and professional experience to advocate for all rural Or- egonians in Salem? Then vote for Carina Miller for Senate District 30. We’ve met Carina Miller and heard her talk several times. We’re impressed with her knowledge of the issues and solutions. She will stand for our environment, passing policy to address climate change now, creating a more sustain- able economy and making sure we have just transition. She’ll advocate for recov- ery services, making sure we are advocating for commu- nities in rural Oregon who need access to geographi- cally available treatment, mental health and in- and outpatient programs. Education is a priority for her to ensure we are provid- ing more educational oppor- tunities to all communities in Oregon. This means more kinds of learning options, like bringing trades programs back. She’ll back social jus- Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our of- fices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 M any tribal households are making good use of the Warm Springs Cares Act funding. Tribal Coun- cil this year made the fund- ing available to the mem- bership. The Cares Act Emer- gency and Disaster Relief General Welfare Program is designed to provide non-taxable economic re- lief—due to circum- stances of Covid-19—to enrolled members. Applications are now available, due by the end of the day on Friday, October 30. Paper copies can be picked up at the tribal ad- ministration building, and also at the Family Re- source Center. You can download a copy online at: war msprings-nsn.gov/ news/press-releases/ cares-act-emergency-di- saster-relief/ The tribes’ Cares Act relief program provides tice programs, because it’s important we have elected officials who recognize is- sues of systemic racism and inequitable policies and laws, and who take steps in addressing them. She’ll represent all the people in her district, not just the big economic inter- ests. She’s not a quitter. She won’t walk off the job when important legislation is at stake like the incumbent did. She’s committed to working with people of all persuasions to make life bet- ter for all the constituents in her district. Mar jorie and John Thelen D. McMechan/Spilyay Martha Winishut sorts the Cares Act applications at the Family Resource Center. help with matters such as housing, transportation, food, water, medication, medical care, utilities, and ba- sic life necessities to help al- leviate the financial hard- ships endured from loss of income and increased costs due to Covid-19. Cares is the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. Who can apply: The fol- lowing persons who have ex- perienced a financial hard- ship due to the Covid-19 pandemic may apply for as- sistance: Warm Springs enrolled adult tribal member who has attained the age of 18 years may apply for the Adult Tribal Member Grant; and A Warm Springs tribal member who is head of household, or qualified non- tribal member who is head of household, may apply on behalf of a Warm Springs enrolled minor dependent tribal member for the De- pendent Tribal Member Grant. Application Submis- sion: Your eligibility will be based on the informa- tion submitted as of your application date. No new information will be ac- cepted after your applica- tion is submitted. Submit by mail: P.O. Box 455, Warm Springs, OR 97761 Attn: Cares Grant By email: cares@wstribes.org In Person: 1233 Vet- erans Street, the adminis- tration building (outside the building in designated dropbox). By Fax: 541-553-2236 For further assistance regarding this Program, please contact the Pro- gram Administrator: Isaac George, 541-553- 3476. Lambing school A lambing school is com- ing up in January, hosted by the Oregon Sheep Growers Association. The school will be all day on Saturday, Janu- ary 16, 2021 at the Mont Alto Ranch in Glide, Oregon. The deadline to register will be January 11. Class size is limited, so first-come first- serve. For registration infor- mation call John Fine at 541- 673-0369; or email: johnandpeggyfine@charter. net If you have information you would like us to share on the KWSO Community Calendar, email: kwso@wstribes.org Happy Halloween wishes from artist Travis Bobb. Masking up Happy Birthday Jo Hallam, member of the Nez Perce Wallowa Homeland family since the very beginning. Angela, and the Wallowa Nez Perce Homeland family. (Jo pictured with Cece Whitewolf at an earlier Tamkaliks Celebration. Dear Tribal Leaders, I hope you and your loved ones are well. The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board has some exciting news to share: Our ‘Bigfoot Mask Up’ cam- paign is nearly ready. Our Covid 19 Commu- nications Team has been working on a campaign fea- turing Bigfoot for several months, encouraging every- one to keep our tribal com- munities safe, with mask wearing and social distancing. Each tribe will receive a life-size, all-weather cutout of Bigfoot with his own spe- cially made mask. To accom- pany Bigfoot, we will be send- ing posters, yard signs, win- dow clings, and ‘stand here’ floor stickers. We expect all the materi- als to be ready by the end of October, and we were plan- ning to mail them to the dia- betes coordinator at each tribe’s clinic. Respectfully yours. Respectfully yours, Sheila Hosner and Victoria Warren-Mears, the Northwest Portland Area In- dian Health Board.