Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon September 9, 2020 Community update (from page 1) As of earlier this week on the reservation: There were 17 individuals with ac- tive Covid-19, receiving daily monitoring by tribal Community Health and IHS staff. Additionally, there were 35 individuals who were being monitored, as they had close contact with a per- son or persons who tested positive. Last week, one tribal member was hospital- ized receiving ventilation treatment. Health care providers and tribal leaders urge you: Please keep up the Covid-19 safety practices. Wear the mask, social dis- tance—If swimming during the heat wave, stay six feet away from others. Further- more: Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer. Avoid gatherings. If quar- antined or isolated, follow health professionals’ instruc- tions. A critical reminder from the Tribal Council: If you are positive with the coronavirus, the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs expects you to be responsible and isolate yourself. If a person on the reser- vation does not comply with the tribal quarantine, isola- tion, community heath and safety laws—thereby putting the safety of others in jeop- ardy—then tribal Ordinance 101 allows the detention of that person. Another health advisory: Be careful if you are in a smokey area: The air qual- ity of Central Oregon at this time can be hazardous. If it is smokey, stay inside, use air cleaners, and close the win- dows. Avoid strenuous work during smokey and hot con- ditions. Remember, there is a burn ban in effect on the reservation. The potential for fire is extreme. Positive cases by week on the reservation (above) through late August; and a comparison (below) of positive cases in Central Oregon overall (blue), and Warm Springs (orange). Investigation into death Warm Springs Tribal Police officers on Satur- day evening, September 5, responded to a report of suspicious circum- stances in the Greeley Heights neighborhood of Warm Springs. When the officers ar- rived on the scene they found a person, subsequently identified as Jonathan Gilbert, in a life- threatening situation. Community notes... The YouthBuild fast- track education and job training program is recruit- ing Warm Springs youth for the next session, beginning this month. YouthBuild will hold their last information session on Tuesday, September 15 at their office in Sisters. To learn more call Briana at 928-274-2128. Veterans advocates will unveil a sign on Highway 26 in Madras that will designate the highway for Missing in Action and Prisoners of War. The event will be on Fri- day, September 18. In time, signage will be placed along highways across the entire state: Or- egon is first in the nation to recognize MIAs and POWs in this way. There will be a presentation on the Septem- ber 18 at 10 a.m. at Madras City Hall prior to the sign installation. As officers attempted to provide CPR and other life saving procedures, and prior to the arrival of Emergency Medical Personnel, the vic- tim passed away. An investigation was im- mediately initiated by the War m Springs Police investigations unit, and the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation. The team has de- veloped a person of inter- est in this matter. Forensic teams were called to the scene. The deceased has been trans- ported to the medical examiner’s office to de- ter mine the official cause of death. At this time we be- lieve there is no general public safety concern. The investigation is continuing, said Warm Springs Police Chief Wil- liam Elliott. Page 5