Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 26, 2020 866-299-0644 SPECIALS 2018 Toyota Corolla - 36,018 miles - 2017 Chevy Traverse - 90,047 miles - $18,995 $24,995 #C0130 #C0128b 2016 F-150 - 63,649 miles - 2015 GMC Acadia - 91,250 miles - $39,995 $22,995 #83737a #29585a 2014 Ram Cargo Van - 76,015 miles - 2014 Chrysler - 151,754 miles - $10,995 #40318a $9,995 #87081b 2012 Chevy Sonic - 105,826 miles - 2013 Nissan Altima - 121,385 miles $10,995 $5,936 #18618C #41275a 2011 Chevy Equinox - 182,984 miles - 2012 Nissan Altima - miles - $8,995 $7,995 #27591a #40394b 2011 Ford Explorer - 127,326 miles - 2010 F- 150 - 158,344 miles - 14,995 $13,995 #18618C #42982c Fires (Continued from page 1) Air support on Monday and Tuesday focused on the southern flank of the fire with dozer work taking place on the north side. The operation plan now is to improve the P-440 road in preparation for burning out the northern flank and prepping the eastern flank to secure the fire line. Crews were continuing road prep with masticators and hand work along the southern perimeter of the fire. A masticator is a ma- chine used to grind, chip, or break apart fuels such as brush, small trees and slash into small pieces. There are 643 personnel assigned to these fires. Sev- enteen crews are working along with seven helicop- ters, 18 engines, four water tenders, nine dozers and 10 masticators. An air tanker drops retardant on reservation fire. A reservation burn ban is in effect due to extreme fire danger conditions. It is critical to take precautions to help protect people, property and re- sources. All outside agricultural and residential burning is not allowed.