Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Covid-19: (Continued from page 1) The week of July 13: Thirty-three cases. The week of July 20: Thirty- eight cases. And the week of July 27: Fifteen cases. Young people between the ages of 0-18 and 19-29 have seen the most cases of Covid-19. Those in the age groups 30-39 and 40-49 were sec- ond; followed by elders ages 50 and up. Older people— on average more vulnerable to serious consequences from the virus—are more likely to practice safe dis- tancing, staying at home, and other precautions. A second graph looks at the number of cases by week, with references to August 12, 2020 Tracing contagion trends events from the Salmon Feed at Celilo, Mother’s Day and graduation, Memorial Day weekend, Father’s Day and the Fourth of July, plus the instances when the tribal organization was shutdown. This is a fascinating graph, as it demonstrates that social gatherings appear to drive some spikes in the positive rate in testing. An example: Two weeks after the Salmon Feed— during the week of April 13- 19—there was a spike in the positive testing rate on the reservation. The common incubation period for the vi- rus is between five days and two weeks. A short time after Mother’s Day and school graduations saw another spike. And the same thing happened shortly after Me- morial Day weekend and the Fourth of July. The post-Memorial Day weekend spike—which saw particularly large increase in the positivity rate—also roughly coincided with state of Oregon reopening. These increases prompted the Covid-19 Re- sponse Team to recommend re-closure of the organiza- tion, which the Tribal Coun- cil and management then implemented. recruitment. Officers are directly re- sponsible for carrying out all enforcement and protective patrols by foot, vehicle and boat on the main stem Co- lumbia River. Hiring preference will be given to qualified mem- bers of the four CRITFC member tribes, and to qualified enrolled members of other federally recog- talized; with roughly equal numbers of hospitalization among those 30-39, 50-59 and 60-69. Then in “Hospitalization ages: Cumulative” the ages 50-59 and 70-79 each had five hospitalizations. With other age divisions either at two or one person. Hospitalization numbers Another category is “Hospitalization ages: Inpa- tient.” In this category most CRITFC hiring enforcement officer The Columbia River In- ter-Tribal Fish Commission seeks to hire police officers. The positionare in the CRITFC law enforcement department. The jobs are full time, with the salary range of $50,506 to $55,157. The location is at Hood River or Boardman. There are three vacan- cies to be filled from this members who have been hospitalized have been be- tween 70 and 79 years of age. As of late July, no one aged 40-49 had been hospi- Page 7 StrongHearts adds to advocacy service nized Indian tribes and Na- tive Alaskans. Submit a letter of inter- est, application, list of at least three professional to: Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission - Attn: Human Resources - 700 N.E. Multnomah Street, Suite #1200 - Portland, OR 97232. Phone: 503-238-0667 Email: hr@critfc.org Reaching the mark and every milestone with determination and dedi- cation, StrongHearts Na- tive Helpline this month launched sexual violence advocacy. Adding this type of advocacy will ad- dress a long-standing need in Indian Country. “It’s an atrocity that Native Americans continue to experience the highest rates of sexual violence across the nation and until now, there hasn’t been a na- tional culturally-appropriate service for them,” said Anna Nicolosi, operations man- ager. “In response, we have developed advocacy training to prepare our advocates to meet the needs that are unique to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.” According to the National Institute of Jus- tice research, 84 percent of Native women experi- ence violence in their life- times, while 56 percent ex- perience sexual violence.