Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 15, 2020 Summer youth work program cancelled The Warm Springs Stu- dent Summer Work pro- gram is cancelled until fur- ther notice. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, youth safety and health are more important at this time. The cancellation will con- tinue until we have a work environment safe from Covid-19, said Melinda Poitra, director of the Workforce and Economic De- velopment Department, and Workforce Innovation and Opportuntiy Act program. Students with any ques- tions may call the WEDD- WIOA office at 541-553- 3324. Or email: melinda.poitra@wstribes.org The decision to cancel the summer youth work pro- gram reflects the ongoing concern on the reservation regarding the virus. As ex- amples of some recent de- velopments: Since March, more than 100 people on the reserva- tion have tested positive for the coronavirus. This month Tribal Council members agreed to self quarantine; and last week the Tribal Courthouse closed for two days because a person who visited the lower floor of the building later tested positive. Water: long-term solution later this year or 2021 (Continued from page 1) Currently, the crew is working with Buchanan & Associates and IHS to de- velop a solution that in- volves a 12-inch pipe burst- ing through the existing 14- inch pipe. The ultimate goal is to provide a permanent fix with a new 16-inch main- line to be installed across the Shitike Creek bridge. The timeline for a perma- nent fix is late this year or early 2021. Utilities is still request- ing that the community ad- here to conservation efforts, and continue the boil water notice until we can get solu- tions to the problematic mainlines. Simnasho-Schoolie system The Utilities Branch is currently soliciting pricing to order and install a booster pack to replace the anti- quated booster station for the Schoolie water system. The Schoolie system re- mains a potential failure risk, requiring constant monitoring to ensure the existing booster station is operable. Utilities still encourages folks on this system—par- ticularly the Schoolie sys- tem—to conserve water and to only use water for per- sonal use. As of this no- tice, the boil water notice is still lifted, and normal con- sumption is allowed. Sidwalter System The Sidwalter water sys- tem is still operational with- out any community notices. Utilities is still working to get the electrical and pump up- grades to ensure normal operations. LeClaire system Utilities is currently solic- iting prices to bring the LeClaire residents on to the Agency water system, as the well those serving homes that have failed. The resi- dents there are being deliv- ered water until we can get them on to the Agency sys- tem. Travis Wells, General Manager, Branch of Public Utilities. A welcome and careful reopening D id you know the brick- work pattern of the museum outside walls includes one center brick that is out of place. The overall pattern resembles the weaving of a traditional Plateau basket. Weavers often intentionally leave one stitch out of place. This is done to identify ownership; or as a reminder that ‘no one except God is perfect.’ The out-of-place stitch was the inspiration for leaving the brick out of place. The distinctive front door handles (far right) to the museum are reminiscent of a men’s traditional rega- lia bustle. Spilyay photos When you visit the museum, walk around the building and see if you can find the one center dark brick that is intentially out of place. Carptentry: Open—re- pair sub-floors, facia board, hard siding, decks and deck covering. Electrical: Minor elec- trical—Light fixtures and outlets… sorry, no roping (running new lines). Roofs: Repairs only— Flat or pitched, shingles re- placement or aluminum (corrugated); and roof sheathing repair. Make Readies: To in- spect any home that is to be rented and/or sold. Thorough walk-through of entire unit (interior and exte- rior): Doors, windows, cabi- nets, pain, heating and cool- ing, plumbing, floors, founda- tion and coverings, appliances, roofs, landscape, etc. Landscaping: Pruning Tribal Appeals Court The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs seek to fill one vacancy on the Warm Springs Court of Appeals. The Warm Springs Court of Appeals con- sists of judges appointed for a term of three years by the Tribal Council. Minimum eligibility require- ments include: Must be at least 26 years of age; and have a Juris Doctorate degree from a law school accred- ited by the American Bar Association. Also: No felony conviction; and no criminal convic- tion under the Warm Springs Tribal Code for 12 months preceding application. And: Demonstrate a high moral character; physically able to perform duties of a judge; and demonstrate the ability to solve problems and judge with fair- ness. Applicant must pass the tribal bar examination with six months of assuming office; and uphold the Oath of Office. An appeals court judge shall not serve on the Tribal Council or any other tribal board or committee. Compensation is set by Tribal Council. If you are interested, please submit the following docu- ments: Letter of Interest, resume, background check form and credit check form. Applicants can pick up the credit and background check forms from the executive management office; or download online at the tribal website. All documents must be submitted to: Michele Stacona, Secretary-Treasurer/CEO. PO Box 455, Warm Springs, OR 97761 Or drop off at the management office. Dead- line to apply is Monday, August 13, 2020. Tribes’ Covid-19 requirements It is critical that anyone on the reservation who has been diagnosed with a positive case of Covid-19 com- plete at least the 14-day isolation period. That means staying in a room separate from your family, and not having direct contact with anyone, as possible. The Public Health nurses will call to check on you and assist with resources. For anyone who has had close contact with a positive case of Covid-19, but who has either not been tested or tested negative, you need to stay home for 14 days and take all precautions to keep others safe. You may not have any symptoms during the 14-day incubation period; so it’s best to stay home and isolate just in case. Well Rounded Handyman serving Warm Springs Well Rounded Handyman Services bringing more than 25 years of experience: General ser vices: Painting—Exterior, Interior, roll or spray, and drywall. Plumbing: Repairs and/or replacement of ex- isting plumbing fixtures in- clude sub surrounds, replumb existing lines; and water heaters. Page 3 of trees and shrubbery, lawn mowing and removal of veg- etation debris. We have the tools, truck with cur rent license, and li- ability insurance. Competitive in price evaluation. Please call Desi Wheeler (tribal member) to enquire about all work neeed. 541- 419-7521. Or email: Missiondw51@gmail.com