Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, May 06, 2020, Page 5, Image 5

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    Spilyay Tymoo
May 6, 2020
Page 5
Important for Academy 8th-graders
The eighth-grade students of
the Warm Springs Academy need
to have the same access next
school year to high school elec-
tives as other eighth-graders.
To ensure this outcome for
the 2020-21 school year, Madras
High School is seeking the ‘high
school forecasting packets’ from
all Warm Springs Academy eighth-
Educators are making calls to
students and families, letting them
know to submit their packets.
Academy eighth-graders who have
done, Thank you!
For students who still need to
get these packets turned in, please
contact one of the following:
For Academy eighth-grade stu-
dents with last names beginning
with A through L, contact Jess
Boil water notice
Loss of pressure -
Schoolie Flat system: This
notice applies to all resi-
dences and businesses in
the Schoolie Flat area.
Boil your water for three min-
utes before using: Bring tap water
to a rolling boil, boil for three min-
utes, and cool before using. Or
use bottled water certified for sale
by the Oregon Department of
Health. Boiled or bottled water
should be used for drinking, mak-
ing ice, washing dishes, brushing
teeth, and preparing food. This
applies until further notice—Lis-
ten to KWSO 91.9 for updates.
What happened: The Schoolie
Flats water distribution system lost
pressure due to excessive use of
the potable water supply for live-
stock purposes. This happened this
past Monday, May 4.
This has been an on-going issue
for the Schoolie Flats water sys-
tem—One that we have tried to
mitigate in the past by informing
residents in that area to only use
the potable water supply for hu-
man consumption only.
With the small reservoir, it is al-
ready difficult to maintain an ad-
equate supply for domestic use. The
excessive use for livestock water
surpassed the system’s ability to
maintain an adequate supply, caus-
ing a significant loss of pressure.
When water mains lose pressure,
it increases the chance that un-
treated water and harmful microbes
can enter your water.
Harmful microbes in drinking
water can cause diarrhea, cramps,
nausea, headaches, or other symp-
toms; and may pose a special risk
for infants, some elderly, and people
with severely compromised immune
systems. However, these symptoms
are not just caused juts by the by
microbes in drinking water: If you
experience any of these symptoms
and they persist, you should seek
medical advice.
What is being done: The
Branch of Public Utilities water
crew is running the booster pumps
24-7 to bring the reservoir levels
back up to safe levels. On Monday
afternoon of this week the antici-
pation was the return of adequate
Community update
(Continued from page 1)
By Council order the response
team also agrees with the Oregon
Health Authority reporting of
Covid-19 results by zip code.
Council had not yet acted on a
final recommended order regard-
ing funeral ceremonies and memo-
rials. Council will review and con-
sider details of this order upon
further discussion by staff with the
Culture and Heritage Committee,
and spiritual leaders.
Going into June
Through the contact tracing
and testing in April and May, the
Confederated Tribes may have
‘flattened the curve’ of the recent
local contagion, said Mr.
Dauphinais. This can only be con-
firmed over the coming weeks, he
said. So the continued organiza-
tion closure, and eventual re-open-
ing plan involves these provisions
during May:
Firstly, some of the essential
workers of the organization had
been required recently to stay at
home and isolate. They are to re-
turn in mid May, following
healthcare approval.
General managers and directors
3 Warriors
The Three Warriors
Market hours of opera-
tion are now Monday
through Saturday, 9
a.m. to 1 p.m., and
closed on Sundays.
We apologize for any
inconvenience during
this complex situation;
and hope that our cus-
tomers understand how
difficult this decision has
Face masks or face
coverings are required
for an individual enter-
ing the store. Thank you
for your support and un-
Swagger. Email:
Or call the school at 541-475-
7265 ext. 2318
For Academy eighth-graders
with last names beginning with M
through Z, contact Stacey Bruce:
Or call 541-475-7265 extension
pressures within the next couple of
days, at which time the BacT
samples will be drawn and sent off
to be tested.
Once the BacT samples meet the
EPA requirements the Boil Water
Notice will be lifted. For more in-
formation please contact Chico
Holliday, Branch of Public Utilities,
Water and Wastewater division, 541-
Paid advertisement
in May are also to plan for a
phased-in return of employees and
safe re-opening of the organiza-
If there is no upward trend in
cases on the reservation during
May, then 25-percent of all em-
ployees could return to work start-
ing June 1. The following week
would see another 25-percent re-
turn; and so on to the point when
at the end of June the tribal
workforce would be back on the
All of this, though, is contingent
on the continued downward trend
of Covid-19 cases on the reser-
vation. So the safety precau-
tions—staying home, washing
hands, wearing a face covering,
avoiding groups, etc.—are vital.
Food to Go: Online Orders - blackbeardiner.com ~ Or call us at 541-475-6632 ~