Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon April 8, 2020 Ventures welcomes new CEO J ames Souers is the new chief executive officer of Warm Springs Ventures, the tribes’ economic devel- opment corporation. Mr. Souers is a 1979 graduate of Madras High School; and a graduate of Oregon State University. He has a Masters degree in Business from Lake Forest Graduate School of Man- agement in Chicago. Jim is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota. He grew up on the Warm Springs reservation, and still feels a deep at- tachment to the people and land of the Confederated Tribes. His wife Mary is also a graduate of Madras High School. Jim’s father Dick Souers worked for the Bu- Courtesy Ventures New Ventures CEO James Souers. reau of Indian Affairs in War m Springs, and his mother Dot worked for the Warm Springs Elementary School. Mr. Souers brings a From Warm Springs Head Start The Early Childhood Edu- cation center continues to provide its services to fami- lies, though for safety the building is closed to visits from the general public. Head Start has sent out community assesments, and the program is hoping you will participate. There are a number of ways in which a person may participate in the as- sessment. The completed form can be scanned and faxed; or sent via email. The assessments may also be dropped off at the Early Childhood Education Center drop box in front of our building, 1257 Kot-Num Road.. And there is also a link to do the assessment online. f o r m s . g l e / xUt99zc7ZVkrvsJo8 The fax number is 541- 553-3379. The email is: c.moses@wstribes.org Summary of Tribal Council March 23, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, Raymond (Captain) Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Anita Jackson, Chief Delvis Heath, Wilson Wewa Jr., and Glendon Smith. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. COVID-19 update with Hyllis Dauphinais, Indian Health Services; Caroline Cruz, Health and Human Ser vices; Dan Martinez, Emergency Managemnet; Louie Pitt, Governmental Affairs; and Katie Russell, Community Health. Housing Authority up- date with Danielle Wood and Sharon Strong. Chief of Police update with Bill Elliott, Public Safety general manager. April agenda. · Motion by Anita ap- proving the April agenda, as amended; Second by Captain; 8/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Motion by Glendon ap- proving; Second by Anita. Question: 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Landfill update with Russell Graham and Joie Simtustus/Sanitation; and Said Amali/Akana: · Motion by Anita ap- proving a letter be written to the Indian Health Services by Said and Russell, and au- thorizing the Chairman to sign, requesting funding for our Integrated Waste Man- agement Plan. Second by Wilson. Question: 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. Discussed Governor Brown’s Executive Order No. 20-12, requiring stay-at- home. Resolution presented by Mark Manion: · Motion made by Anita adopting Resolution No. 12,679, hereby adopting and approving the attached proposed ‘2020 Crayfish Harvest Regulations.’ Sec- ond by Wilson. Question: 8/0/0, Chairman not vot- ing. Motion carried. Federal and state legisla- tive update calls. ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ letter to the Tribal Membership: · Motion by Captain au- thorizing the Chairman to sign this letter. Second by Jay. Question: 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. Enrollments/Relin- quishment with Lucille Suppach-Sampson of Vital Statistics: · Motion by Captain adopting Resolution No. 12,680 enrolling 3 appli- cants. Second by Jay. Ques- tion: 8/0/0. Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,681 approving relin- quishment of an individual to enroll in the Confeder- ated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Second by Wilson. Question: 8/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Museum At War m Springs Board of Direc- tors Resolution with Eliza- beth Woody, museum direc- tor: · Motion by Joe adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,682 that the following persons be appointed or reap- pointed to the Board of Di- rectors of the Museum of Warm Springs with terms expiring January 1, 2023: James Manion, tribal mem- ber, Lynn Johnson and Stanley Speaks, non-tribal members. Second by Delvis. Question: 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Farm lease with Warm Springs Ventures, Laurie Danzuka and Pamela Keo: · Motion by Joe adopting Resolution No. 12,683 that the Tribal Council hereby approves the lease in Exhibit ‘A’ for the purpose of devel- opment and operation for an on-reservation cultivation facility. Second by Delvis. Question: 4/3/1, Captain/ No, Jay/No, Wilson/No, Alfred/Abstain, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. Motion by Jay to adjourn at 3:40 p.m. wealth of diverse executive level experience to Ventures. Over the past 30 years he’s been involved in sev- eral successful entrepre- neurial startups, as well as being an early venture in- vestor. He has formed a world- wide network throughout the business community, has experience in working with Fortune 500 compa- nies, governments and uni- versities, and has managed U.S. and international op- erations. Throughout his career, Mr. Souers continued to fol- low the news and develop- ments of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, and he looks forward to helping the community he calls home. Page 3 During the tribal closure Most Warm Springs tribal offices are closed to the public at least through this week, and prob- ably longer, depending on the evaluation and judgment of Council and Management, tribal health and safety advisors, in the best interest of the membership and employees. Meanwihle, there are key staff working. There is a list of con- tact names and numbers posted on the tribal website if you need assistance. See the site: warmsprings-nsn.gov/2020/03/covid-19-up- dates/) For any tribal members who recently got their minors trust letter, please remember to get your letter notarized before turning it in to Vital Statis- tics—This is very important. Vital Stats is able to set up appointments to do the notarizing. You can call 541-553-3232 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; or email michele.stacona@wstribes.org To schedule an appointment The tribes and IHS ask that you utilize the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center call num- ber at 541-5532-5512, available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.