Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 25, 2020 Page 3 Serving at the Plateau Travel Plaza T he Plateau Travel Plaza in Madras is open. The Plaza Three Teepees Cafe is serving orders to go only. You can call to order at 541-777-2826. All other Plateau opera- tions are open 24 hours a day. The Plateau staff en- courages people to do what you can to avoid spreading the COVID-19 virus: Wash your hands fre- quently, cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and dis- infect frequently touched objects and surfaces, prac- tice social distancing by stay- ing at least six feet away Dave McMechan/Spilyay from other people, stay home as much as possible. The Pla- teau Travel Plaza, a business of the tribs and Indian Head Casino—for Fo o d , Fuel & Fun—is located on N.W. Cherry Lane, just off Highway 26 in the Jefferson County Industrial Park. Recovery Walk by Sarah Frank Coutesy Sarah/Behavioral Health The Warm Springs Recovery Walkers. shared encouraging words. Tribal inmates—the 30 Block Boys—shared a song. “The only way to destroy the drug is to replace it with hope,” said an adult in cus- tody at Recovery Jail Class the day before the Walk. Other comments shared: “Some people are blind to our addiction, they cannot relate because they have never personally experi- enced addiction.” They all agreed that “One night of fun can lead to addiction, prison, death, regret, shame and missed opportunities with children.” Most of the 50-plus Walk participants are in active re- covery from alcohol and/or drugs, which made the Walk powerful. We must create a Healing Forest and we must forgive the unforgivable to heal. Three Warriors Market update during shutdown Three Warriors Market is an essential service to our tribal membership. As an essential service, Three War- riors will be open during the tribal shutdown, scheduled for March 30-April 12. We will alter our schedule and be open during the Employment In the future — when the tribal organization and en- terprises are back to a normal work schedule — the following some of the kinds of jobs that were advertised most recently. When going to apply, you are encouraged to at- tach cover letter and re- sume with completed ap- plication. Questions re- garding application pro- cess can be directed to 541-553-3262, when the organization is open. For full job descriptions see: warmsprings-nsn.gov Protective Care Pro- vider. Wildland fire module crew member (six positions). Firefighter Hot Shot crew member (two positions. Crew boss - Fuels. Fish tech I. ECE secre- tary. After school/part-day work. Transportation spe- cialist. Cook. Fish tech II. Day care lead teacher. Range and Ag manager. Fisheries department manager. Health coordi- nator. Day care teacher. Day care substitute. TCHP and AP project assistant—Area Indian Health Board. (Continued from page 1) Be aware of personal contact and limit hand- shaking or high fives, and be aware of potential ex- posures by limiting your activities that involve large crowds or groups of people, elders and others that have compromised immune systems. You can find more information about COVID-19 at cdc.gov Keep in mind the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to pre- vent the spread by frequent and thorough handwashing, avoiding contact with your face, eyes, note or mouth. Cover your cough or sneeze with tissue then dispose of the tissue. Please clean and dis- infect surfaces of your home and the points of entry to your home and vehicles. The COVID-19 symp- toms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call the War m Springs Health and Wellness Cen- ter at 541-553-5512. Please do not go straight to the clinic: Call first so that your con- dition can be assessed. See DECLARATION on 7 Guidelines Behavioral Health Center Steven Ford Jr. is a Spo- kane tribal member and a senior at Welpinit High School. Steven wanted to take a stand against drug abuse after seeing the de- struction and even death of friends and family members. This month he asked tribes from around Indian Country to either join him in their walk, or to coordi- nate a walk on their reser- vation. The Warm Springs Behavioral Health Program coordinated a Walk on the campus area on March 13. Opening prayer was led by Pastor Larry McKinney. Aldo Garcia led the Wellbriety WAR Group to sing prayer songs. Colleta Macy and Brian Renfro both shared a brief testimony and apology to the community. Caroline Cruz Declaration CPS Specialist. Wastewater treatment plant chief operator. Native plant nursery project leader. Foster Care certifier. Telecommunications of- ficer. Corrections of- ficer (two positions). INDIAN HEAD CASINO The following are posi- tions advertised with the Indian Head Casino: Travel Plaza Man- ager - Contact Margie Tuckta at 541-460-7777 ext. 7713. Marketing Systems Administrator - Belinda Chavez 541-460-7735. Slot keyperson - Kyle or Rebecca - 541-460- 7724. Revenue auditor - Sean McLane, 541-460- 7777 ext. 7705. Players Club Host lead - Janell Smith541- 460-7777 ext. 3498. Players Club host - Kapri Moody, ext. 7700. Bartender - Heather Cody ext. 7710. Tule Grill cook - Alex Manzano / Christine Brunoe 541-460-7777 ext. 7725. Guest Services op- erator - Kapri at ext. 7700 Coffee stations at- tendant - two positions following times: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please be safe, Three Warriors - Heather. Server - part-time - Heather. Cage Cashier - Wyval Rosamilio ext. 7737. Security officer - Tim at ext. 7749. PLATEAU TRAVEL PLAZA The following positions are advertised with the Plateau Travel Plaza in Madras: Cashier/Fuel atten- dant part-time - Jamasa at 541-777-2815. Dishwasher part- time - Esten at 541-777- 2817. Slot keyperson - Kyle or Rebecca at 541-460- 7724. Office assistant - Jamasa - 541-777-2819. Fuel attendant - Jamasa. Custodian - Contact Jamasa Sattler - 541- 777-2819. Cashier - Jamasa. (Continued from page 1) 1) Contracts COVID-19, 2) must care for some- one with COVID-19 in their immediate family, 3) must care for a child whose school (k-8) and daycare facility has closed (applies to only one working par- ent). Hiring freeze will be effective March 23, 2020 for non-essential positions. A waiver can be requested from the Secretary-Treasurer regarding this hiring freeze. Tribal campgrounds, parks and lakes will be closed to the public effective immediately, and enforcement will be conducted by the Branch of Natural Re- sources and Warm Springs Police Department. Tribal enterprises: Their respective management and board will determine their own guidelines and policy regarding COVID-19. Note: Underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious COVID-19 for individu- als of any age may include the following: Blood dis- orders, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, compromised immune system, current or recent preg- nancy in the last two weeks, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, heart disease, lung disease, and neurological and neurologic and neurodevelopment conditions.