Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 25, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Tribes’ census under way
ouseholds of the reser-
vation are now submitting
their 2020 census informa-
tion online. Some have al-
ready done so, using the com-
puters that were available at
the March Warm Springs
Census kick-off event. As
soon as feasible, making
more computers available,
and providing any needed
assistance with the submis-
sion, is part of the outreach
of the Warm Springs Com-
plete Count Committee.
The enumerators of the
2020 census will bring the
submission infor mation
door-to-door on the reserva-
tion in coming weeks. For
caution, this will be done by
leaving the information at the
front door.
Please see CENSUS on 5
Courtesy KWSO
At the Agency Longhouse in mid March, tribal
elder George Aguilar opens the 2020 Census
Count for the tribes, and for the state of Oregon.
March 25, 2020
From Indian Head Casino
We are currently go-
ing through an unprec-
edented period in our
country and across the
world, we have been
working diligently to re-
main ahead of this
quickly evolving situa-
tion. Our first priority is
how this impacts the lives
of our tribal members,
valued employees, and
our guests. Therefore, we
have made the decision
to voluntarily suspend
operations at Indian
Head Casino for 15 days,
effective today, March
18th at 6 p.m.
At the Plateau
Travel Plaza:
The Plateau Travel
Plaza’s Three Teepees
Café will be serving to go
orders only: Order at
541-777-2826 and we will
have your order ready for
Our fuel service, pro-
pane, gaming room and re-
tail operations will be avail-
able to you 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. We have
increased cleanliness proto-
cols throughout the prop-
erty, including the deploy-
ment of additional hand
Indian Head Casino En-
terprises is committed to
supporting all of our em-
ployees at Indian Head Ca-
sino and Plateau Travel
Plaza during this difficult
As we progress through
this rapidly developing situ-
ation, we will provide up-
dates through email. Also,
please keep an eye on our
web site and Facebook
page for additional an-
I am truly grateful for
you, our guests, and our
valued team members.
Please take care of your-
selves, each other and
your families.
Jeffrey Carstensen,
Chief Executive Officer,
Indian Head Casino.
Note: The Plateau
Travel Plaza is in the
Jefferson County Indus-
trial Park at 215 NE
Cherry Lane in Madras.
Call 541-777-2815.
Please add the website
gaming.com to your ad-
dress book.
Owned and operated by
the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs.
cover your cough or sneeze
with a tissue, then dispose of
the tissue. Please clean and
disinfect surfaces of your
home and the points of en-
try to your home and ve-
Stay safe,
R a y m o n d Ts u m p t i
Sr., Chairman, Tribal Coun-
cil of the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs.
Message from the Chairman
‘Stay home, save lives’
To the Confederated Tribes
of War m Springs Tribal
The Twenty-Eighth Tribal
Council encourages social
distancing measures to slow
the spread of the
coronavirus, and encour-
ages individuals to stay at
home or at their place of
residence, and to minimize
If you need to leave your
homes or residence for food,
medical, and essential job
services, we encourage you
to maintain a social distance
of at least six feet from any
person not a member of
your immediate household.
We also encourage you to
stay as close to the exterior
boundaries of the reserva-
tion when shopping for
food or medical services.
We are directing all ma-
jor roads to have signage
which limit access to local
traffic only.
Camping, fishing, recre-
ational activities, etc. at our
parks, rivers, lakes for non-
tribal members are not al-
lowed at this time.
And last, please be aware
of Executive Order No.
20-12 that was issued by the
Governor of the State of
Oregon, Kate Brown, on
Monday, March 23. Per
Kate Brown, “Today, I am
issuing a new executive or-
der further requiring social
distancing measures because
we know this is the most ef-
fective way to flatten the
curve and slow the spread
of this virus.
I hope everyone in Or-
egon abides by its core mes-
sage: Stay home unless ab-
solutely necessary.”
Continue to thoroughly
wash your hands and use
good hygiene practice.
Avoid contact with your face,
eyes, not or mouth, and
From W.S. Corrections
Due to the tribal dec-
laration of emergency
and national emergency
declaration, any contact
visits, no-contact visits
and groups are cancelled
at the Warm Springs
Correctional Facility, to
prevent potential intro-
coronavirus disease,
These actions are a
precautionary measure
for staff, prisoners, and
the public; and are effec-
tive immediately until further
There have been no ex-
posures at the facility to date,
and again this is a precaution-
ary measure.
The corrections staff will
continue to provide cleaning
supplies daily to the inmates
to clean and sanitize their
housing areas, with special
attention given to common
areas, sinks, toilets, doors,
phones, door knobs, tables,
benches, counters, etc. Staff
will provide additional disin-
Summary of Tribal Council
March 11, 2020
The meeting was called to
order at 1:05 p.m. by Chair-
man Raymond Tsumpti Sr.
Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, Anita
Jackson, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
and Glendon Smith. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Nuclear waste/radiation
at Arlington - Oregon De-
partment of Energy
Environmental Justice
Pathways Summit with Lisa
Arkin, executive director Be-
yond Toxics.
Tribal Housing Policy
(call) – U.S. Army Corps of
Kah-Nee-Ta discussion
with Wakinyan.
· Executive session, 4 to
5:33 p.m.
Coronavirus update with
Louie Pitt, Jr., Hyllis
Dauphinais, Katie Russell,
Caroline Cruz, Danny
Martinez, and Diane Fuller:
· Motion made by Anita,
approving a letter from the
Tribal Council Chairman to
be sent to the tribal organi-
zation with the following:
Tribal Council discussed the
virus epidemic issues and de-
termined to implement a
travel policy to essential/
non-essential travel by em-
ployees to be determined by
the Branch heads, so the
Branch heads who signed
off on employee travel
would deter mine if the
travel is essential/non-essen-
tial, effective immediately.
Second by Wilson. Question:
8/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Tribal Council chairman
and committee chairs will
also make that determina-
tion on perspective travel.
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 6:32 p.m.
fection sprays to the in-
mates housing areas.
Staff will continue to
disinfect their work areas
and other common areas
in and around the facility
as well as, taking precau-
tionary measures during
booking procedures.
We will provide the in-
mates contact with their
loved ones during this
uncertain time.
Crystal Greene, Act-
ing Corrections Lieuten-