Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Popular business conference returns in spring The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team this spring will host the Small Business Conference 2020, continuing the popular con- ference that began last year. The 2019 conference saw over 100 participants. The 2020 conference will be an opportunity to jumpstart or expand a suc- cessful business in Warm Springs, and to network with professionals. Learn what it takes to open a business; gain an understanding of business concepts including basic bookkeeping, obtaining funding, marketing your busi- ness and more. Lunch will be provided by Twisted Teepee, and drinks from Medina’s Coffee. The Warm Springs Small Business Conference 2020 will be on Saturday, May 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m at the Agency Longhouse. Dustin Seyler is the Warm Springs Community Action Team small business program manager. You can reach him at Call to register for the conference at 541-553- 3148. Or stop by the Com- munity Action Team office, 1136 Paiute Ave. Cost of attending the conference is $3 for tribal members, $5 for non members. Another business note from the Community Action Team: The Small Business Legal Clinic provides legal support for your business. SBLC helps new low-income business owners get started on the right foot, and existing owners to take their business to the next level. Contacts are Phone, 503-768-6940; or 503-768-6540. Email: Head Start, Early Head Start community assessment The tribes and Warm Springs Head Start-Early Head Start is conducting a community assessment. This can be filled out online, or at the Early Child- hood Education Center. The purpose of the as- sessment is to gather com- munity information that will help the tribes and Early Childhood understand the needs of the community re- garding Head Start and Early Head Start, and the children and families who rely on this service. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Please submit your assessment no later than March 31. Here is the website: f o r m s . g l e / 3WRhVie5X9CWH8kN6 Clinic recovery programs presentation next week The Warm Springs In- dian Health Services clinic provides many substance abuse recovery programs. You can learn more about these programs at a session next week hosted by the War m Springs Opioid Mental Health Initiative. The program will be at the Community Center social hall from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18. Stop by and learn about tobacco cessation, alcohol abstinence, Naloxone (Narcan) distribu- tion, and medicated assisted treatment offered through IHS. Meet and greet with the Pharmacy staff, along with an inter-active game. Dinner will be served at 5:30, presenta- tion to follow. There will be Get ready for W.S. Youth Summer Work Tribal youth are invited to the 2020 Summer Work program. Spring break will be first opportunity to com- plete the application and re- sume requirements. More opportunities for these re- quirements, plus additional required sessions, begin March 31. Summer Work is hosted by Tribal Youth Work, Health and Human Ser- vices, the Workforce Inno- vation and Opportunity Act, Supplemental Youth Ser- vices, and the Warm Springs Youth Corps. Through Summer Work, youth can earn money, gain experience, and help the community. For informa- tion contact the War m Springs Workforce Educa- tion Development Depart- ment at 541-553-3324 All first-time workers need to attend application and resume sessions, and additional sessions, to qualify, as explained below: The application work- shops will be in the morn- ings during spring break, March 23 through 27. The resume workshops will be on the same days in the af- ternoons. These will be at the Education building, held by WEDD. After spring break, stu- dents can attend an after- school application and re- sume session, starting at 4:30, on March 30, April 6, 13, 20 or 27; and May 4, 11 or 18. Additional sessions are on Communication and Customer Ser vice; the Youth Work Handbook; Interviewing; and Hiring and Payroll Processes. These are all after school at 4:30 p.m. at the Educa- tion building. Communication and Customer Service sessions are on March 31; April 7, 14, 21 and 28; May 5, 12, 19 and 26. Youth Work Handbook sessions: April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29; May 6, 13, 20 and 27. Interviewing: April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; May 6, 14, 21 and 28. Cascade East asking for Warm Springs input on Route 20, transit plan Cascades East Transit is taking public input to- ward updating the CET regional mas- ter transit plan. Cascade East is updating its plan from 2013, making sure the plan fits the priorities of what the pub- lic needs. The process asks the pub- lic about the important pieces that would make a truly suc- cessful transportation ser- vice. The public transportation system in Central Oregon gives people access to health care, jobs, education, and the list goes on, Ashley Hooper, of Central Oregon Inter-Governmental Coun- cil, which operates Cascade East, funded through the state. “We want to make sure that the investment that we are making in transportation ac- tually serves the community,” Ms. Hooper said. To take the survey in order to help Cascade East and COIC with planning, go to: Once completed, you will be entered to win great prizes. Route 20 of Cascade East Transit serves Warm Springs, providing service to Madras, where further ac- cess to other locations is then available. For information call 541-385-8680. Or see: Hiring and Payroll Pro- cesses: April 3, 10, 17 and 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. Dan Martinez, tribal Emergency Management di- rector, will present the Emergency Preparedness trainings at Emergency Man- agement. These sessions are scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon on March 24; and same hours on March 25. About Summer Work This is an opportunity for paid summer jobs for stu- dents enrolled in high school, alternative school, GED or college. The program also serves young people who are out- of-school, and committed to enrolling in school, alterna- tive school, Job Corps, or other educational entity; so as to obtain GED or high school diploma in the fall of 2020, or enlist in the military. Again, the number to call for infor mation is 541-553- 3324. door prizes raffled to partici- pants. For more information con- tact Jaycelene or Antonio at 541-615-0035. March 11, 2020 Warming shelter hours Due to below freezing temperatures pre- dicted in region in the coming days, the Warm Springs warming shelter will ex- tend its closing date from March 15 to March 22 at 8 a.m. The shelter, operated by Prevention and tribal Health and Human Services, is lo- cated at Prevention, the former elemen- tary school.