Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 11, 2020 Give your input on IRMP The Branch of Natural Resources Integrated Re- source Management Plan community survey is solic- iting input from tribal mem- bers and residents of the Warm Springs Indian Res- ervation. The purpose of the sur- vey is to document the community’s priorities, preferences and concerns regarding the management of the tribes’ natural re- sources, in regard to the Integrated Resource Man- agement Plan (IRMP) 2022 revision. The IRMP is the tribes’ Community Talk on KWSO The Community Talk Show on KWSO 91.9 FM is back at noon this Fri- day, March 13 with part two of a conversation with Dr. Shilo Tippett. The talk will be about ‘Dealing with Toxic Behav- iors and Creating Healthy Boundaries.’ You can participate in the conversation by calling in or texting questions or comments. Call KWSO at 541- 553-1968 or text to 541- 460-2255. Community Talk is the second Friday of each month at noon exclusively on KWSO. strategic plan for the com- prehensive management of the reservations resources, including forestland and range. The goal of IRMP is to create a balance within natu- ral resources management actions that reflects social, cultural, economic and natu- ral resource values of tribal members. Questions in the current survey include matters such as: Are you familiar with the tribes’ Integrated Resources Management Plan? What is IRMP? And: Based on your opinion how successful have the tribes been in achieving ‘the goals, standards and best management practices’ in- cluded within IRMP? You may take the survey online. The site is: d / 1 H R W q - ZnaReyIfFltNpu1LFTsllqL SIGdE_Y4uq4U4cc Any questions or com- ments should be sent to: Or to: 2017 Chevy Spark - 35,000 miles - 2016 Nissan Frontier - 36,884 miles - $10,995 $19,995 #71441B #40546E 2016 Chevy Malibu - 78,927 miles - 2014 Ford Fusion - 104,084 miles - $14,995 $10,995 #03228A #23504C 2014 Ford Edge - 54,410 miles - $20,995 #42554A 2014 Chrysler Town & Country - 151,754 miles - $10,995 #40318A 2013 Nissa Versa - 114,169 miles - 2014 Nissan Murano - 36,417 miles - $7,995 $19,995 #14990C #96413A 2010 Toyota Corolla - 111,488 miles - 2009 Chevy Impala - 67,000 miles - $8,995 $8,995 #52703A #43403A 2006 Chevy Silverado - 243,419 miles - 2004 Chrysler Sebring - 68,549 miles - $8,995 $5,995 #76066A #35065W