Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon February 26, 2020 Tribes receive $1.48 million housing grant The Confederated Tribes received a block grant award in the amount of $1,484,877 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment. The award is part of more than $655 million in Indian Housing Block Grants to tribes in 38 states. Funding is distributed to eligible tribes and their trib- ally designated housing en- tities to carry out a range of affordable housing activities in their communities. Indian Housing Block Grants primarily benefit low-income Native Ameri- can and Alaska Native fami- lies. The amount of each grant is based on a formula that considers local needs and housing units under TERO office moves The War m Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office has moved their Employment The following jobs were advertised recently with the Warm Springs Human Resources Department, 541-553-3262. Applicants are encour- aged to attach cover let- ter and resume with com- pleted application. Questions regarding application process can be directed to 541-553- 3262. For full job descrip- tions see: warmsprings- nsn.gov office from from the indus- trial park to the tribal admin- istration building. Protective Care Pro- vider. Wildland fire module crew member (six positions). Firefighter Hot Shot crew member (two positions. Crew boss - Fuels. Fish tech I. ECE secre- tary. After school/part- day work. Transportation specialist. Cook. Fish tech II. Day care lead teacher. Range and Ag man- ager. Fisheries depart- ment manager. Health coordinator. Day care teacher. Day care sub- stitute. management by the tribe or the Housing Authority. Eligible activities for the funds include housing devel- opment, operation and mod- ernization of existing hous- ing, housing services to eli- gible families and individu- als, housing management services, crime prevention and safety activities, and model activities that provide creative approaches to solv- ing affordable housing prob- lems in Indian Country. In Oregon the Umatilla tribe received close to $2 mil- lion; the Siletz close to $4 million; the Grand Ronde $3 million, and Klamath Tribes $3 million, among the larger awards among the nine Or- egon tribes. TERO is now located next to Human Resources, near the administration north entrance. Anyone interested in trade work can go in to fill out, or update a skills survey. To learn more you can call TERO at 541-615-0858. TCHP and AP project assistant—Area Indian Health Board. CPS Specialist. Wastewater treatment plant chief operator. Native plant nursery project leader. Foster Care certifier. Telecommunications of- ficer. Corrections of- ficer (two positions). INDIAN HEAD CASINO The following are posi- tions advertised with the Indian Head Casino: Travel Plaza Man- ager - Contact Margie Tuckta at 541-460-7777 ext. 7713. Marketing Systems Administrator - Belinda Chavez 541-460-7735. Slot keyperson - Kyle or Rebecca - 541-460- 7724. Players Club Host lead - Janell Smith541- 460-7777 ext. 3498. Players Club host - Kapri Moody, ext. 7700. Bartender - Heather Cody ext. 7710. Tule Grill cook - Alex Manzano / Christine Brunoe 541-460-7777 Page 3 Community notes... Warm Springs Juvenile Crime Prevention is host- ing Kids Bingo at the Simnasho Longhouse, Tues- day, March 3 at 6 p.m. For more information call 541-553-3205. The second class of Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Course is at 9 a.m. this Saturday, February 29 at the Credit enterprise. This class is a requirement for the Warm Springs Community Ac- tion Team’s IDA program for home ownership. Warm Springs Public Safety offers an anonymous tip line that you can call 24 hours a day. If you have a concern or information related to a theft or other crime call 541-553-2202. If you are sick or feel you need to be seen by your medical provider, the Warm Springs Indian Health Service Clinic Same Day Appointment phone num- ber is 541-553-2610. Option 1 takes you to the medi- cal desk. ext. 7725. Guest Services op- erator - Kapri at ext. 7700 Coffee stations at- tendant - two positions - Heather. Server - two part-time - Heather. Cage Cashier - Wyval Rosamilio ext. 7737. Security officer - Tim at ext. 7749. PLATEAU TRAVEL PLAZA The following positions are advertised with the Plateau Travel Plaza in Madras: Cashier/Fuel atten- dant part-time - Jamasa at 541-777-2815. Dishwasher part-time - Esten at 541-777-2817. Slot keyperson - Kyle or Rebecca at 541-460- 7724. Office assistant - Jamasa - 541-777-2819. Fuel attendant - Jamasa. Custodian - Contact Jamasa Sattler - 541-777- 2819. Cashier - Jamasa. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, February 27 The Community Health Nutrition Depart- ment in collaboration with the Diabetes Pro- gram is holding Diabe- tes 101 classes. Today they will go over Diabe- tes Medicine Today and Standards of Care to Stay Healthy. The class are in the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center kitchen confer- ence room at noon. Light lunch provided. All are welcome! For More Information call 541-553-2478. Warm Springs Se- nior Lunch is today at noon at the Senior Cen- ter. On the menu: Buf- falo steaks, herb roasted potatoes and apple kale slaw. Friday, February 28 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Participants are invited to eat after. To- day they are having chicken and pasta. Monday, March 2 For participants of Wellbriety: Celebrat- ing Families Parent classes: A reminder that class is this after- noon 1 til 4 p.m. The Jefferson County Relay for Life Commit- tee will be holding a committee and team captain meeting today starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Jefferson County Senior Center. This week’s Healthy Heart Challenge is to have a Meatless Mon- day Meal and get in 200 minutes of cardio for the week. Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Participants are invited to eat after. Tuesday, March 03 Lil Miss Warm Springs class is today at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center So- cial Hall. All ages are welcome to participate, Parents must be present. Activities and traditional teachings will be featured each Tues- day afternoon. Wednesday, March 4 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Afterward, par- ticipants are invited to eat lunch. Thursday, March 5 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Afterward, par- ticipants are invited to eat. Monday, March 9 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. For participants of Wellbriety: Celebrat- ing Families Parent classes, a reminder that class is this afternoon 1 til 4 p.m. This week’s Healthy Heart Challenge is ‘No Dining Out,’ and making time for a total of 250 min- utes of cardio for the week. Tuesday, March 10 Lil Miss Warm Springs class is today at 5:30 p.m. at the Com- munity Center. All ages are welcome to partici- pate. Parents must be present. Activities and traditional teachings will be featured each Tues- day afternoon. To vote in the Primary To vote in the May 19 Primary in Oregon you must be registered to vote by April 28. To register you can visit kwso.org. Click on the voter reg- istration link. School supplies for students Students in need of school supplies can pick some up at the Warm Springs Library in the Family Resource Center. Basic supplies are available to students during the library’s regular business hours.