Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 12, 2020, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
February 12, 2020
Complete Count staff plan 2020 census
Serving as the Confeder-
ated Tribes Complete Count
Committee, Health and
Human Ser vices general
manager Caroline Cruz and
Human Resources director
Cheryl Tom met with staff
last week, planning the com-
munity approach to the
2020 census.
When it comes to the cen-
sus, the tribes—like other
rural areas, and especially
reservations—are an under-
counted part of the state,
according to census data.
This results in the loss of
essential federal funding, as
allocated by population. As
the census happens only
once every 10 years; so miss-
ing parts of the local popu-
lation has a long-term im-
The 2020 Census begins
soon: The official start date
is April 1, though tribal in-
dividuals and households
can begin submitting their
see: warmsprings-
The following jobs
were advertised re-
cently with the Warm
Springs Human Re-
sources Department,
Applicants are en-
couraged to attach
cover letter and re-
sume with completed
Questions regard-
ing application pro-
cess can be directed
to 541-553-3262. For
full job descriptions
Protective Care
Provider. Wildland
fire module crew
member (six posi-
tions). Firefighter
Hot Shot crew mem-
ber (two positions.
Crew boss - Fuels.
Fish tech I. ECE
s e c r e ta r y.
A ft e r
work. Transportation
specialist. Cook.
Fish tech II. Day
care lead teacher.
Range and Ag
information in March.
The count will then con-
tinue for several weeks, dur-
ing which time the hope is
that all residents of the res-
ervation are accounted for
in the 2020 count.
As we begin the process,
the Complete Count Com-
mittee team will be reaching
out at community events,
door-to-door, with literature
and on-air information, any
and all means to help ensure
a fair representation of the
reservation. Some points
mentioned at the Count
Committee meeting last
Whenever possible on the
reservation, the head of the
household should accurately
be identified as Native
American on the census
The tribal households will
be submitting their informa-
tion online. The census
form cannot be mailed to
the homes, as the post of-
fice boxes are the mail cen-
ters for nearly all the house-
Making the computers
available, and assisting with
the submission, will be part
of the outreach.
manager. Fisheries
department man-
ager. Health coordi-
n a t o r. D a y c a r e
teacher. Day care
project assistant—
Area Indian Health
CPS Specialist.
Wa s t e w a t e r t r e a t -
ment plant chief op-
Native plant nurs-
ery project leader.
Foster Care cer-
tifier. Telecommuni-
cations officer. Cor-
rections officer (two
Dave McMechan
The following are
positions advertised
with the Indian Head
Revenue auditor
- Contact Sean
McLane, 541-460-
7777 ext. 7705.
Custodian - Rod
Durfee 541-460-7777
ext. 7722.
Count team mem-
ber - William Wason
Page 3
Night Out in February
The NDN Night Out Powwow and Social Dance is
coming up next Friday, February 21 at the Community
The evening starts at 5:30 p.m. with a meal, then the
powwow and dancing will follow at 6 p.m. All dancers
and drummers are welcome. Master of Ceremonies
will be Carlos Calica. For More information you can call
The Warm Springs Complete Count
Committee is asking every household
on the reservation to participate in the
2020 Census. On the census form
an American Indian can identify as
both Native, and as a member of an-
other race—But the only way to ensure that you are
included in all the counts as American Indian is to check
just that one box on the form.
Players Club devel-
opment supervisor
- Janell Smith541-
460-7777 ext. 3498.
Players Clubo
host - Kapri Moody,
ext. 7700.
Heather Cody ext.
Tule Grill cook -
Alex Manzano /
Christine Brunoe
541-460-7777 ext.
Coffee stations
attendant - two posi-
tions - Heather.
Server - two part-
time - Heather.
Cage Cashier - Tim
Kerr ext. 7749.
Security officer -
The following posi-
tions are advertised
with the Plateau
Travel Plaza in Ma-
Custodian - Con-
tact Jamasa Sattler -
Cashier - Jamasa.
Warm Springs Community Calendar
Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM
Thursday, February 13
Warm Springs Senior
Lunch is today at noon at
the Senior Center. On the
menu is baked salmon.
The Warm Springs
Community Health Nutri-
tion Department in col-
laboration with the Diabe-
tes Program is holding
Diabetes 101 classes.
Today they will go over
‘What Diabetes Effects
and Keys to Control.’ The
class will be held in the
Health and Wellness Cen-
ter in the kitchen confer-
ence room at noon. Light
lunch will be provided. All
are welcome! For More In-
formation call 541-553-
Friday, February 14
The Warm Springs Rec-
reation Sweetheart Sale
is today from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. at the Community
Center social Hall. They
will feature food and gifts
for your Valentine.
Senior fitness class is
this morning at 10:45 at
the Senior Center. Partici-
pants are invited to eat af-
ter. Today they are hav-
ing shepards pie.
Sunday, February 16
There is a softball and
baseball fundamentals
camp today at the Youth
Center gym, 5-7 p.m. All
coaches and players are
welcome. There will be
additional camps on Sun-
days, February 23 and
March 1. Bring court
shoes and a glove.
Monday, February 17
There is no school to-
day in the Jefferson
County district, as this is
Presidents Day. Tribal,
federal and state offices
are also closed for the
Tuesday, February 18
Warm Springs Senior
Lunch is today at noon
at the Senior Center. On
the menu today is
chicken and wild rice
Springs class is today at
5:30 p.m. at the Commu-
nity Center Social Hall. All
ages are welcome to par-
ticipate. Parents must be
present. Activities and tra-
ditional teachings will be
featured each Tuesday af-
Wednesday, February
Senior fitness class is
this morning at 10:45 at
the Senior Center. Partici-
pants are invited to eat af-
ter. Today they are having
cajun fish tacos.
For participants of
Wellbriety: Celebrating
Families Parent classes,
a reminder that class is
this afternoon, 1 to 4.
Thursday, February 20
Warm Springs Senior
Lunch is today at noon at
the Senior Center. On the
Menu is pork roast.
The Community Health
Nutrition Department in
collaboration with the Dia-
betes Program is holding
Diabetes 101 classes.
Today they will go over ‘Nu-
trition and Healthy Eat-
ing.’ The class is at the
Warm Springs Health &
Wellness Center kitchen
conference room at noon.
Light lunch will be pro-
vided. All are welcome!
For More Information call
Friday, February 21
Senior fitness class is
this morning at 10:45 at
the Senior Center. Partici-
pants are invited to eat
after. Today they are
having chili stew with
green chili corn muffins
To vote in the Primary
To vote in the May 19
Primary in Oregon you
must be registered to vote
by April 28.
To register you can
visit kwso.org.
Click on the voter reg-
istration link.
Transit service Saturdays
Cascades East Transit
has added Saturday service
on their Community Con-
nector Routes.
This month they are of-
fering free rides on Satur-
To see the Cascade
East schedule go to
Click the the news and
info tab; and choose
today’s calendar for a
link with more details.