Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 12, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
At the ECE Head Start Activity Day
February 12, 2020
Boards, committee positions
Tribal Council an-
nounced openings for
eight tribal committees
and boards.
These include the Wa-
ter Control Board,
Telecom, Composite
Products, TERO, Ven-
tures, War m Springs
Power and Water, Credit
and the Cannabis Enter-
I t was Head Start
Activity Day in
February at the
Agency Longhouse.
The day of activities
saw the Head Start
student Grand Entry,
Invocation, Inter-
Tribal, Rabbit
Dance, Laughing
Dance, War Dance
for the boys, Butterfly
Dance for the girls,
and the Round
The deadline to apply
is February 18 for the
Cannabis Board; and
Februrary 24 for the oth-
ers. Send a letter of in-
terest and a resume to
S e c r e t a r y - Tr e a s u r e r /
CEO Michele Stacona.
PO Box 455, War m
Springs, OR 97761.
5 CP Enterprise board positions
Dave McMechan/Spilyay
Back to Boards classes
are held Thursday and
Fridays the third week of
every other month. This
Maternal Community
provides fabric
boards for the expecting
and recently delivered
mothers. Classes are
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
the Family Resource
room. The next classes
are Thursday and Fri-
day, February 20-21.
Breakfast and lunch are
served. If you have any
questions please feel
free to contact Sheryl or
Allie at Community
Health 541-553-2460.
The Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes is
seeking to fill the five positions on the Warm Springs
CP Enterprise—the Cannabis Project—board of di-
rectors. The five positions are in three classes:
Class I shall consist of two individuals with the terms
ending on December 31, 2022.
Class II shall consist of two individuals with terms
ending on December 31, 2020.
Class III shall consist of one individual with term
ending on December 31, 2021.
Successful applicants must pass a background check,
as required by any banking institution.
Letters of interest and resume of interested appli-
cants should be submitted to Michele Stacona, Secre-
tary-Treasurer/CEO. PO Box 455. Warm Springs, OR
Authorization letter may be picked up at the admin-
istration building, or will be mailed to all applicants for
a criminal and credit background check to be com-
pleted by the S-T’s office. Information is confidential
to the Office of the S-T. Deadline to submit letter
and resume: No later than February 18, 2020.
Prevention survey to guide services
revention and the Con-
federated Tribes are con-
ducting an anonymous sur-
vey of tribal members.
This survey will help the
tribes in the collection of in-
formation, so that alcohol
and drug prevention services
and programs can be
adapted and targeted to
meet our needs.
The information you give
will be kept completely con-
fidential. None of your per-
sonal identifying informa-
tion will be connected to
your answers.
The data will be returned
to the tribe in a format that
does not allow the informa-
tion to be traced to any in-
dividual tribal member—No
one will be able to trace any
of your answers back to
The Prevention Program
has a grant to provide alco-
hol and drug prevention ac-
tivities to the community.
We want to make sure that
the community’s voice is
heard, so we are asking you
to fill out the survey. Here
is the link:
s u r v e y g i z m o. c o m / s 3 /
The online survey is in
addition to paper surveys of
community members who
are not employees. Please
· It should take about 10
minutes and goes directly to
our contracted data analyst
(answers are encrypted and
no email addresses are
linked to answers).
· Your responses are vol-
untary and private.
· Please respond as hon-
estly as possible by check-
W.S. Prevention
Some of the items that will be awarded to
participants at the conclusion of the survey.
A ‘Snagable’ Valentine’s Day Wish, from Warm Springs artist Travis Bobb.
ing the box or filling in the
· Once your data is col-
lected, there is the option to
enter your name (different
link than the one containing
your answers) into a raffle
drawing. Five items with an
estimated value of $30 per
item will be awarded at the
end of the survey collection
T he sur vey link can
also be accessed through
the War m Springs Pre-
vention Team Facebook
Your valuable input will
help us plan prevention ac-
tivities for our community.
Thank you!
Fisheries questions? Call CRITFC
If you have law enforcement or safety
concerns regarding tribal fisheries,
please contact Columbia River Inter-
Tribal Enforcement in Hood River at 1-
800-487-3474; or call 541-386-6363. For
information on marketing tribal caught
fish, contact Buck Jones, Salmon Market-
ing Specialist, at 503-238-0667.