Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon February 12, 2020 Clinic report at Council on coronavirus, flu Indian Health Services and community health work- ers updated Tribal Council last week on how the clinic has responded to the coronavirus outbreak: The virus is mainly affecting China, though the disease is present in many other coun- tries, including the U.S. IHS made an inventory of masks that can be used to stop the spread of a vi- rus; and made orders for additional resources, said Diane Fuller, Nurse. Masks are available at the reception area of the clinic. The re- sponse would be similar to the response to a flu pan- demic, Ms. Fuller said. The clinic team was also working on a response plan, were the virus to make its way onto the reservation. Tribal Emergency Manage- ment and county health part- ners are also part of the plan- ning. Public education is an- other important component of the response plan, Ms. Fuller said. There were 12 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., as of earlier this week. Oregon had not re- The current issue of the Spilyay Tymoo is available online, along with archival issues including the years from 1986 to 2005. Check out the archives at ported a coronavirus diag- nosis, though California had seen six confirmed cases, and Washington State re- ported one case. Worldwide—mostly in China—more than 1,000 had died from the coronavirus, while more that 42,000 had been diagnosed with the disease. Some even believe these numbers are low, as the outbreak has strained China’s health re- sources. Regular flu season Ms. Fuller said the coronavirus is a serious mat- ter, though the regular flu remains a significant health concern: This season a re- ported 8,500 people in the U.S. had died from the flu, she said. During the current sea- son, Community Health and IHS had administered ap- proximately 2,025 vaccina- tions to clients, with 200 coming in January. This is good coverage, though the population of the immedi- ate area is in the range of 6,000 people. So health workers were continuing to encourage people to get a vaccination, especially the young, elderly and otherwise vulnerable. 2019 Chevy Silverado - 6,529 miles - 2019 Ford Expedition - 5,419 miles - $40,995 $50,995 #54192A #11282A 2018 GMC Canyon - 23,608 miles - 2017 GMC Sierra Denali - 52,052 miles - $30,995 $40,995 #93295A #20394A 2017 GMC Sierra - miles - 23,628 2017 Chevy Silverado - 97,271 miles - $40,995 $35,995 #64513A #58726A 2015 Ford F150 - 107,288 miles - 2015 Chevy Tahoe- 109,128 miles - $23,995 $29,995 #70565B #14990A 2015 GMC Sierra Denali - 41,343 miles - 2014 Chevy Silverado - 82,782 miles - $39,995 #16555A $31,995 #57025A 2012 Ram 2500 DSL - 136,843 miles - 2012 GMC Sierra Denali - 81,606 miles - $27,995 $42,995 #54186A #22138B