Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon January 1, 2020 2020 to see long-awaited high safety project A good part of 2020 will see road work on Highway 26 through the War m Springs community. There will be some incon- venience—during the con- struction period, traffic will be limited to one lane—but the long-term benefits will be more than worthwhile. For pedestrians some ar- eas of the highway through Warm Springs—from the Shell station past Indian Head Casino and the Museum at Warm Springs—are among the most dangerous in the re- gion. The issue is that up to 7,000 motor vehicles a day travel through Warm Springs on Highway 26. This is good for business opportunities, such as at the casino and museum, the gas station, and future development on cam- pus. Along with the motor ve- hicle traffic, though, this area of highway is popular with pedestrians who are walking or on a bicycle. Nighttime, and during snowy or rainy weather, can be especially difficult for pedestrians. The tribes and Oregon Department of Transportation initiated the Highway 26 Warm Springs Safety Corridor project five years ago. The design is now ready Employment CPS specialist Research and monitoring project leader Teacher assistant Medical social worker Fish tech I General manager/ lead grower Advocate Community Health services driver Lead custodian Range and Ag manager Administrative spe- cialist/CSR Wastewater plant chief leader Native plant nursery project leader Inventory forester GIS specialist The following jobs were advertised re- cently with the Warm Springs Human Re- sources Department. Applicants are encour- aged to attach cover let- ter and resume with completed application. Questions regarding application process can be directed to 541-553- 3262. For full job de- scriptions see: warmsprings-nsn.gov Fish technician II Warehouse techni- cian Data processor clerk Courtesy ODOT The tribes some years ago dedicated Highway 26 through the reservation in honor of tribal war veterans. to go to bid, in the spring. The work will begin later in the spring or early sum- Tribal veterans representative Fisheries Depart- ment manager Biologist Maintenance – Lim- ited duration Laborer Maintenance Home visitor Day care substitute Security officer (three positions) Probate assistant/ Vital Stats receptionist Day car teacher Patrol lieutenant Health coordinator Assistant juvenile prosecutor Protective care provider Corrections officer (three positions) mer, with the finish date sometime before the end of the year. The specific segment of Highway 26 that will see the improvements is from mile- post 103 to milepost 112. The funding from ODOT is in the amount of $1.3 million. Additional funding comes from ODOT enhanced funding. The money will pay for safe pedestrian sidewalks, and bike path connections for residents in the area. In addition to the pedes- trian and bike path work, the project includes rock fall mitigation. Wildlife biologist II Chief of police Budget, contract and grant analyst Education coordina- tor/coach Prevention coor- dinator Day care teacher Crew boss-Fuels Fuels monitor tech- nician (two positions) Indian Head Casino The following are po- sitions advertised with the Indian Head Ca- sino: Revenue auditor - Contact Sean McLane - 541-460-7777 ext. 7705. Custodian - Con- tact Rod Durfee 541- Page 3 Shopping bags from KWSO Starting on New Year’s Day stores and restaurants in Oregon can no longer offer single-use plastic bags. That means you will need to either purchase a pa- per bag, or bring your own reusable bag. The KWSO online store now has reusable shopping bags made from recycled material. Visit kwso.org and go to ‘shop kwso.’ Clinic appointments The Warm Springs I.H.S. Clinic same-day appoint- ment phone number is 541-553-2610. To artists Tananáwit, a community of Warm Springs artists, is now recruiting new members. The fee for basic membership is $25. There are many benefits and ser- vices to Tananáwit member artists. To learn more contact Emily Courtney at 541-553-3148. Or email: warmspringsartists@gmail. com 460-777 ext. 7722. Count team mem- ber - Willian Wason - 541-460-7777. Slot key person - Kyle Schackmann 541- 460-7777 ext. 7724. Players Club / Player development supervisor - Janell Smith 541-460-7777 ext. 3498. Guest services op- erator - Kapri Moorse, 541-460-7777 ext. 7700 Coffee stations at- tendant - Heather Cody ext. 7710. Tule Grill Cook - Alex Manzano/Christine Brunoe - 541-460-7777 ext. 7725. Line cook - Peggy Faria ext. 7726. Bartender - Heather. Dishwasher - Peggy. Server - Heather. Cage cashier (2 full- time) - Wyval Rosamilia - ext. 7737. Security officer (2 full-time) - Tim Kerr ext. 7749. Plateau Travel Plaza The following positions are advertised with the Plateau Travel Plaza in Madras: Fuel attendant/ Cashier - Contact Darrell Jones - 541-777- 2815. Security officer - Doug Super - 541-777- 2815. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Tuesday, December 31 Warm Springs Sanitation is on a holi- day schedule this week: Trash that is normally picked up on Wednesday, will be picked up today. Please set your totes out for pick up at the end of your driveway. Tribal offices will close at noon today for the New Year Holiday, and tribal offices are closed tomorrow for New Year’s Day. Em- ployees with kids at the Early Childhood Education Center are required to pick them up no later than 12:30 today. There is no Senior Lunch today. There is a Warriors for Wellbriety meeting this evening at High Lookee Lodge. They have drum practice at 6:30 and the meeting is at 7:30. The Project Zero challenge encourages you to maintain and not gain weight over the holidays. Today’s tip is to ‘Drink More Water.’ Alternate coffee, alco- holic beverages, or other drinks with a glass of water. Try fla- voring your water with lemon, lime, mint, cu- cumber, or other favor- ite flavorings AND If you really don’t like naturally flavored water you can try Crystal Light Pure or True Lemon packets. flavor Through Friday, January 3 There is no school in the 509-J district this week. Students return to class on Monday, January 6. Wednesday, January 8 The Madras High School Native Ameri- can Student Union will be meeting in Mr. Jones room #6 during lunch today. Thursday, January 09 The next edition of the Spilyay Tymoo news- paper will be out next Wednesday, January 15. The deadline for items to be published is this Friday, January January 10. The KWSO end of the year sustaining membership drive continues through New Year’s Day. Sustaining mem- bers are ongoing, monthly contributors. KWSO 91.9 has $10 a month and $20 a month options. Membership rev- enue supports KWSO operations. Learn more at our website: kwso.org If you have some- thing to add to our Community Calendar, please email the de- tails to Traditional Foods, Exercise grant A new grant-funded department in the Education branch focuses on Traditional Foods and Exercise. They invite everyone to stop by their office in the Education building to learn more about the program, fill out a survey and get a fresh food match voucher. They also have free child size winter pajamas. For more information call Myra or Joyce at 541-615-0895. kwso@wstribes.org If you have a flyer, please send that too. This can be for one time happenings or op- portunities as well as for recurring events. Looking for a help- ful project for the New Year? Consider be- coming a SMART Reader. SMART stands for ‘ St a r t M a k i n g A Reader Today. SMART is a volunteer program that pairs readers with first-grade students in Warm Springs. Read- ing sessions are on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. at the Academy Afterschool Twenty- First Century Learning Program. If you are inter- ested, call 541-797- 7726.