Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Outstanding award for club director J une Smith was named the Outstanding Boys and Girls Club staff person in all of Indian Country. The award wa an- nounced at the Native American Boys and Girls Club Summity last week in Orlando, Florida. June is the director of the Warm Springs Boys and Girls Club. She was nominated for the recent recognition for the North- west region. The Warm Springs club operates under the umbrella of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Snohomish County, who administer 23 clubs in the Northwest. War m Springs, Colville, Lummi, Tulalip and Spo- kane are the tribal clubs Courtesy KWSO with the Snohomish clubs. This fall the War m Springs Boys and Girls Club moved into the War m Springs Academy. The club coordinates with the Twenty-First Centur y Learning Program, after school Mondays through Thursdays. They offer afters-chool programming on Fridays as well as no school days, school vacations and over the summer. Christmas Bazaar coming December 13 Warm Springs Recreation will host the Forty-Third An- nual Christmas Bazaar, Sat- urday, December 14 at the Community Center. On the Council agenda The following are some of the items on the Tribal Council agenda for the rest of November (subject to change at Council dis- cretion): June Smith with award. Booth set-up starts at 8 a.m., and the bazaar will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a chance to find beautifully hand-crafted gifts, plus baked goods, fry bread and more. If you would like to be a vendor, or if you have questions, call Recreation at 541-553-3243. November 20, 2019 Monday, November 25 9 a.m.: Secretary- Treasurer update with Michele Stacona. 10: Annual consulta- tion with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Port- land, with Billy Williams and Tim Simmons. 11: December agenda and review minutes. 1:30 p.m.: House Bill 2625 Missing and Murdered Native American women with Mitch Sparks. 2:30: Legislative update calls. 3:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson of Vital Statistics. Tuesday, November 26 9 a.m.: 2020 budgets with Alfred Estimo and Dennis Johnson of Finance. 11: Housing and Urban Development 184 Code changes discussion with Howie Arnett. 1:30 p.m.: HUD 184 and other programs with Iris Friday. 2:30: October financials with Alfred and Dennis. Items for further consideration: Legisla- tive Commission on In- dian Services training and annual summit. Weaving a Tradition of Giving—Annual Pot- latch Fundraising gala. 2019 tribal-state sum- mit in December. TERO update. Clackamas County commissioners meeting. Highway project for safer walking Up to 7,000 motor ve- hicles a day travel through Warm Springs on Highway 26 every day. Meanwhile, the highway is also popular with pedestri- ans, walking or on bicycles. Clearly, the situation is dangerous. “It’s especially dangerous at night, and particularly in the winter when there’s snow on the side of the road,” said James Hallilday, the tribes’ Land Services director. The Oregon Department of Transportation is planning a major construction project for Highway 26, from the Shell station down past Indian Head Casino and the Mu- seum at Warm Springs. The plan is for the con- tract to go to bid in the spring of 2020, said Robert Hardie of ODOT. The work should be done by the end of next year, Mr. Hardie said. Mr. Halliday commented, “It’s going to be nice for people to have more area to walk in, off the highway in a designated pedestrian zone.” ODOT was in War m D. McMechan/Spilyay The intersection of Highway 26 and Hollywood Boulevard is one of the more dangerous, to be addressed with the 2020 corridor safety project. Springs last week, meeting with residents and outlining the safety corridor project. The specific segment of Highway 26 that will see the improvements is from mile- post 103 to milepost 112. “This project originated in 2015, when the Confed- erated Tribes of War m Springs received earmark funding as part of House Bill 5005, for approximately $1.3 million,” said Alia Burck, ODOT community affairs coordinator. Additional funding will come from ODOT en- hanced funding. The money will pay for safe pedestrian sidewalks, and bike path con- nections for residents in the area. During the construction period, traffic will be limited to one lane. In addition to the pedes- trian and bike path work, the project includes rock fall mitigation. Site of this work is just past the old mill site. The work will also include “rectangular rapid flashing beacons” at some cross- walks. The ultimate goal is safety, and letting drivers know that they are passing through a community. Dave McMechan Friday last day for supplemental insurance This Friday, Novem- ber 22 is the last day you can enroll for your supple- mental insurance as an employee of the Confed- erated Tribes of Warm Springs. Benefits they have avail- able are: Term Life Insurance, and Accidental Death and Dis- memberment, Critical Illness Insurance and Accident In- surance. You can enroll online at Contact Human Re- sources for your username and password, 541-553-3262. Summaries of Tribal Council November 4, 2019 Meeting called to order at 8:50 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti. Present at roll call: Chief Joe Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chief Delvis Heath, Raymond (Captain) Moody, Lincoln (Jay) Suppah, Glendon Smith, Anita Jack- son, Wilson Wewa. Record- ers Angela Sampson and Madeline Jim. Bureau of Indian Affairs update. Office of Special Tr ustee update. Realty items and draft resolutions: · Motion by Delvis adopting Resolution No. 12,628 approving the Inher- itance Act Purchase of al- lotment no. 145-30 and 145- 648. Second by Captain. Question: 7/0/1, Joe/ab- stain. Chairman not voting. Motion carried · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,629 approving the Inher- itance Act Purchase of al- lotment No. 145-577. Sec- ond by Anita. Question: 8/ 0/0, Chairman not Voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Glendon adopting Resolution No. 12,630 approving the Inher- itance Act Purchase of al- lotment No. 145-149, 145- 816, 145-817 and 145-820. Second by Captain. Ques- tion: 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried Indian Health Services update. Letter to Mt. Hood Meadows Oregon LLC: · Motion made by Anita supporting letter to Mt. Hood Meadows Oregon LLC. Second by Wilson. Question: 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Tribal Attorney update: Executive session from 2:30 to 3:48 p.m. Highway 26 Safety Corridor Update: · Motion by Glendon ap- proving Resolution No. 12,631 Amendment No. 1 to the Highway 26 Safety Corridor Agreement, also to amend language removing the word ‘irrevocable.’ Sec- ond by Joe. Question: 8/0/ 0, Chair man not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Glendon to adjourn at 4:43 p.m.