Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 20, 2019 Fundraising store for basketball team The Madras High School girl’s basketball team has a fundraiser—a fan store at the school—that started this week. The fan store has a wide range of apparel and other items for anyone to order. Every item that is pur- chased through this fan store earns money for the basket- ball team. There are catalogs left in the mail room at the school for anyone to take home, or to view at the school. The store will be open through December 2. You can expect your items to be delivered around Christmas or New Years. A huge Thank You for supporting the girl’s basket- ball program. If you have any questions about the fan shop, please contact Jerin Say by email at Or call or text to 541- 777-7904. The website for our shop is 2020 Census initiative in Indian Country The U.S. Census Bureau is recognizing the unique chal- lenges of conducting the cen- sus as accurately as possible in American Indian commu- nities. To accomplish this goal, In the spirit of the Holidays full time tribal employees who are present and normally scheduled for a full day of work on Wednesday November 27, Tuesday December 24, and Tuesday Dec 31, are autho- rized for early shutdown starting at 12 p.m. The tribe will be off work for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 28-29. Employees with kids at ECE are required to pick them up no later than 12:30 p.m. on of the early shut- down dates. Early shutdown does not apply to Police, Corrections, Police dis- patch, Fire and Safety Emergency Medical Techni- cians, the Tribal Group Home and Public Utilities. the Census is reaching out to those communities in ad- vance to build awareness. This work includes coor- dinating closely with tribal governments to accurately count tribal populations on and off reservations. The 2020 Census is now recruiting people from In- dian Country to assist with the 2020 Census count. You can learn more by calling 1-855-JOB-2020. The pay is very competetive, and the hours are flexible. 2017 Subaru Impreza - 46,077 miles - 2017 Buick Regal - New - $18,995 #124006 $22,995 #47329B 2017 Chevy Impala - 41,009 miles - $17,995 #57810A 2016 BMW X1 - 50,005 miles - $26,995 #30578A 2014 Volkswagon Jetta - 96,258 miles - 2014 Buick Encore - 42,156 miles $12,995 $14,995 #06157C #01539A 2014 Chevy Malibu - 89,342 miles 2013 Chevy Silverado - 100,412 miles - $12,995 #06053A $28,995 #62572B 2011 Jeep Liberty - 129,553 miles - 2011 Chevy Tahoe - 98,085 miles - $10,995 $24,995 #71606E #18803A 2010 Toyota Corolla - 111,488 miles - 1994 Chevy Silverado - 72,098 miles - $8,995 $6,995 #52703A #20135X