Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 06, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
November 6, 2019
Native American Heritage Month at COCC
ribal members and the
Warm Springs community
are a big part of the Central
Oregon Community College
higher education experience.
Each year more Native
American students enroll at
COCC, studying in a great
variety of fields, graduating
in successively higher num-
The COCC Native
American Student program
and First Nations Student
Union are the support net-
works for tribal member stu-
dents who are interested in
these services.
And the program and
union host special events
throughout the year. They
present the annual Native
American Service Award,
and sponsor the First Na-
tions Union Scholarship.
Michelle Cary is the co-
ordinator of the Native
American Student program.
You can reach Michelle at
541-318-3782; or email:
November is Native
American Heritage Month,
and in this honor COCC will
COCC Madras campus.
Light dinner provided.
Mr. Picard will then per-
form on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 19 from 6-7 p.m. at the
Bend campus, in Wille Hall.
Blue Flamez concert
Navajo Code Talks documentary to air at Madras COCC on November 13.
present a number special
For more details on a spe-
cific contact Michelle.
Film screening
The Navajo Code Talkers
are a fascinating story of
World War II. A free screen-
ing of the acclaimed docu-
mentary Navajo Code Talk-
ers of World War II will be
at the COCC campuses in
Madras and Bend.
The Madras campus
screening will be on
Wednesday, November 13
from 5:30-7 p.m. Light din-
ner provided.
The Bend campus
screening will be on Thurs-
day, November 14 from 4
to 5:30 p.m. Light snack
form an evening of Native
flute music. The show will
be on Monday, November
18 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the
Scott Kalama, aka Blue
Flamez, will perform rap,
and share some of his hip-
hop videos on Friday, No-
vember 22 from 6 to 7 p.m.
The show will be at
COCC’s Wille Hall in Bend.
Winner of the 2016 Na-
tive American Music
Award for Best Music
Video—for his video Rez
Life—Kalama is the first
Warm Springs member to
have won a Nammy award.
His COCC show is free and
open to the public.
Native flute concerts
This month tribal mem-
ber Clem Picard will per-
Courtesy COCC
Former Miss Warm Springs Thyreicia Simtustus,
Michelle Cary, COCC Native American program
coordinator, and Feliciana Conner, Umatilla member, at
the 2018 Native American Heritage Month celebration.
fall fair
The Warm Springs
Community Action
Team will host the Fi-
nancial Education
Fair starting Wednes-
day November 20,
through Friday, No-
vember 22. The Fair
runs from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. each day.
The event will fea-
ture the Financial Skills
for Families series with
the Warm Springs Area
Chamber of Com-
merce and Vital Tribal
Economies staff, part
of the Community
Action Team.
Participants will
receive raffle tickets
for assorted gift
cards, including a
Thanksgiving meal
Safeway; or four
meals from the Warm
Springs Community
Action Team food
All Oregon Indi-
vidual Development
Action clients should
call Nettie for RSVP,
and to sign up for
modules you need to
make up at 541-553-
Summaries of Tribal Council
October 7, 2019
Chief Jo-
seph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Raymond (Cap-
tain) Moody, and Glendon
Smith. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
Today’s meeting is can-
celled due to lack of a quo-
rum. Agenda items will be
rescheduled to Friday, Oc-
tober 11.
October 11
The meeting was called
to order at 9:10 a.m. by
Chairman Tsumpti. Present
at roll call: Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Anita Jackson,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, and
Brigette McConville. Re-
corders: Minnie Yahtin,
morning; and Madeline Jim,
Bureau of Indian Af-
fairs update.
Office of Special
Trustee update.
Kah-Nee-Ta discus-
· Motion by Brigette, as
a Kah-Nee-Ta Board mem-
ber, approving proposals 3,
5, 6 and 7. The Secretary-
Treasurer will set up dates
and times for a meet and
greet with each so they can
present their plans for Kah-
Nee-Ta; Second by Anita;
7/0/0, Chairman not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
Other business:
· Letter from Matthew
Drake, Mt. Hood Meadows.
Federal and state legisla-
tive updates.
Tribal attorneys update.
Executive session, 2:10 to
Indian Head Casino:
Casino loan documents:
· Motion by Glendon
adopting Resolution No.
12,626 approving the loan
agreement with Columbia
Bank as stated in the reso-
lution. Second by Delvis
Heath. Question: 2/3/0:
Glendon/yes, Delvis/yes,
Brigette/no, Jay/no, Anita/
no, Chairman not voting.
Motion failed.
· Due to the motion fail-
ing, Indian Head Casino gen-
eral manager withdrew their
proposal for Kah-Nee-Ta.
Motion by Anita to ad-
journ at 4:25 p.m.
Ocotober 14
The meeting started at
9:45 a.m. Present: Chief
Delvis Heath, Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Raymond (Cap-
tain) Moody, Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Anita Jackson, and
Glendon Smith. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
The chairman and vice
chair are absent today so the
members present will only
listen to Updates. The re-
mainder of the agenda
items will be rescheduled.
Business Investment Re-
volving Fund update.
August financials update.
Justice Team update.
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 11:15 a.m.
October 16
The meeting started at
9:23 a.m. by Michele
Stacona, Secretar y-Trea-
surer. Present: C h i e f
Alfred Smith Jr., Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Raymond (Captain)
Moody, Anita Jackson,
Brigette McConville. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
Due to a lack of a quo-
rum, and no chairman or
vice chair present, the mem-
bers will not have any action
items today.
Civil Rights training by
the Oregon Department of
The Tribal Council Priori-
ties. Secretary-Treasurer and
Chief Operations Officer
discussion. Highway 26
Safety Corridor update will
be rescheduled.
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 11:17 a.m.
October 22
The meeting was called to
order at 9:47 a.m. by Michele
Stacona, Secretar y-Trea-
surer. Present: C h i e f
Delvis Heath, Chief Alfred
Smith Jr., Anita Jackson, Lin-
coln Jay Suppah, Raymond
(Captain) Moody, and
Glendon Smith. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
509-J School update with
superintendent Ken Parshall.
Tribal Farm update with
Robert Brunoe and Zane
Tribal Housing update
with Danielle Wood, Hous-
ing staff board.
Broadband discussion
with Tim York of the Warm
Springs Telecom.
Taser Discussion with
Public Safety general man-
ager Carmen Smith, Ron
Gregory and police officers.
Motion by Anita to ad-
journ at 5:02 p.m.