Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Health care: (Continued from page 1) In the past, when a pa- tient was referred to an off- reservation provider, Man- aged Care would not hear back from the provider as to the service provided, di- agnosis, future treatment, etc. In order to get this in- formation, Managed Care would have to rely on the patient: This would involve the patient providing a re- lease of information, for instance. The situation was incon- venient, requiring additional and at times unnecessary contact with the patient. The new Care Coordina- tion Agreement now allows Managed Care and the clinic to hear directly from the provider without the need of inconveniencing the patient, or creating addi- tional hurdles for Managed Care. The billing for the off-res- ervation services will also be streamlined. Billing for patients covered by Medic- aid can now be covered di- rectly and 100-percent by the federal program. In the past the Oregon Health Plan was a partial payer, and would then seek reimburse- ment from the federal pro- gram. The new agreement creates the more direct bill- ing option. In the end the goal of the agreement is to improve care for tribal patients of the clinic, said Michael Collins, director of Man- November 6, 2019 Agreement with St. Charles aged Care. The Care Coordination Agreement was about three years in the making, with the finalization coming together over the past several weeks. On hand for the signing at the Joint Health Commis- sion was Joseph Sluka, presi- dent and chief executive officer of the St. Charles Health Care System. “We’re privileged to have this agree- ment, and to ser ve the Warm Springs community,” Mr. Sluka said. Other business In some other business from the Joint Health Com- mission meeting: The commission elected the officers. Heather Crow- Martinez was nominated and approved to continue as chairwoman. Caroline Cruz will continue as secretary; and the vice chairwoman is Michelle Miller, acting clinic director. Ms. Miller will serve as vice chair until the new permanent clinic direc- tor is on board in a few weeks. The new director, Chippewa tribal member, is moving to Warm Springs from North Dakota, and will be here in mid Decem- ber, Michelle reported. She said there will be two new nurses, and a new den- tal assistant starting also in December. 2017 GMC Acadia - 23,810 miles - 2017 Honda Ridgeline - $26,995 #40456D #94445F 2017 Kia Rio - 28,023 miles - $31,995 $11,995 2016 Buick Cascada - 11,828 miles - #C0121 $24,995 #87219A 2016 BMW X1 - 50,005 miles - 2015 Kia Optima - 47,720 miles - $26,995 $14,995 #30578A #07943A 2014 Ford Fusion - 104,084 miles - $12,995 2012 Chevy Equinox - 69,627 miles - $12,995 #23504C #98342A 2011 Chevy Tahoe - 98,085 miles - 2011 Jeep Liberty - 129,553 miles - $24,995 $10,995 #18803A #71606E 2010 Subaru Impreza - 85,547 miles - 1994 Chevy Silverado - 72,098 miles - $22,995 #14916B $6,995 #20135X