Page 8 Octobder 9, 2019 Spilyay Member art show coming up There is still time to submit items for the Thirtieth Anuual Tr i b a l M e m b e r A r t Exhibit at the Mu- seum at Wa r m Springs. The deadline to submit items for judg- ing has passed, but you may submit items for non-judging through 5 p.m. on Fri- day, October 11. The exhibit will open October 24, and r uns through mid Januar y. If you have ques- tions, please contact Natalie Kirk, museum curator and exhibits coordinator, at 541- 553-3331 ext. 412. Applications are available at the mu- seum. You may also visit: museumatwarmsprings. org These images are from the beautiful and amazingly detailed beaded vest by artist Barbara Starr, featured at the 2018 Tribal Member Art Exhibit. The vest won the Judges Choice Traditional Award at the 2018 show. Spilyay photos