Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon October 9, 2019 2019 Namy voting now open The Native American Music Awards are Novem- ber 2 in Niagara Falls New York. Voting is now open online. Local musicians nomi- nated for awards are Brutis ‘Bigg B’ Baez featuring N8, up for Best Music Video Re- cording for Deep End. Kalliah Jackson is another nominee. Kalliah sings with Corey Employment The following jobs were advertised recently with the Warm Springs Human Resources Department. Applicants are encour- aged to attach cover let- ter and resume with com- pleted application. Questions regarding application process can be directed to 541-553- 3262. For full job descrip- tions see: warmsprings- nsn.gov Facilities grounds- keeper. Finance-Limited dura- tion. Education Tribal Headstart: Fam- ily Service Advocate - Contact Jodi Begay 541- 553-3241. Rae White on Dimmer, which is in the Best Independent Recording by a New Artist Single Release category. Blue Flames is nominated for Best Rap Hip Hop Mu- sic Video for Stand Up (see page 4). You can check out nomi- nations online at: nativeamericanmusicawards. com/vote-now Brutis ‘Bigg B’ Baez Headstart Teacher Aide - Jodi. Headstart Teacher Assistant - Jodi. Health and Human Ser- vices Community Health Services - Receptionist/ WIC Clerk - Limited Du- ration - Katie Russell 541-553-2460. Children’s Protective Services - Protective Care Provider - Cecilia Collins 541-553-3209. Community Health Services - WIC Coordi- nator/Registered Dieti- tian - Katie. Medical Social Worker - Katie. Certified Recovery Mentor - Misty Kopplin 541-553-3205. Recreation - Limited Duration Bus Driver - Austin Greene 541-553- 3243. High Lookee Lodge RN Services Coordi- nator - Jolene Greene 541-553-1182. Kah-Nee-Ta projects Engineering Tech - Alyssa Macy 541-553- 3212. Natural Resouces Fisheries Biologist - Cyndi Baker 541-553- 2001. Wildlife Biologist II - Brian Cochran 541-553- 2001. Fire Management - Firefighter Engines - 8 positions - Lionel Smith 541-553-1146. Assistant Engine Op- erator - Lionel. Fish Tech I - Albert Santos 541-352-7936. Limited Duration Fish Tech I - Cyndi Baker 541- 553-3586. Public Safety Page 3 Training for supervisors and managers The War m Springs Opioid and Mental Health Initiative staff invites department super- visors and managers to join a leadership training session. This training is in partnership with Cen- tral Oregon Community College, and will be held on: November 5 and 19, December 3 and 17, and January 16. Those inter- ested are asked to attend Firefighter/Paramedic - Karla Bagley-Tias 541- 553-1634. Patrol Lieutenant - Carmen Smith 541-553- 3272. Chief of Police - Carmen. Corrections Officer - Ron Gregory 541-553- 3272. Police Officer - Jonah Moore 541-553-3272. Public Utilities Facilities mainte- nance - Limited Duration - Brent Graybael 541-553- 2466. Water/Wastewater Plant Chief Operator - Chico Holliday 541-553- 3246. Warn Springs Ventures Construction Manager five sessions. The sessions will be at the Warm Springs Emer- gency Preparedness build- ing from 1 to 5 p.m. on the above dates. The cost is free. Training content includes leadership and communica- tion skill development for department managers and program supervisors. Session 1: Managing day- to-day performance. Session 2: Hold yourself and others accountable. Session 3: Working with difficult people Session 4: Problem solving and decision making. Session 5: Team building for greater pro- ductivity. For more informa- tion or questions please contact Misty Kopplin. Her email is: misty.kopplin@wstribes.org Or call 541-615- 0036. - Laurie Danzuka 541-553- 3565. or Christine. Cage cashier (2 full- time) - Wyval Rosamilia - ext. 7737. Security officer (2 full- time) - Tim Kerr ext. 7749. Indian Head Casino The following are posi- tions advertised with the Indian Head Casino: Slot keyperson ( 3 full-time positions) - Kyle Schackmann - ext. 7724. Busser - Heather Cody - ext. 7710. Host cashier (part- time) - Heather. Line cook - Peggy Faria ext. 7726. Server (2 part-time) - Heather. Tule Grill attendant (1 full-time 1 part-time) - Alex Manzano or Chris- tine Brunoe ext. 7725. Tule Grill cook - Alex Plateau Travel Plaza The following positions are advertised with the Plateau Travel Plaza: Server (part time) - Esten Culpus, 541-777- 2817. Cashier/Fuel atten- dant - Darrell Jones - 541-777-2815. Store cashier - Darrell. Busser - Esten Culpus - 541-777-2817. Security officer - Doug Super - 541-777-2818. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, October 10 The Senior Wellness Center is having Senior lunch at noon. On the menu today: Beans and sauce. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Senior Wellness Center. There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting today at noon at the Behavioral Health Center, and a Nar- cotics Anonymous meet- ing at 6 p.m. at the Shaker Church. A reminder to those en- rolled in the Wellbriety Cel- ebrating Families class for parents only is today from 9 a.m. until noon on the third floor of the Behavior Health Center. This week’s topic is: Goal Setting and Making Healthy Choices. Friday, October 11 There is no school today in the Jefferson County 509-J district. It’s a state- wide in-service day. A senior citizen fitness class is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:45 at the Senior build- ing. After class, participants can eat brunch. Today’s meal will be basil peach chicken breast. There is a Behavior Health Walk-In Clinic today. Appointments are available between 1 and 5 p.m. The medical social workers at the clinic can help with screenings, assessments, crisis intervention and many other things for chil- dren, adolescents and adults. At the Behavioral Health Center the group ‘On Sec- ond Thought’ will be meet- ing from 10 to 11 a.m. The Jefferson County Li- brary Film Center in Madras is showing They Shall Not Grow Old , rated R, this evening. Using state of the art technology, the film maker Peter Jackson pre- sents restored and colorized archival footage of the soldiers, key events and battles of World War I. Showtime is 7:30. Films are free and refreshments are available. Learn more online at jcld.org Smith Rock State Park will host its annual Oregon Archaeology Celebration lecture series in October on Friday evenings at the park’s welcome center in Terrebonne. The talks are free and open to the public. There is a $5 day use park- ing fee. This Friday the pre- sentation is The Rock Art of Washington State with Eric Iseman. Saturday, October 12 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting this morning at 10 at the Behav- ioral Health Center. Sunday, October 13 Warm Springs Christian F ello w sh ip meets this morning at 10 at the Senior Center. The Warm Springs Bap- tist Church has Sunday School at 10, and Worship Service at 11 this morning. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Pres- byterian Church. They are open from 11:30-1:30 today. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non- perishable food or cash Monday, October 14 Senior fitness class is this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Participants are invited to eat brunch af- ter. Today they are having Teriyaki Chicken. There is Women’s Prayer Group at the Pres- byterian Church from 12:15-12:45 today. All women are welcome. It’s a late start Monday for Jefferson County 509-J schools. That means the school day starts 90 min- utes later than usual. At the Behavioral Health Center today: Women’s Talking Circle from 2 to 3 p.m.; Adolescent Sub- stance abuse education from 4 to 5 p.m.; and After- care Continuing Care from 5:30 to 6:30p.m. Tuesday, October 15 Today’s Senior Lunch at noon is Beef Stew. Seniors 60 and older eat for free, 59 and under are $5 and youth under 13 are $3 at the Se- nior Wellness Center. At the Behavioral Health Center today: Alco- holics Anonymous is from noon to 1 p.m.; Relapse Prevention is from noon to 1 p.m., Men’s Group from 1 to 2:30 p.m.; and Adult Alcohol and Drug Educa- tion is from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street in Madras. They are open for distribution this afternoon. Warm Springs Vocactional Rehab will hold an orientation ses- sion today at 3 in Behav- ioral Health Center confer- ence room. Those who cannot make it to one of the scheduled weekly ses- sions can call 541-553- 4952 to request a one-on- one orientation. There is a Warriors for Wellbriety meeting this evening at High Lookee Lodge. They have drum practice at 6:30 and the meeting is at 7:30. A reminder to those en- rolled in the Wellbriety Celebrating Families class for parents only is today from 9 a.m. until noon on the third floor of the Behavior Health Cen- ter. This week’s topic is: Healthy Boundaries. Snack Attack is Tues- days and Thursdays at the Community Center Social Hall from 3:30-5. Wednesday, October 16 A Jefferson County Vic- tims Assistance advocate comes to Warm Springs on the third Wednesday of ev- ery month at the Victims of Crime Services office lo- cated at 1108 Wasco Street. Folks can get help with things like case as- sistance, paperwork, and other resources. Appoint- ments can also be made for other times. For infor- mation call Ken Clark 541- 475-4452 or VOCS 553- 2293. There is Senior Fitness this morning at 10:45 at the Senior Center. Following class, participants can en- joy a meal. On the menu: Chicken Pesto Salad.