Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon September 11, 2019 Member Art Show at Museum T h e M u s e u m a t Wa r m Springs is accepting artwork for the 2019 Tribal Member Art Exhibit. You may submit artwork through Friday, October 4. The exhibit will open Octo- ber 24, and will run through mid January. If you have questions, please contact Natalie Kirk, museum curator and exhibits coordinator, at 541-553-3331 ext. 412. Applications are available at the museum. You may also visit: Museumatwarmsprings.org Page 5 Fall activity allowance The Johnson O’Malley Committee for Warm Springs Families is now accepting applications for the fall activity allowance. This can be for activities such as rodeo, dance, sports and camps. You can pick up an application at the Higher Education office upstairs at the Education building; or online packets can be down- loaded at the Johnson O’Malley website, see 2019 packet. The allowance for school district 509-J and South Wasco County students is: · $100 for grades 9 through 12. · $75 for grades 6 through 8. · $50 for pre-k through fifth grade. The deadline to apply is Monday, September 30. An example of the kind of Contemporary Art that will be featured at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Tribal Member Art Show: Travis Bobb’s Queen of the Amazon (right) was a winning item in the 2017 art show. Tribal Council September agenda The following are some of the items on the Tribal Council agenda for the rest of September (subject to change at Council discretion): Wednesday, September 11 – Budget presentations 9 a.m.: Human Resources with Cheryl Tom. 10: Governmental Affairs with Louie Pitt. 11: Finance with Alfred Estimo. 1:30 p.m.: Administrative Ser- vices with Michele Stacona. 2:30: Tribal Court with Lisa Lomas. 3:30: G&A, Debt Servcices, A Place for Kids, Capital Projects, Election Committee, Tribal Gath- erings with Michele and Alfred. Thursday, September 12 – Bud- get presentations 9 a.m.: Tribal Council 10:30: Council support services with Doris Miller and Norma Heath. 11:30: Sherars Brigde Commit- tee. 1:30 p.m.: Fish and Wildlife Committee—On Reservation. 2:15: Fish and Wildlife Commit- tee—Off Reservation. 3: Timber Committee. 4: Water Board. Friday, September 13 – Budget presentations 9 a.m.: Health and Welfare Committee. 9:45: Education Committee. 10:30: Land Use Committee. 11:15: Irrigation and Ag Com- mittee. 1:30 p.m.: Culture and Heritage Committee. 2:15: Warm Springs Telecom- munications with Tim York. 3: Cannabis Commission. 3:45: Museum at Warm Springs with Elizabeth Woody. Monday, September 16 – Bud- get Presentations 9 a.m.: Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Commis- sion. 9:30: TERO Office with Wendell Jim. 10:15: Gaming Commission/ Surveillance with Sandra Main and Josephine Johnson. 11: Warm Springs Timber LLC with Cal Mukumoto. 1:30: Warm Springs Ventures with Leslie Cochran and Ben Bisland. 3: Warm Springs Power Enter- prise with Jim Manion. 4: Warm Springs Composite with Jacob Coochise. Tuesday, September 17 9 a.m.: Indian Head Casino and Plateau Travel Plaza with Jeffrey Carstensen. 10:30: Warm Springs Housing Authority with Danielle Wood. 11:15: Warm Springs Credit with Lori Fuentes. 1:30 p.m.: Board appointments with Michele. 2:30-5 p.m.: Call backs. Wednesday, September 18 9 a.m.-Noon: Call backs if nec- essary. 1:30-5 p.m.: Budget wrap up with Michele and Alfred. Thursday-Friday, Septem- ber 19-20: Columbia River In- ter-Tribal Fish Commission meet- ing. Monday, September 23 9 a.m.: Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Operations Officer updates with Michele and Alyssa Macy. 10: October agenda and review minutes. 11: Draft resolutions. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative update calls. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach-Samson, Vital Stats. 3: August finacials. 3:30: 2020 Proposed Budget with Michele and Alfred. Tuesday, September 24: Warm Springs Funding Summit follow-up meeting. Wednesday, September 25 9 a.m.: Landfill update with Russell Graham and Travis Wells. 10: BPA visit with Tribal Coun- cil. 11: Public Law 102-477 Em- ployment and Training with De- partment of the Interior. 1:30 p.m.: EPA monthly lead- ership meeting. Thursday, September 26: Tribal Council tour of Mt. Hood Meadows Special use Permit area. The Sunnyside Road Grade, Relay and Pe- destrian Project is underway. Sunnyside Drive is closed from Tmsh Street to Upper Dry Creek Road. Contact Ben Bisland at 541-553-3207 if you have questions.