Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 28, 2019 Page 7 Academy parking project Dave McMechan/Spilyay During the summer school session, Warm Springs Fire Management visited with kindergarteners at the Warm Springs Academy. Fire Management gave a demonstration of fire-fighting techniques, and allowed the students to test some of the equipment, such as the spot-fire water packs. Dave McMechan/Spilyay The Warm Springs Academy is a popular place for the community during events such as student concerts and sports games. Parking has been an issue at the school: During some events people have to park along the side of the road. The school district is addressing the matter. A district work crew (above) made a new parking area in the front area of the school. Asphalt from the recent Highway 26 project was used for the paving. Health team helping eliminate bed bugs Bed bugs are a nui- sance insect: They feed on human blood, and that of other war m- blooded animals like dogs, cats, etc. The bugs are active at night, though not ex- clusively. They do not transmit disease, but they bite—causing loss of sleep—and are diffi- cult to get rid of. Bed bugs hide in mattresses, household cracks and crevices, win- dows and door frames, baseboards, etc. They can be killed by exposure to 120-degree heat for at least a minute. If an entire house is infected, though, the cost for a complete eradication can be several thousand dollars. Education and pre- vention are the best ways to keep bed bugs away, and this is the goal of the Warm Springs Bed Bug Buster Team. Team members are from War m Springs Community Health, Family Preservation, the Tribal Grow Program, and HAPPI (Health and Pre- vention Promotion Initia- tive). The team formed just this month, though indi- vidual members have been meeting and talking about the matter on and off for a year or more. There are no statistics as to the incidence of bed bugs in reservation households. An upcoming Buster Team informal survey, at the Back to School Barbecue, will give a general idea of the situation. Infor mation about bed bugs is the best way to deal with the problem, especially how not to spread the insect from one building to another. Andy they spread eas- ily, clinging to clothing and luggage; transporting from place to place by hiding in a vehicle, for instance. With this article, the Bed Bug Buster Team is beginning an education campaign. Here are some initial helpful prevention tips: Check secondhand purchases—furniture, clothing, etc.—before taking it home. Reduce clutter in home to mini- mize hiding places for bed bugs. Vacuum floors and furniture often. Cover power outlets. In- spect your home for bed bug signs. For more information on available resources, contact the Tribal Grow Program at 541-615- 0143. There will be a Memorial and Head- stone Setting on Saturday, August 31 for Urbana ‘Toto’ Ross. Meal to follow at the Brunoe property. Memorial and Setting at the Agency Cem- etery, starting at 9 a.m. New Kinco Gloves sales rep Courtesy photo Scott Kalama (left) with Darrell Jones, manager of Plateau Travel Plaza; and Kinco Gloves founder, Bruce Kindler. Family owned Kinco Gloves of Portland is pleased to announce the appointment of Scott Kalama of Warm Springs as sales representative for retail stores on the reser- vation. Kinco gloves are for sale at the Plateau Travel Plaza, Warm Springs Mar- ket, Rainbow Market, so far. Kinco is a family-owned company producing quality work gloves. They offer many styles and varieties of gloves, OSU Extension is offering a mini ses- sion on Stressing Less with Mindfulness. The session will be on Wednesday, Sep- tember 11 from 6-7 p.m. in Redmond. Learn how to give your brain a rest by prac- ticing several mindful actions. featuring solid leather, knitted shells with latex or nitrile coating, warm ther mal lining, strong Kevlar thread, water- proof PVC coating, 3M Scotchlite reflective ma- terial, and touch screen fingertips. The class is free and will be held at the Deschutes County Fairground. Learn more at extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/ events/stress-less-mindfulness-mini- session. Warm Springs Vocational Rehabilitation Program — Questions & Answers Question: What is Voca- tional Rehabilitation? Answer: Voc Rehab as- sists under-represented or underemployed eligible American Indian consumers become employed. What does a person need to do to get started in Voc Rehab? Attend a scheduled Orien- tation at Culture and Heri- tage (Education) building, or at the Behavioral Health Center. W hen ar e the scheduled Orientations? Mondays at the Culture and Heritage building at 3 p.m.; or Tuesdays at the Be- havioral Health Center at 3 p.m. What if I cannot make a scheduled Orientation? We accept ‘walk-ins’ be- tween 8 and noon, and 1 and 5 p.m. each day except for scheduled Orientation times and Wednesday mornings. What happens after Ori- entation? After Warm Springs Vo- cational Rehabilitation re- ceives a signed application, an Intake is scheduled. (Note: Intakes can take up to 2 hours to complete). Do I need to bring any- thing to my Intake appoint- ment? Yes. Please bring: You identification (tribal ID card or Oregon Driver’s License); and any health insurance card and income you are cur- rently receiving. What makes a person eli- gible for Vocational Rehabili- tation? Any medical condition is diagnosed by a medical doc- tor or specialist, and the medical condition has pre- vented a person to go to work. How long does it take to become eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation? Warm Spring Voc Rehab has 60 days after receiving a signed application to make an eligibility decision. cuss the objectives that need to be written in your Indi- vidual Plan for Employment (IPE). What age does a person need to be to become eligible for Vocational Rehabilita- tion? Warm Springs Voc Re- hab works with any feder- ally recognized American Indian tribal member (within the continental U.S.) starting at 18 years old, and living in the service delivery area. How do I become employed after my IPE is written and approved? After eligibility is deter- mined and you receive a let- ter, Consumer works with the Job Coach/Developer or Counselor to do a job search. Warm Springs Voc Rehab advocates for a job that matches Consumer’s skills, interests and abilities. What is the Service De- l i v e r y A r e a f o r Wa r m Springs Voc Rehab? All of Central Oregon— from LaPine to The Dalles—and the border of Washington State. East to Prineville, and West from NARA OutPatient down- town Portland, 15 miles. What happens after eligi- bility? Eligible recipients meets with the Counselor to dis- Can a person be working and still become eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation? Yes .If a person has a bar- rier such as: Lack of train- ing, or a person needs addi- tional assistive technology or aids to maintain their cur- rent job caused by a medi- cal condition (that may have worsened). How long is Consumer em- ployed and be considered suc- cessfully rehabilitated? Ninety days. Consumer needs to work 90 consecu- tive days in their job (of their informed choice) be- fore Warm Springs Voc Re- hab can close a Consumer successful rehabilitated. Does Warm Springs Voc Rehab work with high school students who are in the Tran- sitions Program? Warm Springs Voc Re- hab provides education and liaison services to students in the Transitions Program. We encourage parents or guardians to contact Warm Springs Voc Rehab for more information. What if I disagree with a decision after I turn in a signed application? Every person is given Cli- ent Assistant Program bro- chure at Orientation and again at Intake. What is the CAP? Client Assistance Pro- gram. Legal representatives who advocate for a Con- sumer to Warm Springs Voc Rehab to help them get the service(s) they need to be- come employed. Can I contact anyone else other than CAP if I am dis- satisfied? Yes. You can call the Warm Springs Voc Rehab director 541-553-4952. W hat is the contact in- formation for Warm Springs Voc Rehab? Voc Rehab is located at the Culture and Heri- tage building, 1110 Wasco Street. Telephone 541- 553-4952. Fax 541-553- 2522. Can I call or come into Warm Springs Voc Rehab for information only? Yes. What are the Voc Rehab hours? Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. closed from noon to 1 p.m. and legal holi- days.