Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Deschutes Bridge Work Ventures board positions Dave McMechan/Spilyay The Oregon Department of Transportation last week gave the Deschutes River Bridge a new surface. Rena Shippentower (right) was the traffic controller for the project. KWSO hostiong appreciation barbecue this Friday KWSO is hosting a com- munity barbecue this Fri- day, August 30 at the Fri- day Market area by the Warm Springs Community Action Team. The barbe- cue will be from from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The KWSO barbecue is a way to thank current KWSO members, and en- courage others to support the tribes’ community radio station, said Sue Matter, sta- tion manager. For local news and infor- mation about what’s going on in and around Warm Springs, you can listen to KWSO. You can also check out our website For listeners and those connecting online, KWSO is public media serving the War m Springs area with news and useful information, not provided by any other outlets, “because our lens is local,” Ms. Matters said. KWSO operates with funds allocated by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs, and participates in the Community Ser vice Grant program from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The station also relies on underwriting revenue from local business and support from KWSO listeners through the membership program. You can learn more and sign up for one of two membership options at The KWSO sustaining membership program allows listeners to pledge either $10 or $20 a month. Sustaining members are Action Team promoting In a Landscape concert T he Warm Springs Community Action Team will host a Hunter Noack Concert—In a Landscape—on Thurs- day, September 5, start- ing an hour before sun- set at P 600 Road, Trout Lake Road on the res- ervation. The Community Ac- tion Team is looking for vendors of all kinds for the event. (Food handler’s card required for food and drink ven- dors). Vendors and people who want to go to the concert can sign up by this Friday, August 30 at the Community Ac- tion Team office. Tribal members need to regis- ter to get free admis- sion. The Community Ac- tion Team can be reached at 541-553- 3148. The vendors con- tact is Emily Courtney. Registration contact is Dustin Seyler. In a Landscape Hunter Noack is a Classical pianist. He’s August 12, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 9:30AM by Vice Chair Lola Sohappy. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Brigette McConville, Wil- son Wewa Jr., Glendon Smith, Raymond Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah. Madeline Jim and Minnie Yahtin, Recorders. Land Use Planning Committee update. Cell tower leases up- date. FEMA declaration pro- cess. Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprises bond update. Warm Springs Ventures is the economic develop- ment enterprise of the Confederated Tribes. The Tribal Council is seeking to fill the positions on the Ventures board of directors. Here are the details: The board consists of five directors. Classifica- tion and terms of office: The board is divided into three classes, designated Class I, Class II and Class III. Class I consists of two individuals, one of whom shall be a member of the Confederated Tribes, and one of whom shall be a non-member. Terms ending December 31, 2019. Class II consists of two individuals, one member and one non-member. Terms ending December 31, 2020. Class III consists of two individuals, one member and one non-member. Terms ending December 31, 2021. Directors are eligible for reappointment. General powers: The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed and controlled by the board. Regular meetings of the board are held on the first Friday in the months of February, May, August and November. Meetings are for reviewing the preceding three months’ operations, making plans for the ensur- ing three months, operations, and the transaction of such other business as my come before the meeting. The first regular meeting in each fiscal year shall also be the annual meeting of the board. Special meetings of the board may be called by the chairperson of the board, or any three members of the board of directors. Meetings shall be held at the time and place specified by the person or persons call- ing such meeting. The board of directors shall, from time to time, determine a reasonable director’s fee and per diem to be paid to members of the board for time devoted to meetings and affairs of the corporation, comparable to director’s fees paid to directors of other publicly held corporations of similar size. The amount of such fees established by the board of directors shall be reported to the Secretary-Trea- surer not less than thirty days before they shall be- come effective. Expenses incurred in connection with performance of their official duties may be reimbursed to direc- tors. Director’s per diem and expenses shall be in an expense of Corporation. Letters of interest and resumes of applicants in- terested in serving on the Ventures board should be submitted to the following address by no later than September 6: Michele Stacona, Secretary-Treasurer/CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 Courtesy photo Hunter Noack In a Landscape concert. been inspired by the Works Progress Administration’s Federal Music Project of the Great Depression of the 1930s. He created In a Land- scape: Classical Music in the Wild. This is a summer con- cert series that celebrates both Classical music and the Oregon outdoors. Playing a Steinway grand piano on a trailer, Mr. Summaries of Tribal Council The following are summa- ries of Tribal Council from earlier in August: August 28, 2019 United States Environ- mental Protection Agency and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs leader- ship meeting. Motion by Captain to adjourn at 4:25 p.m. August 13 The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Vice Chair Lola Sohappy. Present: Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith, Jr., Lincoln Jay Suppah, and Raymond (Captain) Moody. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort Projects. FY2020 budget update. Kah-Nee-Ta update. Tribal leases update. 2020 Census update. Motion by Captain to adjourn at 3:15 p.m. Noack replaces the tradi- tional concert hall with for- ests, fields and deserts. The live classical music is transmitted to the audi- ence through wireless head- phones, which gives them freedom to wander through each landscape. Since 2016, abuot 6,000 people from every county in Oregon have attended and many thousands more have experienced it through television, radio, and digi- tal broadcasts. Forty-three guest art- ists have been featured in 47 concerts. He is working with the Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team to bring the series to res- ervation in September. Call the Action Team at 541-553-3148 for in- formation on attending, or vending. Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit background check to be com- pleted returned to Secretary-Treasurer/CEO office. Information will be submitted confidentially to the Secretary-Treasurer. Community Notes... The Native American Program Legal Aid Services of Oregon is offering free civil legal services in spe- cialized areas to eligible tribal members. The next intake clinic will be this Thursday, August 29 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Community Ac- tion Team office. Walk-ins are welcome. The phone is 541-553-3148. The War m Springs Outdoor Market is this Fri- day, August 30 next to the Community Action Team office, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The last Outdoor Market will be September 13.