Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 31, 2019, Page 6, Image 6

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
July 31, 2019
Monika Stacona to play at Green River
Congratulations to Monika Stacona for signing her Letter of Intent to play basketball with Green
River Community College in Auburn, Washington. She signed her letter on July 18.
We wish you much success in your next step in life and basketball ~ Jayson Smith.
Resolution of Tribal Council
Whereas the Treaty with
the Tribes and Bands of
Middle Oregon on June 25,
1855 secured to the Confed-
erated Tribes of the Warm
Springs Reservation of Or-
egon the right to take fish at
all usual and accustomed sta-
tions in common with citizens
of the United States, and
Willamette Falls of the
Willamette River at Oregon
City is one such treaty-re-
ser ved ‘usual and accus-
tomed’ fishing stations; and
Whereas for not less than
time immemorial War m
Springs tribal members have
harvested eels, also known
as lamprey, at Willamette
Falls, Bull Run, Sandy River,
Clackamas River, North
Santiam River, Deshutes
River, 15-Mile Creek, and
at other ‘usual and accus-
tomed’ fishing stations to use
for ceremonial, subsistence
and other purposes; and
Whereas it is important
as an exercise of sover-
eignty and to meet the con-
servation needs for the re-
source that the tribe actively
manage the eel fishery at
Willamette Falls; and
Whereas Section II J. of
the 2018-2027 United States
v. Oregon Management
Agreement, executed on
November 21, 2017 by the
Warm Springs Tribal Coun-
cil Chairman, and on Octo-
ber 31, 2017 by the Direc-
tor of the Oregon Depart-
ment of Fish and Wildlife,
YouthBuild recruiting youth
YouthBuild is recruiting
youth ages 16-24 years for
our Fall 2019 cohort start-
ing in mid October 14.
YouthBuild works with
youth who have either have
dropped out of school, or
are on the verge of being
dropped from traditional
high school.
YouthBuild members
earn their GED, high school
diploma, college credit and
job skills. The group works
on credit recovery, and serv-
ing their communities
through building affordable
Members in the program
divide their time between
classroom, field work at con-
struction sites, and leader-
ship development.
Through AmeriCorps ser-
vice at YouthBuild youth can
earn the AmeriCorps Segal
Education Award worth
$1,566 towards post-second-
ary goals.
YouthBuild requires a 12-
month commitment, along
with one year of follow-up
There will be an informa-
tion sessions starting on Au-
gust 22 at YouthBuild’s
Cloverdale location. As of
now, the only information
session will be at the
Cloverdale in Sisters.
YouthBuild is hoping to have
them elsewhere but the dates
and times have not been
scheduled yet.
Mental Toughness, the
YouthBuild orientation, be-
gins on October 14. If you
know of any youth who
may be interested and have
not been successful in a tra-
ditional high school setting,
please encourage them to
More information and a
link to the online application
online at:
You must attend one of
the information sessions to
be considered for the
YouthBuild program. Please
bring a government issued
photo ID, birth certificate
and Social Security card to
the information session: You
will need these for the pro-
Contact Katie Bauer, pro-
gram assistant, at 541-526-
Interviews will be sched-
uled shortly after informa-
tion sessions are completed.
Youth soccer with rec district
Registration for youth soccer through the Ma-
dras Aquatic Center Recreation District is open
through August 12.
This is for kids ages 4 to 14. You can register
online at:
which is an order of the
Federal District Court of
Oregon in case Civil no. 68-
513-KI requires a process
that includes discussions
between the State of Or-
egon and Warm Springs and
other party tribes each year
to establish lamprey take
(har vest)
Willamette Falls each year;
Whereas those take or
harvest levels of lamprey at
Willamette Falls are man-
aged by and through Warm
Springs tribal regulations es-
tablishing the time, place and
manner of lamprey harvest;
Whereas the State of
Oregon did not enter into the
process as required by the
United States v. Oregon Man-
agement Agreement to work
with War m Springs and
other party tribes to set the
annual take regulations, and
unilaterally declared what the
2014 Willamette Falls take
regulations would be in a let-
ter dates May 6, 2019, and
moreover said letter is rep-
resented as a ‘permit’ issued
by Oregon for lamprey har-
vest at Willamette Falls; and
Whereas the tribes’ lam-
prey harvest at Willamette
Falls is pursuant to its June
25, 1855 Treaty with the
United States, and no license,
permit or authorization of
any type by the State of Or-
egon is necessary for the
tribe’s harvest of lamprey at
Willamette Falls, and there-
fore the tribe does not ac-
knowledge or accept the pur-
ported permit offered by the
State of Oregon; and
Whereas notwithstand-
ing the State of Oregon’s
failure to adhere to the
terms of the United States
v. Oregon Management
Agreement, and while reject-
ing the May 6, 2019 letter
as a ‘permit’ or any emblem
of state regulation, the tribe
has treated the state’s time,
place and manner provisions
as its recommendations and
advice to the tribe, and those
have been considered by the
tribe in establishing the
Warm Springs tribes’ time,
place and manner conditions
of the 2019 lamprey har-
vest; and
Resolution continues on 7